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Recommend me a good Mp3 player

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  • #16
    Ipod...OK whatever but don't buy that fucking DRM'd music from iTunes (Amazon mp3 downloader rocks).

    Personally, I really like my 8 GB Zune but I'm a little biased.


    • #17
      Originally posted by OnlineStageGear View Post
      I am a bit outdated on MP3 players. I got a Creative Zen 8 Gig. That's roughly about 1200 songs. Before you guy anything like that, get on the net and read some reviews. It will save you some major headaches if people are running into problems with a certain model or brand.

      That is what I have. the sound quality is good, but mine must be a lemon. I wish I had taken up their offer to send it back and pray they found something hardware-wise wrong with it. battery doesn't last long, it acts buggier than Windows ME, and sometimes totally locks up and needs to be reset for no reason. It's alright for the price, but their firmware is crap and the battery life leaves a lot to be desired.


      • #18
        I have had...Two Creative Mp3 players...Two Samsung, iPod Shuffle and my kids have the new Nano Chromatic...

        I replaced mine due to either being stolen or in the case of the Shuffle...wash and dried! haha!

        iPod are great BUT...I HATE iTunes and the file transfering iterface...what a pain! I suppose if you have a Mac it is okay...

        Samsung, by far...has been the most striaght up and user friendly...Your computer detects it and syncs it with your player...Done!


        • #19
          +1 on the Samsung. I have one that is 3 yrs old now, has only half a gig, lol, and I love it. Super simple. It's loud as hell too. My girlfriend just gave like 50 bucks for a Phillips that is not bad either.
          I still keep practicing though.... Mostly because I hate my neighbors.-MakeAJazzNoiseHere


          • #20
            I have an Ipod and also the Sansa unit. Both are good. Ipod is better.


            • #21
              I gotta admit that the way iTunes is layed out for my latest iPod is a pain. It was simple for my old Video because it had more space than I have music and videos so it just updated everything. My new iPod on the other hand, does not have more space so I have to manually pick what songs I want and put them in a specific folder. That's not bad but it used to automatically do that for my old Nano when I put new music on iTunes yet it doesn't for my new one so I always forget.

              I would NEVER buy music from iTunes. The FairPlay thingy (their DRM) is so stupid. According to the iTunes site, they do sell some DRM-free music, but it costs $.30 more per song.

              I prefer having a physical medium for my music. Plus for some albums; ex: Awakening the World, you don't get a super sweet CD booklet. I swear that booklet is worth the price of the album on it's own.
              "Dear Dr. Bill,
              I work with a woman who is about 5 feet tall and weighs close to 450 pounds and has more facial hair than ZZ Top." - Jack The Riffer

              "OK, we can both have Ben..joint custody. I'll have him on the weekends. We could go out in my Cobra and give people the permitting of course.." -Bill Z. Bub


              • #22
                +1 for ipod

