So far, the trend examples have varied mediocre music (the proggy bits not too complicated, the groovey bits kinda stiff, the catchy bits... not that memorable). Definitely one thing in common they all have is seemingly non-musician dbag vocalists with the worst rhythmic sense or the worst melodic sense, take your pick. Still as bad as they are, I think they mostly still fall under the metal umbrella, as I understand it. These bands cited didn't just follow trends, they ruined them, ran them into the fuggen ground. Still...
This reminds me of seeing Carcass last Friday at the Grand Ballroom, and hearing people debating their metal worthiness. I don't think I have to tell you how good and how fuckingheavymetal those lads are. Simply devastating. If you missed it, you really missed out. They got the chops, they got the riffs. Go if you can.
Let's use the openers for that show as a case study.
Aborted - They opened and definitely seemed to be in the ballpark. Kinda trendy, but not terrible. Open for meaningless internet debate.
1349 - Black metal. Trend? Still metal? Seemed metal enough. Guitar and bass tone weren't my taste. Vocalist was.
Suffocation - Metal, no doubt. Always anti-trend.
This reminds me of seeing Carcass last Friday at the Grand Ballroom, and hearing people debating their metal worthiness. I don't think I have to tell you how good and how fuckingheavymetal those lads are. Simply devastating. If you missed it, you really missed out. They got the chops, they got the riffs. Go if you can.
Let's use the openers for that show as a case study.

Aborted - They opened and definitely seemed to be in the ballpark. Kinda trendy, but not terrible. Open for meaningless internet debate.
1349 - Black metal. Trend? Still metal? Seemed metal enough. Guitar and bass tone weren't my taste. Vocalist was.
Suffocation - Metal, no doubt. Always anti-trend.