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Scam or just a weird guy?

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  • Scam or just a weird guy?

    So I have something for sale on craigslist and I get the following response:

    Hello there, i saw your AD and decieded to contact you to know if the
    item is still up for sale. Get back to me as soon as you can if it is
    so we know what next to do.
    Hope to hear from you soon.

    I said sure it's still available and he responds with this:

    Cool, i would love to pay for this item asap. I can have a certified
    cashiers check issued out to u. If this is cool with u do get back to
    me with the name and address you want the check written out to. The
    check will be written out in excess, the reason is because my shipper
    will handle the shipment for me, so when u have the check take it to
    ur bank and have it cashed, deduct your charges and u will help send
    the remainder to my shipping agent,so he can take a positive step abt
    shipping the item from ur place..thanks.

    As I understand it, the worst that can happen is I end up with a bad cashier's check but still have my item. The only downside is I lose some time and someone has my name and address.

    Is there something I'm missing making this a scam or is this guy just bizarre?

  • #2
    He never mentioned WHAT is he buying from you...beware.


    • #3
      Had those scam checks as well...I'd tell him to pack sand..


      • #4
        Originally posted by Nazgul View Post
        He never mentioned WHAT is he buying from you...beware.
        Yeah that is when I usually assume a scam.

        But even if he sends a bogus check, I'm not sending the item until I have cash anyway so as far as I can tell I can only be wasting time.

        I just replied with my phone number to call me - we'll see what happens.


        • #5
          It's a scam.


          • #6
            100% scam. Those are the worst since you would be out that item plus the excess that would come out of your pocket to cover.


            • #7
              yep, scam.


              • #8
                haha, dude refuses to call and makes up some shit.

                I figured scam but gave him the benefit of the doubt.

                no phone call = no sale


                • #9
                  I always cling to hope that stuff like that is just an old guy who doesn't know how stuff goes on the internet. Usually it's just scammers, but one time it was a legit buyer complete with weird terms and crappy typing. Guy was a pastor down in FL who played guitar. He even sent me a "Get Out Of Hell Free" card modeled after the Monopoly jail version. It was awesome!


                  • #10
                    Just tell him you only accept US Post Office money orders. If he won't do that, then tell him to take a flying leap.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by thetroy View Post
                      The check will be written out in excess, the reason is because my shipper will handle the shipment for me, so when u have the check take it to ur bank and have it cashed, deduct your charges and u will help send the remainder to my shipping agent,so he can take a positive step abt shipping the item from ur place..thanks.
                      Any time someone says there's a third-party shipper/agent or a check written out in excess, it's a scam. Tell him to fuck off.
                      I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


                      • #12
                        yup scam. had the same message a few times. i always respond with a "at night not last night" and never hear back.


                        • #13
                          I wouldn't even want him having your address if I were you....that's crazy. It's a scam for sure.


                          • #14
                            Textbook scam.
                            You took too much, man. Too much. Too much.


                            • #15


