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I'm alive

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  • I'm alive

    hey all,

    i thought i'd give a heads up as to my lacvk of real presence here since april/may.

    I actually broke my laptop inadvertantly while learning the transformers solo and have only just got a new one!!

    I've stayed in touch with a few (norton, berkay) but thought as i've now got full on net access as opposed to a phone i'd give a headsup up to all the other guys who i don't have on MSN and a bit of an update!

    I'm good, i'm living in Leamington now as opposed to cov with the drummer from my band and a few other mates. The band is going ok. we've changed things around quite a lot after the singer (known to some of you as the proclaimer's long lost triplet ) left uni and failed miserably. He had a good voice but no real stage presence alas. We're not doing so much of the glam stuff either now, and instead have taken a more instrumental feel with roots in melodic rock metal and thrash crossover with a slight jazz tinge in places which is kind of influenced by......

    ....i'm actually now going to be sitting my grade 8 electric guitar in the new year and have applied to the university of birmingham to go do an HND in music which i'm probably gonna lead onto a full degree once i've saved up enough. It's going to be good for getting lots of gigging and studio experience working with lots of different artists and styles.

    Life is also busy with my new GF Hannah who i've been seeing for the last 2 months nearly. So all in all quite a lot going on!!

    Hope everyone is well


  • #2
    Originally posted by sonicsamurai View Post
    my new GF Hannah


    Glad to hear the band thing is working out so far.


    • #3
      very nice....are you guys stil called "spandex warriors" or whatever? that would be funny - especially if you guys played in suits or tuxes....

      some guitars...WITH STRINGS!!!! most of them have those sticks like on guitar hero....AWESOME!!!!

      some amps...they have some glowing bottle like things in them...i think my amps do that modelling thing....COOL, huh?!?!?!

      and finally....

      i have those little plastic "chips" used to hit the strings...WHOA!!!!


      • #4
        lol we're working on a new name atm.,...currently heading the list is VayuVata which coincidentally has no myspace hits whatsoever and 1 article on wiki


        • #5
          Cool to see you're around!
          I thought Rsmacker had you hidden in a closet...


          • #6
            ok *pervs*


            • #7
              Originally posted by Cygnus X1 View Post
              Cool to see you're around!
              I thought Rsmacker had you hidden in a closet...
              like i said, the official reason is i broke my laptop....that's the *official* reason...i cannot comment on any secrets potentially pertaining to myself and rsmacker and closets....


              • #8


                • #9
                  I KNEW you were a fucking student!

                  Thanks for posting an update on here, Wilksy-Baby thinks I bummed you to death and keeps E-mailing Crimewatch. Now maybe he'll see that he is my one-and-only.

                  Who is the girl with Hannah? Is it Rachel from UK-Bukkake? I swear it looks just like her. Go and look if you don't believe me........
                  So I woke up,rolled over and who was lying next to me? Only Bonnie Langford!

                  I nearly broke her back


                  • #10
                    poor guy, that must have been torture for's the way he would have wanted ...


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by sonicsamurai View Post
                      We're not doing so much of the glam stuff either now, and instead have taken a more instrumental feel with roots in melodic rock metal and thrash crossover with a slight jazz tinge in places which is kind of influenced by......
                      Meaning : We don't have a fucking clue what we want to do.

                      Originally posted by sonicsamurai View Post
                      to go do an HND in music which i'm probably gonna lead onto a full degree once i've saved up enough. It's going to be good for getting lots of gigging and studio experience working with lots of different artists and styles.
                      Nope, it'll be good for getting you an unpaid tea-boy job at Stinkythumb Studios sweeping up after loads of bands who you think are tossers and who you can't see why the fuck they are recording their stuff, when you aren't and you are much better. This only gets worse with age, and you get more bitter and twisted.

                      and then....
                      "Thank you for your order, drive-thru"

                      (Actually, no, it gets you on the waiting list for a tea-boy job, along with all the other losers who stroll in with their music degree and expect to waltz into producing Motley Crue's new LP, or at least getting paid £30K a year simply because they are a graduate. It's quite funny seeing them when reality bites and they wish they had trained to become a plumber instead and carried on music as a serious hobby. FFS, Sonic old son, think about it - surely you have more about you to go onto that conveyor belt that leads inevitably to Burger World?)
                      So I woke up,rolled over and who was lying next to me? Only Bonnie Langford!

                      I nearly broke her back


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by sonicsamurai View Post
                        poor guy, that must have been torture for's the way he would have wanted ...
                        No, you misunderstand, I haven't bummed him to death instead. He's putting up a remarkable fight. It's a bit like "The Old Man & The Sea", he's fighting, but I'm not letting him off my hook.

                        He luuuuuuurves it.
                        So I woke up,rolled over and who was lying next to me? Only Bonnie Langford!

                        I nearly broke her back

