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Text Messaging and Driving

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  • #31
    Originally posted by StukaJU87 View Post
    Holy crap. I just saw on the news that the train driver in Cali was texting while operating a train.

    How many accidents have to happen and how many people have to die before we wake up? This is crazy.

    You know, I hate f'n cell phones. Don't get me wrong. I have one, but anyone who knows me knows how much I despise even talking on one. For me, it is strictly a convenience thing in case of a car breakdown or emergency like that.

    I had my text msg feature turned off by Verizon months ago because of spam and the stupid shit people felt the need to send me, just because they can.

    I drive 26 miles each way to my job and the amount of people I witness with that little f'n piece of crap in their hands astounds me. As much as I hate the big brother thing, I believe that the use of these devices in vehicles AT ALL, should be banned unless pulled over or parked.

    Sorry for the little rant and this IS NOT intended as any kind of personal attack on anyone here or their driving habits. Carry on.


    I hate phones period, but cell phones and blackberries all that crap, bluetooth cyborg much could you possibly have to say at every moment ..STFU.
    See some hot chick and she's staring down at this thing, have to near smack it out of her hands,...Opps!, sorry aww looks like it's broke, hey wanna get a drink?
    I have to have a cell for work, so i got one for 39 bucks and it cost me 16 bucks and some change a month to use, my own family doesn't call me because i'm like, "Hello,...WHat,...spit it out, yeah sure whatever, i gotta go i only have so many minut...yeah ok, yep bye, see you this weekend


    • #32
      Originally posted by Spivonious View Post

      What I never understood is why spend the time to text when you can call the person and just tell them what you want to say?
      It takes twice as long to frickin type the message makes no since. I would rather talk to the person.


      • #33
        What is the saddest thing ever is you can pay $1.99 per message for text-sex. I really have a hard time believing people are actually doing it, but I saw a commercial for it.



        • #34
          Originally posted by thetroy View Post
          Works out better than saying "g2g i just crashed LOL"
          Haha ftw


          • #35
            Originally posted by thetroy View Post
            I really don't think that many people are in prison because of laws that are unique to any particular state.

            Aren't more people in jail for drugs than anything else, anyway?
            In my county right now over 60% are in there for Domestic Violence, DUI and driving on suspended liscences. The driving misdemeanors keep the prisons full based on parole and probation violations. Stats usually state the initial crime someone was incarcerated for. You have to look at the bigger picture. Its all these stupid laws that can keep people trapped in the system.


            • #36
              Yeah I just meant most of that is the same or at least very similar in every state.

              Last I did any checking, something like 2/3 of the prison population were non-violent offenders. I'm not sure if DUI counts as "violent" - it probably doesn't but ought to.


              • #37
                texting and driving . its as bad as drink driving in my view
                "Oh please, please dress as my sexy dead wife!" -


                • #38
                  I didn't read all of the posts in this thread, but I personally have been in 2 accidents with Women driving while on cell phones, rear ending my car, and have been in a few situations where I was uncomfortable to have a person behind me while on thier cell phone, so I made it quite clear though fits of road rage that they should pay a-fucking- tention to driving.

                  I think cell phones should be fucking banned banned banned in cars unless there is an emergency, but otherwise there is no fucking excuse for twats to be on their phones while driving, it fuckin BOILS my Blood beyond all inconsiderate acts and I really think there is no excuse. I've also noticed in my area alot of police officers on thier cell phones while driving, Last night near a major intersection I was waiting for the light to turn green, I don't turn right on red lights at this intersection because it's so unpredictable, and sure enough a cop came skidding to a stop halfway through the intersection while on his godamn cell phone and just about took me out, I fuckin slowed down and waitid for him to catch up to me and asked him what his deal was at the next stop light, he didn't like it very much and probably could have made some shit up to arrest me, but he knew he was in the wrong, fuckin idiot *no offence to cops, just this one*

                  anyhow my cell phone stays in the glove box, and is OFF, I wish I could get rid of the damn thing, and just might since the excuse why I keep it in the first place is lame.

                  let me tell you, the next person who hits my car or even comes close to hitting me while on thier cell phone will have to use a special in-ass dialing device because its gunna be so far up there that they can receive calls with thier fuckin tonsils!


                  sorry had to get that off my chest



                  • #39
                    I never sent a text message in my life..or will!

                    Text message my pud..and tell it..I wuv U!
                    "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
                    Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

                    "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


                    • #40
                      Some Cops can, talk on the phone, answer their radio, type a letter to Santa, do cross word puzzles, eat a submarine sandwich, jerk off, play guitar hero, drink Jack Daniels and roll a joint while chasing a perp at 120MPH...Most civilians can't chew gum and walk without falling on their ass.
                      "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
                      Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

                      "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


                      • #41



                        • #42
                          That's perfect SG

                          fuck I want to buy one fo those!

                          and Bill, I fully understand that Cops are well equipped to drive, but just because they can doesn't mean they should, if that cop had of side swiped me, I would have been just as pissed off as if it were a soccer mom or a fuckin old blind bastard!

                          I just think all that shit should be taken away from drivers, I mean there are enough distractions as it is, fuckin knock it off with adding that shit

                          s'all I'm sayin



                          • #43
                            Today I was driving running some errans and what did I see? Two different cops from two different cities BS'ing on their cell phones.

                            I really dont care that they do but my problem is if I do it I will get pulled over and ticketed. This is the huge problem for me. In California we have a class of people that can Carry weapons and talk on the cell phones in their cars but I cant?

                            I have a clean record and should be able to carry a gun and talk while driving if I chose to.

                            Alot of you guys need to get out of this "Banning" mentality its not good for you or this country. If you are Canadian its cool, you guys can ban and socialize all the crap you want.


                            • #44
                              How do you know they were BS'ing on their cell phones? I recently talked to a detective friend of mine and he said that cell phone reception is much better than radio reception. Cell phone usage also frees up radio dispatch.

                              "I really dont care that they do but my problem is if I do it I will get pulled over and ticketed. This is the huge problem for me. In California we have a class of people that can Carry weapons and talk on the cell phones in their cars but I cant?"

                              Which is it?


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by SEEGERMANY View Post
                                How do you know they were BS'ing on their cell phones? I recently talked to a detective friend of mine and he said that cell phone reception is much better than radio reception. Cell phone usage also frees up radio dispatch.

                                "I really dont care that they do but my problem is if I do it I will get pulled over and ticketed. This is the huge problem for me. In California we have a class of people that can Carry weapons and talk on the cell phones in their cars but I cant?"

                                Which is it?
                                My point is I have a problem with cops being able to do things I cant legally. There was never a seconday bill of rights written for LEOs and .mil people.

                                Yes cops do use cell phones for police business as well as BS'ing with their wives, buddies etc. I might need to use the phone for an emergency also while driving without having to be stopped to explain myself. I dont care that they do it as long as I am afforded the same "privlege"(Should be a right). See my problem is that the police are afforded more rights or "privleges"(for you brainwashed big .gov types) than me a US Citizen. I am not a Subject I am a Citizen big difference.

