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Medical Marijuana

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  • #16
    Originally posted by bombtek View Post
    It is more for spastic (locking of the muscles) than anything....not for pain. Although that would be helpful too LOL. In independant studies, it seems that pot is one of the BEST blockers of MS related attacks going. It seems to just plain stop them from happening. That is why I brought this thread up.

    Then you definitely want to get some herb that'll get you STONED instead of high & trippy. Though you can have both if you want.

    Hell I'd give you a C-bag if you lived around these parts!! I say do whatever you have to, to get it. I did some unknown bud couple of weeks ago, all I could do was sit perfectly still and chill, couldn't move an inch, I'm not saying you should go to this extreme, but even if that was the only thing you could get, it would offer some periods of relief, I'd imagine.

    The criminalization of marjiuana is ridiculous and you obviously have a real and pressing reason to want/need it in the first place, so you'll always have the moral high ground. Keep that in mind.

    You might even want to consider homegrowing (if that is a possibility for you), but as it is, I think you'd benefit much from trying to procure your leafy relief through the official channels first.

    If smoking itself is a turn off for you, then you might want to consider a vaporizer (widely used for medicinal purposes). It actually heats up the weed itself until the THC is vaporized, the vapor is then cooled and can be inhaled without almost feeling a thing of the actual 'inhaling' part. No need for tobacco or rolling papers or anything.
    You took too much, man. Too much. Too much.


    • #17
      Originally posted by Super_shredder View Post
      you dont get addicted to the pot , but you do get addicted to the tobacco.
      unless youre doing it in a bong or somthing
      You don't need to use a bong to avoid smoking tobacco. I don't roll doobies with tobacco, and I know very few people who do. I quit smoking cigarettes over a year ago, and on the very odd occasion someone hands me a doobie with tobacco in it, I can tell immediately. It's fucking horrible. I don't understand why anyone would spoil a nice joint by putting tobacco in it. Plus, you could use a pipe instead which is even more convenient.
      Sleep!!, That's where I'm a viking!!


      • #18
        Originally posted by zeegler View Post
        I totally disagree with everything you said. I smoke weed on a regular basis, and can function just as well as if I was straight. I go grocery shopping, mow the lawn, do the dishes, etc, etc. Plus, I have no problem whatsoever interacting with other people. If anything, it loosens me up and eases any anxiety I might have. It certainly isn't a hallucinogen in any way shape or form. All it really does is loosen you up, make you more complacent, and happy. I find it very useful as a pain reliever. It doesn't take the pain away necessarily, but it makes the pain much easier to bear. I have had frequent back pain for a number of years now, and the weed makes it way easier to live with. You are still aware of the pain, but it dulls it considerably.

        I'm sure there are many others who will agree with what I've said.
        But you could also argue being stoned is similar to being a "functional drunk". Your abilities ARE impaired, but you're confident they aren't and you don't know it. It's very hard to tell if you are truly 100% or not without a third party. And personally, I don't believe any drugs, prescribed or not should be required to make you feel happy and at ease, but whatever.

        Btw, has anyone credible ever done a true study as to if pot is addictive? I can't see how it to could any different than an anti-depressant or painkiller when used for those reasons rather than just getting stoned. Of course, it's also also easier to say you are not addicted and could function fine without it when you are addicted... and fwiw, I don't disagree with the usage of it for medical reasons if it is known why it does what it does. IE blocks MS attacks and there is is some kind of proof or reasoning as to why it does that.

        The only reason I think it won't happen anytime soon is it would fly in the face of all the anti-smoking campaigns the government has put on, and that it would open the door for legalizing heroin.


        • #19
          Originally posted by CharvelRocker View Post
          But you could also argue being stoned is similar to being a "functional drunk". Your abilities ARE impaired, but you're confident they aren't and you don't know it. It's very hard to tell if you are truly 100% or not without a third party. And personally, I don't believe any drugs, prescribed or not should be required to make you feel happy and at ease, but whatever.

