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I'm getting fed THE FUCK up

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  • I'm getting fed THE FUCK up

    I've been accosted by the same group of guys on three seperate occasions now.

    It started three weeks ago at a popular bar here in town (where almost all law students, and others, go).

    I was outside chatting with an old friend for about 45 minutes. I go back in and there's like a group of 15 guys talking smack to my 'group', of about 15 girls and guys. Turns out they had already hit a couple of my friends (even girls!) in the face with their fists.

    So I calmly keep my senses and tell everyone of my group 'we are leaving'. We start exiting.

    The other group kind of follows us inside to the exit, but at the exit some more dudes of theirs were standing. So I went last, walking backwards, just talking to them and calming them down. At the exit, I stay a little to give my group the time to already head a parts down the street, I'm chatting with two levelheaded guys of their group, when all of a sudden: BAM suckerpunch from behind one of their heads by a hothead in their group.

    This escalates things, it spills out in the street and I just say 'doesn't matter, let them go'. Fine, done. I went home to sleep.

    Next day I hear a couple of my friends (who were in my group, but after the incident went for a bite to eat) were assaulted by that same group again that night, 14v3! They got kicked and punched the living hell out of.

    Last week again, but then fast forward to last thursday:

    Me and my best friend were at a very big event, partying. We know almost everybody so we were just chatting and having a fun time. We leave by 4am, won't you know it!!!!! THERE IS THE GROUP AGAIN. They were outside.

    BAM they fly on us, but there were bouncers so this time they were just talking. One of them now was claiming I had hit him in the face with a glass bottle. Which I categorically denied, since I was not enebriated on any of the occasions AND I don't just hit people (more on that later).

    So I say to my best friend (and another friend who had joined us by now) to just walk away and let's go home. We are a block further when all of the sudden a couple of dudes fly on us from nowhere. I got suckerpunched in the face again. My friends push him off me, by now the bouncers (who had followed) had them constrained. We just walked off again.

    UNTIL! I discover, when I got home, I lost my fucking wallet in the progress: my ID, my studentID, my bankcard, my HealthCarecard, my Book&Textbookcard, various copy machine cards (for various libraries): ALL GONE.


    Now for a little context, before you call me a pussy. Let it be made clear that I do not start fights, nor do I use violence against people or another person unless it is the absolute last measure (which it wasn't in any of these situations).

    I've been in martial arts since I was a little kid (Kung Fu, Ki-jutsi) and also kickboxing and muay thai during my teenage years. The last two/three years (due to college) I've only been sporadically sparring with some friends, but I have kept up the strength training part of the regimen.

    Suffice to say, if I had unloaded on these fucks, I doubt very much a couple of them would even be able to tell the story now. Which is part of the reason why I always choose to run and not fight, but also because I just am a very reasonable/social guy, I do not enjoy physically hurting other people.

    I even have the friendly nickname of 'B.A. Barracus', because I have taken plenty of punches to the face or whatever before and just turned my head back straight and tried talking them out of further violence. (I know how to take a punch, believe you me )

    The reason I am fed up is because, three times now these fuckers have instigated things (and I have a feeling things are going to escalate more), but now that my wallet is seemingly gone, a whole new world of trouble has opened.

    Things have been tense with my mother and in college lately, and this has just thrown oil on the fire. These motherfuckers have now made part of my personal life a hell of sorts.

    I suspect they will try another thing this week (since my college town is pretty small and most of them are Law students as well and know a lot of people I know) so we are bound to run into each other again.

    I plan to go down to the police station tomorrow and file complaint against 'unknown suspects'. Just to have a record and to make sure the previous
    things have been documented.

    There is just no reasoning with these fucks and they are adamant they saw me 'hit their friend in the face with a glass bottle'. They just refuse to TALK LIKE ADULTS!

    The guy I supposedly hit that way is 5'5" and 150lbs at best. Give me a break. I'd have kneed that little fucking oompa loompa in the nose and be done with it, let alone a glass bottle to the face. If that were the case, he wouldn't have been daintily talking smack to me with an unscaved and perfectly smooth face on thursday night, protected by his wall of friends.

    Then...when any number of these motherfuckers lay one more finger on me, I'm going to snap and I'm going to fucking town on these sons of bitches. Seriously, there comes a point where I need to draw the LINE!!!!
    You took too much, man. Too much. Too much.

  • #2
    going to the cops is the right thing... I too try to avoid violence at all cost but those motherfuckers have it coming...
    "There is nothing more fearful than imagination without taste" - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

    "To be stupid, selfish and have good health are three requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, all is lost" - Gustave Flaubert


    • #3
      +1... + find your wallet and stuff, then beat some ass.

      some guitars...WITH STRINGS!!!! most of them have those sticks like on guitar hero....AWESOME!!!!

      some amps...they have some glowing bottle like things in them...i think my amps do that modelling thing....COOL, huh?!?!?!

      and finally....

      i have those little plastic "chips" used to hit the strings...WHOA!!!!


      • #4
        You are right - there is a time to draw the line and it seems to be well past that time. Usually, if you grab the biggest one and proceed to whip his ass the rest will go away but there is always the possibility of them trying to avenge your defense.

