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Fuel Saver...WTF?!

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  • #16
    This reminds me of the little tornado thingy you stick in the air intake of your carborator that was supposed to spin the air to get a cleaner burn. That thing was all over late nite TV for a while. That thing was the biggest scam. If you believed for one second that the air was still spinning by the time it went through you carborator, through the intake manifold, and then into the piston under compression, then I got a bridge I will sell ya.......


    • #17
      And they got away with it.
      Just one more guitar!


      • #18
        I installed one of those hydrogen thingies, one of them turbo air swirler things in the intake gizmo, and added slick 50.

        I now get such good milage that I actually have to drain the gas from my tank every three days.

        "Wow,... that was some of the hardest rockin ever. Hardest to listen too."


        • #19
          Slick 50 works well on your guitar strings as well.


          • #20
            Originally posted by OnlineStageGear View Post
            This reminds me of the little tornado thingy you stick in the air intake of your carborator that was supposed to spin the air to get a cleaner burn. That thing was all over late nite TV for a while. That thing was the biggest scam. If you believed for one second that the air was still spinning by the time it went through you carborator, through the intake manifold, and then into the piston under compression, then I got a bridge I will sell ya.......
            I saw a commercial for that thing recently and they've started marketing it for commercial fleet vehicles now as well.

            There may be some benefit from these on carbureted motors, but certainly not on injected engines. When the spinning air hits the MAS/MAF/MAFS sensor the "tornado effect" is going to be interrupted, then there's the rest of the bends and bumps in the inlet tube between the sensor and the intake. From what I've read some intake manifolds are already designed to rotate the air within the manifold to help increase efficiency, thus making the tornado thingy completely pointless.

            I guess if you were to put one of these things after the sensor with a smooth straight tube right before the intake manifold then you might see some benefit, unless of course the manifold spins the air in the opposite direction, again making this thing pointless.

            Regardless there's a lot of "IFs" and "Mights" involved with this product and most require more than just sticking it in the intake tube and closing the hood.

            '04 Jackson SL1 - Flametop Cabo Blue Trans Burst
            '94 Charvel Predator - Fire Crackle
            '77 Ibanez LP Custom Copy - Black
            VOX AD30VT