          Btw, has anyone credible ever done a true study as to if pot is addictive? I can't see how it to could any different than an anti-depressant or painkiller when used for those reasons rather than just getting stoned. Of course, it's also also easier to say you are not addicted and could function fine without it when you are addicted... and fwiw, I don't disagree with the usage of it for medical reasons if it is known why it does what it does. IE blocks MS attacks and there is is some kind of proof or reasoning as to why it does that.

          The only reason I think it won't happen anytime soon is it would fly in the face of all the anti-smoking campaigns the government has put on, and that it would open the door for legalizing heroin.

          You're not understanding what I said. I never once said that marijuana doesn't impair you. What I'm saying is that it does not make you a blithering idiot. When you smoke on a regular basis, and are accustomed to it, it doesn't have a great effect as you might think. I think you'd be surprised how many people you run into on a daily basis who are under the influence of marijuana, and you would never even know. Yes, of course it has a minor impairing effect on such things as reaction time, and I would never recommend to anyone that it was a good idea to operate heavy machinery while under the influence, but it certainly doesn't have the same effects as LSD, shrooms, meth, etc.. I would rather smoke weed any day that use prescription medications that contain all kinds of synthetic chemicals. All of these prescription painkillers will make you far less functional than smoking a joint. If you've ever used percs or oxycontin, you'll know exactly what I mean.

          As far as the question of whether it's addictive or not, it depends on your definition. Some substances are physically addictive. This means the body becomes so accustomed to the substance, that you will actual suffer physical symptoms of withdrawal. Weed is not physically addictive. There have been dozens of studies done by respected University labs that confirm it. However, weed can be psychologically addictive, in the same way that anything can be. In this way, you can be addicted to pizza, hot dogs, kool aid, anything. It's all in the mind.

          The problems most people have regarding weed can almost always be attributed to lack of knowledge. The US government has done a fantastic job of brainwashing you all into thinking that weed is an evil narcotic that makes people crazy. They lump it in with all the other dangerous drugs that have serious side affects, are horribly addictive, and are also potentially deadly. The fact is, weed is much safer than alcohol, and far more useful. There's also the age old false argument that weed is a gateway drug. There has never been any viable evidence to substantiate the claim. There's plenty of data that shows a certain percentage of heroin/meth/coke abusers started out smoking weed, but that's hardly conclusive since if you apply the same data to people who have drunk coffee, or smoked a cigarette, the numbers will be far higher.

          If you really want to find out the facts, do some research. There are plenty of websites with unbiased information that you could look into. Most people won't because they believe what they want to believe. You can throw facts at them all day, but it's hard to change people's misconceptions.
          Last edited by zeegler; 11-04-2008, 09:51 AM.
          Sleep!!, That's where I'm a viking!!


          • #20
            Anti-depressants aren't addictive, nor is pot. Stopping anti-depressants suddenly can cause issues though. Painkillers are addictive, at a physical level aswell as mental. Personality also plays a role in addiction aswell I believe.


            • #21
              in all seriousness you should be asking your doctor about this. All these potheads will turn this thread into weed debate thread because frankly they can't remember the original question...what was it btw?


              • #22
                Reading this thread got me stoned


                • #23
                  Originally posted by bibz View Post
                  Anti-depressants aren't addictive, nor is pot. Stopping anti-depressants suddenly can cause issues though. Painkillers are addictive, at a physical level aswell as mental. Personality also plays a role in addiction aswell I believe.
                  From personal experience I can tell you coming off Effexxor(sp) and Welbutrin(sp) is a bitch. For more than a month I fealt like my brain was jiggling inside my skull. My vision would also fuck with me. Cannabis on the other hand has no such effects when you stop using.


