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new metallica has been leaked

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  • #31
    I've only heard the first 2 songs on the new Metallica CD but they're better than anything from the Black album or since IMO


    • #32
      I'm listening to the new Metallica one now. It's pretty good, apart from the vocals. They fucking suck to a horrible extent.



      • #33
        Originally posted by blindmuddy View Post
        I've only heard the first 2 songs on the new Metallica CD but they're better than anything from the Black album or since IMO
        Through The Never and The Struggle Within are the best songs on the black album, IMO, and I don't think they've done anything better since.
        I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


        • #34
          I think it's been a GREAT year for metal so far, I have never bought so many NEW albums in a year (and it's only september).
          Testament, Martriden, Opeth, Kalmah, Oceansize, Dark Suns, Mercenary, Meshuggah, Scar Symmetry... now looking forward to the new Atheist and Abigail Williams albums coming out later this year.
          Also bought the new stuff from local bands Dark Age and Storms of Sorrows.
          Not a quiet year at all!

          New Metallica is alright, I actually expected it to be worse. But still kind of a pity, drums are just horrible and the vocals are autotuned beyond anything.


          • #35
            Originally posted by toejam View Post
            Through The Never and The Struggle Within are the best songs on the black album, IMO, and I don't think they've done anything better since.
            The first three songs on TBA are the best by miles IMO, but I'd agree they've done nothing close since.

            But this new album is pretty rocking. There's some brilliant instrumental work here, which has been sorely lacking from recent efforts.
            No, it's nowhere close to anything pre TBA, but it's still pretty good. Kirks solos sound like they're ripping off Kirk's old solos ( I dont mind that, who better to rip off than a young Kirk?), and the vocals are really shit, I mean, fucking AWFUL- but it's a pretty damn good album.
            I never thought I'd say that about a Metallica album again.

            I still won't be buying it though, the cunts still owe me for the shite that was Garage Inc and St Anger.



            • #36
              James' vocals have been pretty bad for awhile, but I thought their covers on Garage, Inc. were great! St. Anger was pretty weak, especially with its drum sound, lack of solos and their following the nu-metal trend, but I kinda liked Frantic and St. Anger, maybe one or two other songs I thought were okay.
              I'm still not sure if I'll buy this new one yet. Maybe I'll just wait until one of my cousins buys it and then copy it.
              I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


              • #37
                Originally posted by toejam View Post
                James' vocals have been pretty bad for awhile, but I thought their covers on Garage, Inc. were great! St. Anger was pretty weak, especially with its drum sound, lack of solos and their following the nu-metal trend, but I kinda liked Frantic and St. Anger, maybe one or two other songs I thought were okay.
                I'm still not sure if I'll buy this new one yet. Maybe I'll just wait until one of my cousins buys it and then copy it.
                I liked the OLD covers on Garage Inc. The new ones were shite. St Anger was worse than shite. If, in a parallel universe, shit suddenly started to smell like roses, St Anger would still smell like dead bodies. That had shit themselves. Then smeared it on their decaying corpses.
                But this new one is much better. The music is very very good. I just find the vocals to be god-fucking-awful. His crappy singing fitted Load and Reload so it wasnt that noticeable, but it just doesnt fit the new "thrashy" Metallica. His singing really sucks very badly.



                • #38
                  I leaked on the new Metalica.

                  I hope James yodels on this.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by Venomboy View Post
                    I leaked on the new Metalica.

                    I hope James yodels on this.
                    He does, pretty much, throughout the whole thing.



                    • #40
                      Couple of tracks I enjoyed, the rest I didn't care for. Thought it was kind of average-ish. There is some actual metal on there, which was rather refreshing.


                      • #41
                        I really cant say if the songs are any good. But I can say there is a hell of a lot of instrumental sections, which is always a good thing IMO.
                        They'll never be the band that made "Justice" again, but at least this is a good modern metal album.



                        • #42
                          I've listened to Death Magnetic all the way through twice now and I think it is great. I didn't sit back and nit pick every detail of the production or performances, I listened to it as a whole and thoroughly enjoyed pretty much every song on it. Hetfield is such a monster rhythm guitarist and though Kirk isn't the cleanest player in the world, his almost out of control solos work on these tunes. You really get the sense that he's just going with the moment and letting it rip. It is a solid effort to say the least. I would bet that if this was the record they released instead of say AJFA, it would be looked at as a metal classic. Timing is everything I guess... I think most people have dismissed Metallica already and aren't giving this album a fair chance. Having said that, I'm sure it will sell millions anyway.


                          • #43
                            Ive gotta say... as much as I KNEW this new album was going to suck... I was dead wrong. This is some pretty damn good shit... to hear Metallica actually releasing metal again is something Ive always wanted to witness personally, as the last good album they released was before my musical time.

                            Lars still sucks really bad, and is a major downfall of this album. But its possible to look past the dry, booring drumming. Underlying is some awesome metal riffage!
                            Last edited by RobRR; 09-04-2008, 06:52 PM. Reason: `
                            Imagine, being able to be magically whisked away to... Delaware. Hi... Im in... Delaware...


                            • #44


                              • #45
                                I listened to the album a couple of times now, and for me it has the same problem as the latest Children of Bodom album. Meaning it basically has all the right elements, but the songs lack memorability.
                                "I hate these filthy neutrals! With enemies, you know where they stand. But with neutrals... who knows? It sickens me!"

