LOL @ Jayster!!!
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Typical Guitar Center Moron
I love GC for trying shit out. Its weird cause the one I go to will have a $200 used guitar on the rack, bottom shelf, right next to a $2,000 fender relic tele or something. And then I've seen a lot of Rhoads' on guitar stands on the floor with the wings scuffing the floor.
My local one has some really good guys in there that know their stuff and they are upgrading with the Platinum shop inside as well. Plus, my GC is one of the few Mesa Boogie dealers around.
They still don't keep anything in tune though and I'd be real hesitant about buying anything out on the floor. Every once in awhile some cool used gear shows up, but I think they price a lot of the used amps at "brand new" level as they aren't moving much of the used mesa, soldano, high end marshall stuff I've seen in there over the past year and a half.
I do get a $25 gift card about every 8 weeks it seems in the mail, so thats nice to pick up some strings, picks, etc.
I've been in to the new Best Buy shop as well, some Gibsons/Fenders/Epis, etc. and lots of Boss and Line 6 pedals. Nothing special, but it gives me a new place to check some shit out while I'm buying a TV or something.Jackson KV2
Jackson KE1T
Jackson KE1F
Jackson SL1
In all fairness, nothing ever went smoothly at Sound Control or Reverb. Lots of BS, orders not being placed, offers not being adhered to. Everything sucked. I miss the old Carlsbro days (the 90's). I imagine the only places where you're gonna get a decent service are the dealers listed at the top of this site.Fuck ebay, fuck paypal
"Finger on the trigger, back against the wall. Counting rounds and voices, not enough to kill them all" (Ihsahn).
GC is kinda like a fast food place at times. You go there to get what ya need. to feed your needs as it were. You go to sya Taco Bell every day. You get the same order all the time. Once in a while they fuck it up. The volume of customers and the regulkarity of thier visits. Dictates a more frequent or what seems to be more frequent fuck up. We have 218 stores Nation wide. With that number of stores say on the average with oh 200 customers a day. Some of them come in every day. Ive seen them. You have 43,600 customers a day. With that kind of customer flow some body is bound to not have a great experience. And it snow balls. Stores get bad reputations and the shit rolls down hill into that snow ball and what do yo have. A shit covered snow ball that even your dog wouldnt eat.Bad word of mouth spreads faster than good word of mouth does. Look how often we here of the bad GC experience here as opposed to the good ones. They are out there or we wouldnt still be in business. Just like that TAco Bell experience. That one time they fuck up your lunch order. Even tho its the same thing every day. You still complain about it. You tell everybody you know that TB screwed up your lunch that day. But theother 4 days you wnet there it was great and you didnt say a thing. Go figure.
But as they say all publicity is good publicity it puts the name in the publics ear. Gives them something to check out for them selves because us humans are a curious bunch. We have to find htisshit out ourselves. And well that one day at GC you have a bad experience cus you got the new guy who just started and this was his second day. And his dept mgr hasnt come in yet to train him what to do.
So what happens? It gets bitched about on here and many other forums as a vent from one guy who had a bad experience. with those 43.600 customers a day. If one person per store has a bad day. That 218 people. But yet word gets out and it manifestsinto a bash GC every where around the world. Cus of 218 bad experiences. The remaining 43.382 people dont say anything about there good experiences and suddenly the bad reports out weigh the good ones.
anybody see where im goin with this? I kinda got off track a bit. But i think you get my idea.
Any observations related to how the GC's have been since the company went private? I think being a public company in the music business is a recipe for disaster. I mean, how can you experiment with anything new with a bunch of shareholders clamoring "What have you done for me this quarter?!?"._________________________________________________
"Artists should be free to spend their days mastering their craft so that working people can toil away in a more beautiful world."
- Ken M
Reminds me when I had to point this one dude to a set of EB strings, because he didn't know what "A set of Ernie Ball .10s" meant...
Wonder how he would have reacted to anything that cost more than 8 quid...Its all fun and games till you get yogurt in your eye.; -AK47
Guitar is my first love, metal my second (wife...ehh she's in there somewhere). -Partial @ Marshall
There is a couple of chics that work at GC here, and they are sitting at the exit to check your receipt when you leave. They have piercings and they look cute.
The other GC dude should take note to this. If no one is going to know anything then get some cute chics in there and business will improve. People will complain less too.
I a rep from GC try to convince me that there was a preamp tube in the TS 808. I let him believe he was right. HEHEHEHECustom Guitars, Refinish and restorations.
Originally posted by nhspike View PostYou're right, they won't go away... they'll just migrate back to McDonald's, where they can screw up your order, piss you off, and make you pack a lunch each day.
Soon after, the end of the world as we know it will happen, and we can eat them.
Originally posted by zeegler View PostThey should find a way to make McDonald's self-serve. When I go through the drive-through (and this applies to any fast food joint), I ALWAYS check in my bag to make sure the order is correct. I'd estimate that approximately 50% of the time the order is wrong."Dear Dr. Bill,
I work with a woman who is about 5 feet tall and weighs close to 450 pounds and has more facial hair than ZZ Top." - Jack The Riffer
"OK, we can both have Ben..joint custody. I'll have him on the weekends. We could go out in my Cobra and give people the permitting of course.." -Bill Z. Bub
Originally posted by Ben... View PostYou haven't been to the A&W near me. It won an award for fastest in all of Canada. They have your food ready before you have the money out, it's hot and they never screw up my orders, which are usually custom. Go A&W!
Goddamn, I love A&W too. The Double Mozza burger is the tits.