                  • #24
                    I only lasted a week or so on efexor, it made me giddy from the get go. Now I've been on zoloft for years, if I miss a dose I find it hard to wake up the next day. Plusses outweight the minuses by heaps though


                    • #25
                      I lost my insurance and couldnt afford them, but even still they werent a fit for me. My problems were not that great and a change in lifestyle along with a change in attitude made everyday life easier for me.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Jacksons Shred View Post
                        Weed isn't a hallucinogen, if anything, I'd strongly advise weed over Xanax or Oxycotton.

                        I have a few friends that have club cards, you can go to a neurologist (friend's dad has), psychiatrist, or a psychologist.

                        After that you obtain a club card, and there are "medical" clinics that you can go to and legally purchase the weed.
                        Quote from some online medical encyclopedia:

                        Marijuana, LSD, and PCP
                        Marijuana and hashish, two substances derived from the hemp plant (Cannabis sativa), are also considered natural hallucinogens, although their potency (power) is very low when compared to others. Marijuana (also called grass, pot, tea, weed, or reefer), a green herb from the flower of the hemp plant, is considered a mild hallucinogen. Hashish is marijuana in a more potent, concentrated form. Both drugs are usually smoked. Their effects include a feeling of relaxation, faster heart rate, the sensation that time is passing more slowly, and a greater sense of hearing, taste, touch, and smell.


                        Point is Marijuana is classified as a halucinogen although you dont have visual halucinations from it.

                        I am in California and so are you that does not help Bombtek with how to get his "Club card" since he is in Maryland. State laws are different in how to obtain marijuana.

                        Bombtek have you ever smoked any weed before? The reason I ask is it may not be agreable with you.

                        Me personally I dont care for the high of marijuana as it impairs my ability to think. Some people enjoy this.

                        If I had a medical condition that they said marijuana would help with I still would not smoke it as I "grew out" of that type of behavior and found nothing enjoyable about the high. I hate the smell of it when its smoked indoors as well. I think alot of people here telling you to go grab a bag are probably in their late teens or early twenties. If I was a teenager still I would be right with them as well.
                        Last edited by AK47; 11-04-2008, 11:41 PM.


                        • #27
                          BOMBTEK PLEASE READ IMPORTANT!

                          Bombtek I looked up laws regarding medical marijuana use in your state so read this quote:

                          "May 22, 2003 - Annapolis, MD, USA

                          Annapolis, MD: Governor Robert Ehrlich (R) signed legislation into law today to allow medicinal marijuana patients to raise an "affirmative defense of medical necessity" at trial.

                          Maryland's legislation does not legalize the use or cultivation of medical marijuana by qualified patients. Rather, the law requires the court to consider a patient's use of medical marijuana to be a mitigating factor in marijuana-related state prosecutions. If the patient successfully makes the case at trial that his or her use of marijuana is one of medical necessity, then the maximum penalty allowed by law would be a $100 fine. Existing Maryland law imposes a maximum penalty of one year in jail and a $1000 for marijuana possession, regardless of the circumstances.

                          The Governor backed the measure despite heavy lobbying from the Bush Administration and Drug Czar John Walters who argued that the medical use of marijuana was "immoral" and a "cruel hoax."

                          NORML Executive Director Keith Stroup praised the Governor's decision, noting, "Governor Ehrlich put the needs of patients before partisan politics. While we recognize that this measure falls short of similar medical marijuana laws in eight other states, it still represents a significant relaxation of existing law, and will offer needed legal protections for sick and dying Marylanders."

                          SO BOMBTEK MY EXPLANATION in laymans terms:

                          Pretty much in Maryland there are no "Marijuana Clubs" you have to buy the Marijuana on the streets.

                          If you are stopped by the Police you WILL BE ARRESTED for possesion of marijuana.

                          When you are in court is when you have to submit evidence or a doctors recommendation that you are allowed to use medical marijuana.

                          You are not allowed to posseses more than 1 ounce for medical use and CANNOT cultivate your own marijuana.

                          In other words the laws in Maryland dont really allow you to posses medical marijuana without getting arrested and having to go to court to prove it was for medical use.

