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Creating your own Superheroes.

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  • Creating your own Superheroes.

    I guess everybody who has read Superhero comics has done it, create their very own Superheroes and villians to go by I figure it to be fun to talk about them and give a description and show artwork of them (if you have the artworks to show) Here are mine.

    I came up with a team called the "S.O.3" which stood for "Special Order team three" and here's the lowdown on them.

    Cyborg fire
    Designed to be a cross between the Human Torch of the fastastic four and Cyclops of the X-men, I came up with a story of a pilot of the border partrol named Wally Hunt who while patrolling on a mission was blown out of the sky by drug dealers who's secret base he had discovered. He barely survived the crash and resulting intense fire, he was recovered by a team called "Special Order team" who were experimenting with cybernetics, turning him into a cyborg. Hunt was determant to fly once more and his Cybernetic body allowed him to be so hot that he became lighter than air, rocket boosters in his legs did the rest. Cyborg Fire can shoot heat rays from his eyes and Hands but prefers to use his eyes for that, when not wearing his visor (Cyclops influence, baby) Cyborg Fire's eye sockets emit small flames. Cyborg Fire was eventually murdered by Terrier. (more about him later)

    Kim Jones was an expert in develloping human growth hormones when she was hired by the Special Order team to see if those hormones could be harnessed to stimulate instant growth and the ability to shrink back to normal size again. Jones not only discovered a way how to do so so but making sure that the ability would not fall into the hands of somebody who would use it for evil, decided to use it on herself. Bullet can grow to over five hundred feet high, the down side is that she becomes extremely slow and ungainly when doing so, so usually she restricts her height to twelve feet which enables her to do enough.

    With him I took direct inspiration from the Transformer Rumble who could turn his arms into giant pneumatic hammers. Robert Fields was seismologic investigator who's main focus lay on the St. Andreas faultline when the "big one" hit he was hurled into a crevice created by the sheer power, while trying to get out, the ground slowly began to close again crushing both of his arms. The Special order team rescued him and gave him robotic arms that he can use to cause minor quackes.

    I came with this one after dreaming about having the ability to walk towards a wall with a painted on door and being able to open that door as if it were a real door after all. Cynthia Powers was an orphan who was lovingly raised by a haitian Voodoo priestress who taught her about black magic and the workings or reality. Her foster mother then was murdered by a former student of hers who now was gathering a band of black magic users under the name of "The Empire" calling herself Black Empress. Cynthia was imprisoned by Black Empress in an incredibly powerful box of pure black magic. But using the trainging she got from her foster mother Cynthia learned to control reality, turning the black magic into white magic and overpowering "The Empire" Her feat did not go unnoticed and she was approached by members of Special Order team to join their ranks, while there she fell in love with Cyborg Fire and was devastaed by his death.

    Foxbat and Flashback
    I took direct inspiration from Teen Titans' star member Kid Flash when I came up with Foxbat and his wife Flashback. Ray Irons was a racecar driver who together with his wife Tammy lived for speed. The Irons were racing in teams, living for speed making name for themselves as the couple who never wasted any time. But during one race disaster struck and their sabotaged car crashed nearly killing both. The Special Order team was brought in to rescue the couple, turning them both into Cyborgs who can run with the speed of sound making their quest for speed more valid than ever. Foxbat's ability to make well thought out split decisions, makes him the ideal leader for Special Order team three and the others respect his authority although he never quite won over Blackfire yet.

    Blackfire was meant as an improved version of Cyborg fire, retaining the Cyclops influence but dark in both appearence and way of doing, the vizor now had two openings to shoot beams from. After the Special order team Three had battled "The Empire" their leader, Black Empress was stunned and inspired by what she saw when fighting Cyborg Fire. Determent to get that kind of power for herself, she began scouting for a man who could outdo Cyborg Fire by using his own power against him. She found the perfect canidate in John Hendrix, a biker with a fascianation with fire and the distructive element of it. Using her powers of black magic Black Empress gave Hendrix the same kind of power that Cyborg Fire has. Like Cyborg Fire, Blackfire could now become so hot in temperature that it makes him lighter than air. But unlike Cyborg Fire Blackfire doesn't need cybernetic parts that enable him to do so, by black magic alone Blackfire can match Cyborg fire on equal terms. In addition, Blackfire's magically enhanced body can survive in space a feat which Cyborg Fire could not match. Blackfire turned against "The Empire" when finding out they were about to use him to massacre the whole carabien as a sacrifice in order to bring out their dark lord "Triangle". When Cyborg Fire learned about this he helped what should have been his worst enemy round up the remains of "The Empire" and brought Blackfire to The Special order team Three but Blackfire innitially declined their offer to become a member being afraid of his own powers. But when Terrier, a new member of The Empire murdered Cyborg Fire Blackfire relented and became a member of Special Order team three.

