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True metal vs trends

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  • thetroy
    Holst = Metal

    Even Michael Romeo thinks so!

    Part 1 of track 8 from the Title track Divine Wings of Tragedy.Part II: III:

    Part 2 of track 8 from the title track Divine wings of Tragedy.Part I: III:

    Last edited by thetroy; 09-22-2008, 09:03 PM.

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  • metalchurch79
    Primal Fear, they're one of my fav bands ever! I love em!!

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  • khabibissell
    Since we are having this discussion, what exactly makes a band "metal"? I'd like to know... When is a band that considered "metal" at one time turned into a trend? Like it or not "Nu - Metal" is the combining of two words: new+metal. Neat huh?

    Also, every form of music we listen to know evolved from something else, so to say Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath, or Judas Priest wasn't metal isn't really correct is it? Though you can look back and say the first couple of albums are bluesy, or whatever, the fact is that for the time period that was some pretty heavy shit. You can't really look back with modern eyes and discount the old stuff. Sure it is classic rock now, but back then, it wasn't.

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  • thetroy
    Originally posted by horns666 View Post
    No way dude, The Darkness "Permission To Land" is a GREAT rock and roll album. Not metal by any means, but good music nonetheless. I think their lead singer/guitarist got Axl Rose syndrome or something, otherwise they'd still be going strong.

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  • åron
    So far, the trend examples have varied mediocre music (the proggy bits not too complicated, the groovey bits kinda stiff, the catchy bits... not that memorable). Definitely one thing in common they all have is seemingly non-musician dbag vocalists with the worst rhythmic sense or the worst melodic sense, take your pick. Still as bad as they are, I think they mostly still fall under the metal umbrella, as I understand it. These bands cited didn't just follow trends, they ruined them, ran them into the fuggen ground. Still...

    This reminds me of seeing Carcass last Friday at the Grand Ballroom, and hearing people debating their metal worthiness. I don't think I have to tell you how good and how fuckingheavymetal those lads are. Simply devastating. If you missed it, you really missed out. They got the chops, they got the riffs. Go if you can.
    Let's use the openers for that show as a case study.
    Aborted - They opened and definitely seemed to be in the ballpark. Kinda trendy, but not terrible. Open for meaningless internet debate.
    1349 - Black metal. Trend? Still metal? Seemed metal enough. Guitar and bass tone weren't my taste. Vocalist was.
    Suffocation - Metal, no doubt. Always anti-trend.

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  • horns666


    EDIT:..In my haste I went with novelty instead of trend..The Darkness ain't no I had to replace it with somethin' else.

    Its OK, its early in the game and I'm playin' it "safe" for those who think all new metal is "grunt" vocals"..there's a theme I'm kinda going with here...on the fly. I put Thrice in for the Trend because that's what they are.
    Last edited by horns666; 09-23-2008, 07:56 AM.

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  • thetroy
    Epicus Doomicus Metallicus!

    I have to say I like the older Candlemass stuff better though:

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  • horns666


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  • horns666


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  • Spivonious
    People often ask me what makes something metal and for the longest time I had trouble explaining it. They'd play me some Puddle of Mudd and say "this is metal, right?" I'd just shake my head.

    If we're trying to define metal, I've always thought that it was rock with attitude and a focus on guitar and drumming technique. This covers all of the subgenres in metal. It also easily explains why AC/DC is not metal, no matter how hard Jack Black tries to tell us they are.

    Videos so far (I'll edit as I go)
    Limp Bizkit - yeah they were the trendiest of the trendy. I remember all the douchebags wore the red Yankees cap

    Evergrey - never really got into them, even though I should like them being a huge Symphony X fan. I think it's because on the album I heard all the songs sounded the same. Definitely metal though.

    Bullet for My Valentine - gay name, gay lyrics, gay video, but the music was good. Plus he's playing a Rhoads, and they have guitar solos. Trendy now yes, but if they're still around in 5 years, I'd push them into the "true" category.

    Nevermore - well, duh!

    As I Lay Dying - cool book, trendy band

    Firewind - I'm gonna say not metal here. They'd fit a lot better in the 80s hair band scene.

    Bring Me the Horizon - holy crap they suck. Definitely trying to latch onto the current trends.

    Soilwork - I remember when they first came out and they totally sounded like every other Swedish band at that time. Metal yes, but definitely a product of trendiness.

    Slipknot - total trend band

    Biomechanical - total Pantera ripoff with Tim Owens on vocals? Definitely metal though.

    Sworn Enemy - not a trend, not metal. Just a regular old hardcore band.

    Symphony X - metal, duh

    Bleeding Through - total trend band...kind of ripping off Bullet for My Valentine but without the cool guitar parts.

    Arch Enemy - never got into them either, but definitely metal. Total metal attitude.

    Korn - total trend. I am so glad the rap metal trend is over.

    Candlemass - awesome doom metal band. Again, attitude rules here.

    P.O.D. - rap metal again. Apparently Christian though.

    Carnivora - eh, sounds like a ton of other bands. Not trendy though.

    The Darkness - awesomely fun rock band. Totally anti-trendy too. Kind of confused why they're listed as Trend. Definitely not metal.

    Synergy/Sinergy - is that Alexi Laiho? Fun metal.
    Last edited by Spivonious; 09-22-2008, 08:50 PM.

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  • eddie_van_earache
    Iron Maiden. No trend. Just a 3rd guy playing guitar. Its like a 3rd nut in a 2 nut sack only more itchy and sweaty - - - > irritating.

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  • thetroy
    Was the "Biomechanical" clip supposed to be filed under "METAL" or are you just trying to keep us on our toes?

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  • horns666


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  • horns666
    Originally posted by m2pmd70 View Post
    The Growling Fucktards... sweet band name, thanks Bill. lol
    ..I didn't think of it..till you just said it..

    I like it!

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  • horns666


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