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need your opinion....

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  • need your opinion....

    ....this might seem rather silly to some of you, but i am having a slight moral dilemma.....

    i just started seeing a cute girl. big deal, right? well, she JUST turned 20 - like 2 weeks ago. she's rather sweet and a lot of fun to be around. she's pretty smart too. the part that is causing a moral issue is that i am 34.

    i am a middle school teacher. have been for 11 or 12 years. she is young enough to have been one of my students. she never was, thankfully!!!

    BUT, i do kind of feel like a perv.

    she knows i am 34, divorced and all that other stuff. it doesn't seem to bother her at all. it doesn't really bother me too much, but i am just wondering if any of you think i am being stupid, or does my dilemma make SOME sense.

    i don't plan on NOT seeing (for the time being anyway) but the 14 year difference sort of bothers me. especially if she is going to want to "get down". hahahahahaha....

    so iwant to know, is this perverted and wrong or am i to be "high fived" for landing a young bird?!?!?!?!?!

    some guitars...WITH STRINGS!!!! most of them have those sticks like on guitar hero....AWESOME!!!!

    some amps...they have some glowing bottle like things in them...i think my amps do that modelling thing....COOL, huh?!?!?!

    and finally....

    i have those little plastic "chips" used to hit the strings...WHOA!!!!

  • #2
    My uncle is 18 YEARS older than his wife so you're good.
    "Dear Dr. Bill,
    I work with a woman who is about 5 feet tall and weighs close to 450 pounds and has more facial hair than ZZ Top." - Jack The Riffer

    "OK, we can both have Ben..joint custody. I'll have him on the weekends. We could go out in my Cobra and give people the permitting of course.." -Bill Z. Bub


    • #3
      mark, the age difference between my husband and me is 23 years. We met when I was 24. In some cases, age is honestly just a number. You are both of legal age, and if it goes somewhere, so be it. Put the #'s out of your head, and treat this like any other date, relationship, whatever.


      • #4
        You only live once dude.


        • #5
          Many, if not most, women around 18-25 are into older guys.

          I'm almost 23 so it only bothers me in the sense that you are my competition!


          • #6
            I'm 36, and I would feel a little strange dating a woman that young, too, but like Jeri said, age is just a number. As long as she's over 18, she's an adult, so you don't have to worry.
            I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


            • #7
              my dad is 15 years older than my step-mother. He's 60 now, so I guess that would make her 45. The age difference becomes less of a difference as you get older.
              Hail yesterday


              • #8
                You're a perv but then again... we all are. that age difference is cool.
                There is one thing that is troubling though. You are not being truthful.
                You mentioned that she is rather smart and sweet and fun to be around when what you actually mean is that its really fun banging young stuff.


                • #9
                  I wouldn't sweat it, man. If you two dig each other, then go for it and good luck !

                  I was in the same kinda situation about 5 years ago. At first, everything was great, but as time went by the differences that come with age got more pronounced. For example.... She turned 21 and started hitting clubs - me, I'd been there, done that.
                  I'm not afraid to bleed, but I won't do it for you.


                  • #10
                    You're not a perv. Enjoy the time for as long as it lasts.

                    My step mom was 3 years older than me. I was 18 at the time and my dad was preparing to retire from the Navy after 30 years of service.
                    First thing I told my dad was "I should be hitting that, not calling her mom."
                    She was very nice and smart and damn good looking... stayed with the old man for over 11 years.


                    • #11
                      Man ..your getting to see things on a girl before age age and gravity take there toll...again!!!! and your asking for advice??

                      fill your boots!


                      • #12
                        It's not like she's a teenager, when people are older (65 or so), it's not uncommon for a 65 year old to be with a 78 year old or what not.

                        Go for it.
                        Originally posted by horns666
                        The only thing I choke during sex is, my chicken..especially when I wanna glaze my wife's buns.


                        • #13
                          your way is the only way
                          "There is nothing more fearful than imagination without taste" - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

                          "To be stupid, selfish and have good health are three requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, all is lost" - Gustave Flaubert


                          • #14
                            Mark, WTF, That's awesome!!

                            But watch out for the "young and dumb" syndrome if you're serious about her. Because you could be going thru the same silly bullcrap you did when you were 20 all over again...maybe.

                            It all depends on her maturity.
                            "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
                            Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

                            "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


                            • #15

                              I'm 50, she's 26. Enjoy the ride!

