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True metal vs trends

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  • Ben...
    Originally posted by thetroy View Post
    Hated for reasons I cannot explain,
    I can:
    -they're famous because of a video game
    -All of their songs sound the same
    -they can't play live
    -the only thing in tune live is the keyboard
    -They don't have sweet Italian accents like the dudes they copied.

    That reason enough?

    Edit: I put them in the trend category.
    Last edited by Ben...; 09-22-2008, 10:16 PM.

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  • thetroy
    Hated for reasons I cannot explain, these guys are just fun to listen to:

    Lyrics: Burning fires burning lives on the long distant roadsThrough the lost mountains endless so far away from homeCrossing battles savage seas towards the...

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  • Ben...
    Originally posted by VitaminG View Post
    Ben, check out Ark. Tore Ostby from Conception on guitars, Jorn on vox, Randy Coven on bass. Really good shit.

    I RUUULLLLLEEEE! Check out the new live album/dvd. Fuckin' smokin'!!!
    I'll have to check them out when I have some free time.

    And yes, I Rule is amazing.

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  • Aaronharmon
    Originally posted by m2pmd70 View Post
    Wikipedia seems to agree with the history/definition of the term "metal" as I've always understood it.

    I've never really understood the whole need to over-classify music and pigeonhole bands. The dizzying array of subgenres is ridiculous. If you like it listen to it. If not turn it off.


    Metal vs. non-metal:

    What do you mean? You don't like Post-punk Emo Indy Rock?

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  • VitaminG
    Originally posted by Ben... View Post
    Conception: Pretty sweet from what I've heard so far. Plus it's got Roy from Kamelot so that's a bonus.

    Masterplan: Listened to them a little. Jorn's a beast.
    Ben, check out Ark. Tore Ostby from Conception on guitars, Jorn on vox, Randy Coven on bass. Really good shit.

    Tarot: Only heard "Suffer Our Pleasures". Really high quality band.
    I RUUULLLLLEEEE! Check out the new live album/dvd. Fuckin' smokin'!!!

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  • horns666
    replied go boyeeeee.....

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  • horns666
    Actually most formulas remained the same in metal..just the timing and production changed. Take a song like "Holy Diver" and add double kicks and blast beats..and if you wanna get real crazy..death vox. There, that's metal then and now.

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  • Ben...
    Hmm... I'll create a list of bands I'm currently listening to that I consider to be metal:

    Blind Guardian: Only got to listen to "And Then There was Silence" so far. Seems like metal to me.

    Blotted Science: Technical instrumental mumbo-jumbo that's crazy good.

    Conception: Pretty sweet from what I've heard so far. Plus it's got Roy from Kamelot so that's a bonus.

    Crystal Eyes: Power metal but metal in my books. Early stuffs great and the later stuff has Daniel Heiman on vocals.

    Ensiferum: *Ahem* PREEEEEEEOOOOOOOWWWW!!! Great band. Viking metal with power metal influences. The album "Iron" is a masterpiece in my mind. And they had Jari Maenpaa (sorry I can't do umlauts) who also did Wintersun!

    Eternal Tears of Sorrow: Recently recommended to me by Bill. Pretty amazing band from the one album I've heard. I especially like the song "Autumn Grief".

    Hammerfall: Only listened to wee-little bit of these dudes so far. They seem pretty okay.

    Heed: Another Bill-recommended band. The guitars and all that are decent but Daniel Heiman takes the cake for vocals.

    Kalmah: The first melodeath band I got into. I quite like the album "The Black Waltz" along with their new album "For The Revolution".

    Kamelot: Oh, Roy Khan, can you do any wrong? Truly awesome band with some amazing vocals.

    Korpiklaani: I can only listen to these guys a bit. Only when I'm in the mood, otherwise they're just strange.

    Lost Horizon: (See: Greatest Band of All Time) My current favourite band. Daniel Heiman on vocals and 5 pages of thank-you's in the booklet for "Awakening the World".

    Masterplan: Listened to them a little. Jorn's a beast.

    Nevermore: good band to say the least...

    Outworld: They're okay. The vocals are meh but the guitar's good.

    Rhapsody(Of Fire): Take Dragonforce, subtract the suck, add sweet symphonic stuff and add heavy Italian accents and you get these guys.

    Skyfire: Another Bill recommended band. the vocals are rubbish but everything else is good.

    Sonata Arctica: A good band so far. I really like Ecliptica.

    Tarot: Only heard "Suffer Our Pleasures". Really high quality band.

    Therion: Amazing band recommended by Bill. Tuna 1613 is possibly the best song ever though all of them are awesome. "The Wings of The Hydra" also sticks out as a favourite.

    Wintersun: Jari at his finest. The whole album is amazing. 'Winter Madness" and "Death and the Healing" are a couple of my favourite songs.
    Last edited by Ben...; 09-22-2008, 09:44 PM.

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  • Spivonious
    Originally posted by khabibissell View Post
    Wouldn't bands like AC/DC and Motorhead be considered metal then? They have (or had) alot of attitude in their day.
    See, that's why I add in the "focus on guitar and drum skills" to my definition of metal. Attitude can only take you so far.

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  • horns666
    Originally posted by Spivonious View Post
    If he says Soilwork are metal, then the Haunted have to be.
    Of course..both are part of a HUGE continuum of At The Gates. Unfortunately trendy Emo-Screamo-Core wouldn't exist without those bands, including KSE..who openly admit that many times!

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  • khabibissell
    Originally posted by joelayres View Post
    Metal is an attitude.
    And Black Sabbath are without a doubt the Godfathers of Metal.
    Wouldn't bands like AC/DC and Motorhead be considered metal then? They have (or had) alot of attitude in their day.

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  • horns666
    You guys keep talkin'..I'm gonna keep doing what I'm doin' . I have lots of trends and metal ground to cover. This is going to be a very long thread..its my gift to you!

    The Darkness..yeah, I just happened to come by that. They were huge for a year then poofed. My singer loved them..I took them as a gifted novelty.

    I'm havin' fun..

    Bye..its pizza time!

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  • Spivonious
    If he says Soilwork are metal, then the Haunted have to be.

    And man, I never realized how much John Williams ripped off Holst for the Star Wars music.
    Last edited by Spivonious; 09-22-2008, 09:15 PM.

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  • joelayres
    Originally posted by khabibissell View Post
    what exactly makes a band "metal"? I'd like to know...
    Metal is an attitude.
    And Black Sabbath are without a doubt the Godfathers of Metal.

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    Now Bill, don't make too much fun of me, but I do own one CD that will make you want to have sex with the tailpipe on a Suburban. Matter of fact, it was a gift from one of my son's friends. It's The Haunted - The Haunted Made Me Do It. I'm not sure how you would categorize this CD.

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