        Thats why I love the US - idiots like this think long and hard before starting shit because so many people pack heat. Personally, I carry a .38 everywhere I go and will do everything possible to avoid confrontations and simply leave. If they don't want to let me leave, then they have more problems than they bargained for.
        You sir, can go you fuck yourself and don't let the door hit you in the vagina on the way out.
        You're such a pretencious, phony, boring, transparent, self righteous worthless fuck..You are amusing as a genital wart!
        --horns666 - 12/08/08

        Hey, if those are fake fake titty fuggin' cheatin'? I say no!
        --horns666 - 12/29/08
        I think your dad jacked off in a flower pot and you were born a blooming idiot.
        --LouSiffer - 06/25/09


        • #5
          To me if you can take care of yorself physically like you say you can then you have to take care of business. I avoid confrontations but if someone hits me...its on and not pleaseant for anyone . You should do the same thing too and take as many down at one time as you can. Violence in most cases is not a solution but your not dealing with level headed people. Unless you fight back, they will continue to fuck with you and your friends because they know they can and you wont do anything but get your asses beat....


          • #6
            sorry to hear about your situation ,I agree violence only begets violence.Does your school have a gym ,perhaps boxing ?Obviously these people in this group seem to have a problem with you and your friends(mostly against you - it sounds like).I'd offer them a public spar ,a chance to satisfy thier grievences and yours as well.Don't know what to tell you about your wallet ,make sure to notify your bank and other important entities that your information has been compromised ,get a new banking number ,etc.

            good luck bro ,let us know how it turns out.
            Enjoying a rum and coke, just didn't have any coke...


            • #7
              They must have read your posts on here.

              No I'm kidding! Sounds like these guys are complete douchebags who're going to end up doing someone some real damage before anything is done about them. Not a nice situation at all.



              • #8
                Originally posted by martinbarre1 View Post
                they must have read your posts on here.


                • #9
                  When my son took martial arts, the instructor taught discipline, self-control, physical fitness, and HOW TO DEFEND YOURSELF. I can't help but feel that your instructor would be pleased if you'd refresh yourself on that last item. Seems you've got the other skills mastered to the point of becoming someone's punching bag.

                  You may not like violence, but it sure beats being violated!


                  • #10
                    At first I thought you meant they were hitting on you.

                    I agree with everyone. They need blackened eyes (and not with corpse paint at a black metal concert).
                    "Dear Dr. Bill,
                    I work with a woman who is about 5 feet tall and weighs close to 450 pounds and has more facial hair than ZZ Top." - Jack The Riffer

                    "OK, we can both have Ben..joint custody. I'll have him on the weekends. We could go out in my Cobra and give people the permitting of course.." -Bill Z. Bub


                    • #11
                      Wow, you've already shown the patience of a saint. Do what ya gotta do.
                      This electric phase ain't no teenage craze -UFO


                      • #12
                        Ah, Glasshopper, it time to glab dlagon by testicles and pull hard, tie them in knot and send him back to cave with his prums tied rike libbon.

                        1.You have to tie a bandana, dipped in blood of your fallen master, round your head, rip your shirt off and do one of those blood-curdling death growls whilst jumping 10' vertically and doing a backflip. Preferably in slow motion.
                        Then deliver a damned good fisting to those rotters.

                        2.Conversely you could offer to help them work out their obvious homosexual urges that they are struggling to conceal, with a spot of 1-to-1 action. Seriously, when someone is spoiling for a fight, this confuses the shit out of them, puts them right off guard. (You might get a BJ out of it too.)

                        3. Loudly declare that they are only picking on you because you are students and you are the brainiest 3% in your country, and just how hard it is because you have to write 2 fucking essays before your 13 week Christmas holidays. Don't forget to whinge about the price of booze in the world at large, then pay for a round (half of lager top and a glass of tap water) with a credit card. I find that this always works, the thugs realise their place is below you and your friends, they will doff their caps and go back to fields or factories whatever, counting their lucky stars you hadn't bamboozled them with your superior intellect.

                        4. Fuck them over the head with a bar stool, wear your underpants as a face mask and scream "COME ON THEN! WHICH ONE OF YOU FUCKERS IS NEXT?" at an empty space. They will be going the other way rapidly, to escape the loony.

                        5. Ask if you can join their gang. Tell them that you have had enough of following the rest of the sheep, that you want to experience life on the very edge of the abyss, a white knuckle ride into oblivion. You need to stick one to the Man and become an outlaw like them, unbowed and proud, a loyal band of brothers fighting for justice for the common man. Wearing a nylon shell-suit and burberry cap.

                        6. Tell the police they touched your weiner.

                        7. Nearly forgot - make a M1 Abrams out of a chicken hutch and a set of golf clubs and then drive it over them. And remember, you ain't going on no airplane, sucker, so quit yo jibber-jabber.
                        Last edited by Rsmacker; 11-24-2008, 07:59 AM.
                        So I woke up,rolled over and who was lying next to me? Only Bonnie Langford!

                        I nearly broke her back


                        • #13


                          • #14
                            Mr. Smacker strikes again!

                            Seriously GoR, I'd say get some legal help, and if need be take them to court and/or slap a restraining order on their collective asses. Best of luck.
                            I feel festive all year round. Deal with it.


                            • #15
                              I grew up in Brooklyn so drugged up pieces of shit who randomly attack people for no reason were a bit too common.

                              Remember, these tough guys travel in packs for a reason.

                              Confront them, I dare you. You'll shit your pants laughing at how pathetic these scum bags are.

                              The police is useless and a waste of time.

                              You don't seem like a violent guy so I won't tell you to beat their asses but don't ever give up ground to them.

                              Keep going back to that same bar. Let him know that you don't give a fuck about him and his reach-around crew,

