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I'm getting fed THE FUCK up

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  • #16
    Originally posted by JacksonVHT View Post
    Remember, these tough guys travel in packs for a reason.

    Confront them, I dare you. You'll shit your pants laughing at how pathetic these scum bags are.

    Just one word of seriousness (for a fucking change). In this day and age, gangs of spineless little shits know they are insignificant dogturds on the shoes of society, and one of them may well be carrying a knife (because he couldn't fight his way out of a wet paper bag). Egged on by the other little shits, he's going to be more likely to try and show off and stick you with it, probably in a melee when you won't even see it or know he got you until you collapse.

    Be very careful if you confront them. Taking on a load is fine, but not too many, they get too much confidence in large numbers and will use things like knives.

    Catching one of them in the toilets, getting him in a cubicle and telling him the next time you see him, unless your wallet magically finds it's way back to you in the next 24 hours, that he is going to be biting porcelein whilst some rather large negro friends of yours bugger him senseless, all filmed for Poo-tube, is the best way. Absolutely terrifying.
    So I woke up,rolled over and who was lying next to me? Only Bonnie Langford!

    I nearly broke her back


    • #17
      There's some timeless advice anyone should follow.
      "Dear Dr. Bill,
      I work with a woman who is about 5 feet tall and weighs close to 450 pounds and has more facial hair than ZZ Top." - Jack The Riffer

      "OK, we can both have Ben..joint custody. I'll have him on the weekends. We could go out in my Cobra and give people the permitting of course.." -Bill Z. Bub


      • #18
        Having grown up in the hood... You're just gonna have to fuck up a couple of these guys or get used to getting fucked.

        You're an easy target, and you need to make it not so easy.

        I'm not one to say "go kick their asses man!!!" but, sadly, you're gonna have to.

        Calling the police? Not... that's like calling to your mom when the neighborhood bully messes with you... You'll be sorry. Unless they are needed to file a real assault charge on a particular person, don't start that shit.

        If you can handle yourself like you say, then (as has been mentioned) you need SERIOUSLY whup the most vocal or bad ass one of them BADLY in a bad way. No honorable shit, beat him the fuck down.It's the only thing that will get them to leave you alone, if anything will.

        In my hood growing, I was always taught when dealing with these loser hood mopes, over react and go in 10 times harder than they came at you. This make you being a target, not even a close to a smart option for them.

        Sadly, it's worked for me countless times. And before I adopted that, I got my ass whupped like you have been. Stupid F-ers likethem, don't understand anything but gettung their asses beat down bad.

        Sad, but that's how it works... From the playground to the battlefield.


        • #19
          Hey, first off, let me say that I have read some of your posts over the years so I think generally you seem to have your shit together. Also, let me say that what I am about to say is not the same advise that I would have given you when I was your age, not even close.

          If you are in school and doing well, you dont want to fuk that up.

          I am now well past college/graduate school (with family etc.). I'm not going to bore you with details (I mean you dont know me from adam anyway and this is the internet, its amazing how big some guys act on the internet, and then you meet them in person LMFAO).

          There are a lot of times I did things and to this day I have no idea how I ended up walking out it without getting stabbed, beat to hell, arrested or worse.

          Shit happens and if it does, it sounds like you are ready, but I would not go out and find it. These peices of shit have absolutely nothing to loose. You do.

          You seem to apprecate the fact that your actions have repricusions which can go far beyond the moment.

          Dont loose sight of that concept and you should be OK.
          "I''ll say what I'm gonna say, cuz I'm going to Hell anyway!"

