Wow..WTF???!!..I fuggin' found a copy at Half Priced books. How did that happen..Silent Call ..On Escape..I like that label.

How could I pass it up when its in my face like that. Did the label send out promos..they had to!!

I live in Cleveland West Park area..the only nice Cleveland area (Copland) . I bought a Double English tudor and converted into a huge's all gothic and kick ass and shit..
I can't believe I found a copy...can't wait to hear it later, when my family goes to bed.

How could I pass it up when its in my face like that. Did the label send out promos..they had to!!

I live in Cleveland West Park area..the only nice Cleveland area (Copland) . I bought a Double English tudor and converted into a huge's all gothic and kick ass and shit..
I can't believe I found a copy...can't wait to hear it later, when my family goes to bed.
