Originally posted by VitaminG
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trust me, they had more street cred. than the angry dudes without make-up.
gotta love those dudes, like Lars Ulrich... yelling "Motley Crue sucks" on the strip when Motley came out of club surrounded by tons of people.... then running away like little chicken do not to get his teeth knocked in. What a manly "metal" move heh.
like everything in life, it all circles around pussy... some dudes were just so fucking jealous that they didn't get any... making shots at looks and all that was just a weak attempt to hide their bitterness. Scott Ian admited it too, that they were angry, horny guys who were pissed that the other bands got all the girls.
Notice, when some of the angry bands got famous, suddenly they didn't make that kind of remarks that much anymore, they sold their fame to get poon too.
Lemmy never went that low.. (perhaps because of his adventures with women)... he had the coolest attitude towards certain movements in music scene and didn't make cheap shots.
Remember Decline OF Western Civilization part II The Metal Years, where the filmmakers tried to provoke Lemmy to talk shit about hair bands... but he came out like a true gentleman... he even said said "I wish I was that pretty" or something like that

The reason why Lemmy sorta protected Motley Crue was that because of many angry metal dudes who were making cheap shots at the band... were just a bunch of bitter dorks who sat at home while the MC guys were doing fucked up shit on the streets. Actions takes a lot more balls than just mere words.
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