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Not a good time in my life (warning - emo thread!)

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  • #46
    Yes, texas doesnt fuck around for sure... 4 DUIs... Ouch... That's a beautiful thing...

    Mine would have and did have a great easy life with me. Traded for her jealous GFs and some cocaine fun that turned into a nightmare. She's tried to come home a hundred times.. hehe.... Yeah... riiiiiight...

    Nonetheless, many thanks "for" re-enlisting and helping keep us safe that much longer.


    • #47
      Originally posted by drockilles View Post
      I don't wish death on my ex. There are punishments far worse that I'd love her to suffer. The night she almost smashed my KE-1, holy shit. If she had gone through with that, she'd still be tied up like Alex in "A Clockwork Orange" watching me pull an Ed Gein on her family.

      That could get her a NICE beating ,easily.
      I wish my hair-color was EDS :/


      • #48
        Originally posted by Jacksons Shred View Post
        Dude, she tried to smash your KE-1?

        Fuck that. I wish death upon your ex.



        • #49
          My last girlfriend (we're both 19) is married to this guy who introduced her to hard drugs (opiate derivatives: heroin, oxycotin, roxycotin, etc.) at the age of 16-17 (they married when she was 18, the guy is like 22). Until then, she had just been smoking pot and doing cocaine, tops. Long story short, he ruined her life. Her addiction costed her $30,000 (that she made herself while working in a bio lab because she's a clever girl) and a few visits to institutions for juveniles, one visit even to a place for genuine psychos so she could be restrained when she was high out of her mind.

          The only drugs I do are pot, and I had a brief stint with cocaine this summer, but got off it quickly because although its wonderful stuff, that shit is scary addictive and expensive. I'm a stable, open-minded person with ambitions and I think that's what attracted her to me in the first place, because she must have felt that I wouldn't blow her off immediately as soon as she started telling me about the more fucked up aspects about her life. Long story short we had a cute little relationship last semester, and she was my first lay too. I was 18 and she was married. That'll be something to tell the kids

          Anyway, she saw her husband for two weeks this sumer and dumped me in favor of him about a month ago at the beginning of this semester (I'm a second year in college), saying she wanted to give her marriage a fair chance. I was devastated, but agreed to stay friends with her. Now couple days ago she calls and tells me - again - how her husband has been screwing up, losing himself into drugs, and that she thinks her marriage was a mistake. Bla bla bla. She admits she screwed up, shouldn't have dumped me, and yet doesn't even have the balls to outright say that she wants me back. I spoke up and said I choose not to love her as long as she's married because of what she put me through last time I actually loved her. No point dedicating oneself emotionally to someone who can't give it back. Now I find myself hanging out with her again and the old fire is coming back, and I hate it, I can't understand what it is about her that makes me lose control and feel so helpless about my emotions.

          Girls are fucked up man, that's all I can say. Take it from a youngster like myself - it doesn't matter how old you are, the crap we have to go through for them is always the same.


          • #50
            I hate women.....but, I looooooove pussy!!! So you see my internal conflict here. Women are c#$ts. No exceptions. This is includes my mother. They always blame men for cheating on them. The truth of the matter is, for a man to cheat, a woman had to give us the desire and the option ( read: open her legs. ). Simply put, if women were so eager to give up the pussy to married men, they wouldn't cheat. And here is the kicker: Most of those women are married themselves.

            Take my wife for example. Due to her upbringing with her parents, I thought it was someone I could trust with my life. The C%nt tells me she is going to stay the weekend with her mom and dad. Instead, she is staying with an ex-boyfriend that popped into town for busines. She claims nothing happened, but, I am a guy...if you are lying to your man about where you are out so you can spend the weekend with me.....we are most definately fuckin!!!

            On top of this, she quit taking her birth control pills on purpose , without telling me, just to get pregnant.

            1:I don't remember having sex during this time frame. Not saying I didn't, but, I don't remember it.

            2: If it is mine, she took the joy and excitement out of the pregnancy because of her fucking around..... she is another typical C%nt!!

            3: If it is mine, I feel like I have been slighted as I was never given the choice. She never brought me into the conversation, however, her and her friends ( read: C*nts in a meeting ) thought it would be great. Fuck me..... why should I be involved in a life altering decision that reflects upon me.

            4: I am praying to GOD....if there is a GOD.....that this little bastard child is NOT mine. I can make like a gay trucker..... pack my shit and move on down the road.

            " I do not pay women for sex. I pay for them to leave after the sex ". -Wise words of Charlie Sheen


            • #51
              Originally posted by toejam View Post
              I hate my ex-wife with a passion and hope she dies.
              Joe, if I had a dollar everytime I've said and thought the same thing, I'd make Donald Trump look poor! It takes time for a wound like this to heal, but it eventually does. It takes a little longer when kids are involved, but the hatred eventually dissolves. I don't wish for many things, but I'd sure like to have back the time I spent angry and full of hate over someone who was no longer a part of my life.


              • #52
                I hear ya, Mark. I don't hate much, but when I do, I don't like to waste it. It's not wasted on that bitch.
                And, thankfully, I've got no kids.
                I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


                • #53
                  Originally posted by toejam View Post
                  I hear ya, Mark. I don't hate much, but when I do, I don't like to waste it. It's not wasted on that bitch.
                  And, thankfully, I've got no kids.

                  But you will, my friend. You will.

                  When I come to the US for my master's degree( my B.S(no,not bullshit) is still 3 years ahead ) I'll find you a hot college girl and make her sign a slavery agreement with you, which we call marriage. Then you'll live happily after. No need to thank.
                  I wish my hair-color was EDS :/


                  • #54
                    LOL Sounds good. :ROTF:
                    I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.