    The bad guys

    The empire
    The Empire is a gang made up from Black magic users who are uniting evil in the world in order to get world domination, they are:
    Triangle - The dark lord himself, in my vision he has a silver triangle on his forehead, hence the name.
    Black empress - Haitian Voodoo priestress
    Hooligan - he uses sports items to fight with, giving new meaning to the saying that a match is a battle, with baseball bats which can emit lightning and exploding footballs he loves nothing more but to cause mayhem and getting people into a blind spampede.
    Terrier - Terrier was a murderer who's animalistic urges were increased tenfold by Black Empress, he has increased musclemass, sharp wolf-like claws and kanines. He murdered Cyborg fire by savagely tearing him apart.
    Killer Whale - Gudrun Ollafson was an Icelandic girl who hunted Killer whales for quick profit either selling them alive or slaughtering them to sell the meat, impressed with her bloodlust Triangle turned her into a humanoid Killerwhale making her eight feet tall and an amazingly viscious underwater predator who's no slough on fighting on land either.

    Those were mine, I'll post artworks from them later.

  • #2
    Hero: Mediocre Melvin: He fights crime to the best of his abilities, which isn't much.

    Villain: Overachieving Orville: He kills those who aren't perfect but cutting them 500 times with a piece of paper.

    "Dear Dr. Bill,
    I work with a woman who is about 5 feet tall and weighs close to 450 pounds and has more facial hair than ZZ Top." - Jack The Riffer

    "OK, we can both have Ben..joint custody. I'll have him on the weekends. We could go out in my Cobra and give people the permitting of course.." -Bill Z. Bub


    • #3
      Someone has too much time on their hands?


      • #4
        I am Cockthulhu, one of the old ones. In the year 0 and 9 I will bathe the Earth in so much spermatazoon, it will block out the sun for 100 years. All existing life will persih. From this death, a new life will emerge feeding on the bubblin crude..and when that food supply is gone..they too shall persih. But this will take 5.6 milleniums, once the new ones have evolved, established heirarchies that will lead to their early demise. Early demise? Yes, the last two tribes will fight over the remaining spermatazoon, and die. Leaving the pearly, yellow-white planet to bake to a crusty ball that still orbits the same sun for no apparent reason.

        The end..of days.
        "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
        Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

        "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


        • #5
          The Oracle hath spokenth
          "Dear Dr. Bill,
          I work with a woman who is about 5 feet tall and weighs close to 450 pounds and has more facial hair than ZZ Top." - Jack The Riffer

          "OK, we can both have Ben..joint custody. I'll have him on the weekends. We could go out in my Cobra and give people the permitting of course.." -Bill Z. Bub


          • #6
            I used to trace Betty & Veronica bikini pics.... but without the bikinis!
            Hail yesterday


            • #7
              Everything on this thread will be covered in my Spermatazoon!!!!

              Oracles, Betty, Veronica and all of Blazer's superheroes..will meet their demise!!!

              "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
              Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

              "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


              • #8
                Every hero needs a villian, Billz, so I suggest Traci Lordzilla the Cum Guzzlin' monster to attempt to ruin your sploogathon.
                I'm not afraid to bleed, but I won't do it for you.


                • #9
                  These are the only Superheroes I'll ever need.

                  The X-Tinguisher (John Alderete)

                  The Electric Bat (Paul Gilbert)

                  Motorman (Jeff Martin)

                  Cowboy Axe! (Scott Travis)
                  Occupy JCF


                  • #10
                    Poopie- Head like petrified feces. Uniform looks like mummified toilet paper. Weapon- shoots feces from his behind that flies 300 mp/h to splatter evil doers. Special power- his shi/noz; he cam smell in your poop what you had for dinner las night. So if he was spying on you the night before, he knows which stall to target. Poopie is the shit. He needs no sidekicks.

