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True metal vs trends

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  • lol then why complain about them? Unless that is your complaint.

    The vocals are definitely more "Operatic" than most bands - are you not an opera fan?



      **EDIT** Better link for Independent.
      Last edited by khabibissell; 09-23-2008, 10:48 PM.


      • Originally posted by thetroy View Post
        lol then why complain about them? Unless that is your complaint.

        The vocals are definitely more "Operatic" than most bands - are you not an opera fan?
        That is my complaint, as well as the delivery. It just comes off too dramatic to me... that's probably the idea, but it feels forced or something.

        No, I'm not an opera guy. If I'm going to listen to anything with a "classical" slant, it would be solo piano and guitar pieces. I do like some Nightwish tunes, which have a similar feel to what Therion is doing.

        Yeah, I know... I'm kinda closed minded haha.
        Last edited by khabibissell; 09-23-2008, 10:46 PM.


        • Comment

          • You guys might think this is trendy, but I really dig this whole CD.

            Great shredding on this one IMO


            • The first 3 (or 4 depending on who you ask) CoB albums kick ass. Follow The Reaper in particular is fantastic!

              And yeah Therion is not for everyone, that's cool. I like them in small doses much the same way I can only take screamy and growly vocals in small doses.


              • Originally posted by thetroy View Post
                The first 3 (or 4 depending on who you ask) CoB albums kick ass. Follow The Reaper in particular is fantastic!

                And yeah Therion is not for everyone, that's cool. I like them in small doses much the same way I can only take screamy and growly vocals in small doses.
                I've seen Bodom twice (once at Harpos and at Gigantour). They were great both times.


                • This is good stuff too...

                  Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.


                  • Rollin old school!

                    This brings back some memories

                    Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.


                    • I could never get into Bodom. I'd rather hear Alexi & Roope's playing in Sinergy. Plus they had Marco Hietala for a while too!
                      Hail yesterday


                      • THIS is metal to me.

                        and this

                        and this is the 70's melodic metal that I grew up on and that really did it - once I heard this stuff I was rock forever
                        Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.
                        the guitar players look damaged - they've been outcasts all their lives


                        • Originally posted by VitaminG View Post
                          I could never get into Bodom. I'd rather hear Alexi & Roope's playing in Sinergy. Plus they had Marco Hietala for a while too!
                          Sinergy is way better than Bodom but I still like the first few Bodom albums.


                          • Okay

                            I've been metal since the day I was shot out so I think I have a good grasp on things.

                            I want to point out one thing, that has bugged me since 4 or so pages back, some dude mentioned that Biomechanical sounded like Pantera? *cue sound of stopping a record*
                            Hold the phone, I went onto youtube and looked for this Biomechanical band and all I could find was a shitty death/power band with no likeness to pantera what so ever, and I def? did I hear the same band your listening too? unless I heard the wrong tracks?

                            anyhow I will say that I believe I'm this boards self proclaimed Pantera FREAK, I know your sick of hearing about phil and dime and deans but just hear me out for a second because Dime was my Hero, so please don't come and bash them right now or say shit about a man who's dead, I'm not slinging overpriced overproduced guitars right now.

                            The way I see this thread is that alot of bands that are not from the original lineup of metal bands are being referred to as Trend bands, now I agree with that considering I don't like any other bands other than Pantera......honestly hahah
                            I've listened to them since 1990 and every day almost since then, so I know the music better than the back of my hand which I know quite well, and I want to say that inside the idiom of metal NO band speaks to me as much as they did, now this is MY opinion only.

                            I've tried to like alot of other bands to keep my mind of the tragic facts that Pantera is no more and will never be EVER again, so I tried, but I just can't do it, the majority of bands that are even considered metal just fuckin suck to me, now I love Metallica, Megadeth, Morbid Angel, Immolation, Death, Misfits, Van Halen, and a shitload of others, but all these bands that are supposed to be the "defenders of the faith" just fuckin don't do a good godamn thing for me REALLY, all the kids that are comin up now seem to not have a clue as to why they are here, as if they are creating this music and as if all these older bands we know and love didn't exist. I work in a guitar store and saw a kid walk in with a slayer shirt the other day, and I stopped him and asked him what slayer tune was his favourite and he didn't even like the band, he just bought the shirt at hot topic cause it had a green devil on it, but claimed to have never really hear anything by them, but his fave band was avanged sevenfold. It blew my fucking mind

                            Back when I was a kid, if you were a kid and you had a slayer or pantera shirt You GODAMN well fucking knew why you had that shirt and why you wore it and how fucking insane those bands were, it's almost like now it's hip to be a poser and a bullshit kid with no REAL tastes?

                            FUCK yes solos are back, YES metal is back, but at what cost, BTTBAM? Unearth? the black daliah murder? Fuck me.......all these bands Blow so hard I can't even begin to say what I feel! Christ, every kid I knew back in the day who was into metal was into metal, because it fuckin kicked ass, and for no other reason now it is just a fad to be a metal head, it fuckin is really wierd for me.


                            I hate everything and Only Love Pantera......gunna go listen to the great southern trendkill again, a fuckin cd that si so purly classic and will be relevant 20 years from now

                            let me show you why

                            It's wearing on my mind, I'm speaking all my doubts aloud
                            You rob a dead mans grave, then flaunt it like you did create
                            If I hit bottom and everythings gone
                            In the great Mississippi, please drown me and run

                            It's digging time again, you're nurturing the weakest trend

                            Those with the heart and the brain to get past this
                            Can spot a pathetic without even asking

                            Fuck your magazine, and fuck the long dead plastic scene
                            Pierce a new hole, if Hell was "in"
                            you'd give your soul

                            THE GREAT SOUTHERN TRENDKILL
                            That's right,
                            THE GREAT SOUTHERN TRENDKILL

                            Buy it at a store, from MTV to on the floor
                            You look just like a star, it's proof you don't know who you are

                            If I hit bottom and everythings gone
                            In the great Mississippi, please drown me and run

                            It's bullshit time again, you'll save the world within your trend

                            Those with the heart and the brain to get past this
                            Can spot a pathetic without even asking

                            Politically relieved, you're product sold and well received
                            The right words spoken gold, if I was God you'd sell your soul to...

                            that sums this whole thread up to me, and that was from 1996, when they had to deal with Korn and Limpwristkit, and Pantera Never strayed from the style they eventually found.

                            Now I know someone is going to argue that Pantera jumped on a trend, and while it may have some vailidity to that point, I still disagree I have those records from before cowbosy and while alot of it is kiss+van halen, it was still thier roots. Anyhow I'm glad they went the way they did, since it's so fucking precious to me.

                            anyhow, I'm glad I lived it, met dime the few times I did and rip it up every day

                            WATCH IT GO!



                            • while Pantera is possibly one of the best bands I've ever heard, COB is one of the worst... fuck me... I rather listen to Aqua than that shit
                              "There is nothing more fearful than imagination without taste" - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

                              "To be stupid, selfish and have good health are three requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, all is lost" - Gustave Flaubert


                              • I 100% agree, why did I say I liked COB????? christ I hope not hahaha I don't remember I typed a bunch of rambeling bullshit above.


