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Holiday Gift Giving

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  • Holiday Gift Giving

    This year we've made a deal for gift giving - just don't.

    Instead, what we've agreed on with my wife, our folks, and other relatives and friends is to take whatever you're going to spend and rather than buy each other crap we don't want or need, go support military families in need. When I talked to my kids about it they were even cool with the idea - I thought that was pretty cool.

    Of course we'll hook the kids up with a few things - my oldest son wants some weights and my little guy has mentioned wanting an amp that is loud enough to play along when his brother is on drums.

    My father found a great organization in the DC area that provides help for families trying to visit injured loved ones in military hospitals.

    Does anyone else have any suggestions for good organizations? Low overhead, direct to the people, etc.
    I want REAL change. I want dead bodies littering the capitol.

    - Newc

  • #2
    I don't know about your area Tim, but in Shreveport, you can donate food and your time to the homeless shelter. Nothing quite like watching your kids plate up a big helping of turkey and dressing to needy families. They also accept clothing, especially coats and jackets.


    • #3
      One thing to check out is the Family Service Center. I'm pretty sure every branch has some type of this. It's called the Fleet Family Service Center in the Navy. If you Google different bases (I know you're close to Bragg), you should be able to find some info and people to contact.
      The big thing at my base right now is the Holiday Assistance Program. I've volunteered for it a few times. It helps get money to sailors/marines that are going through hard times during the holidays. I've only seen it done on base, but I'm sure you can find more info on supporting it or something similar.
      If you'd like I can ask my buddy who's down at Bragg if he know of any organizations.
      EAOS: 28JUN09


      • #4
        I applaud you guys on this innitiative. If more people like you guys roamed this earth it would certainly be a better place.
        Year before last I joind toys for tots and gathered approximately $3000 in toys for disadvantaged kids. Felt good, it really did.

        But now, these days, at this time. I am convinced everyone is evil deep inside and don't give two anorexic fucks about anyone, because anyone at any given time will stab you in the back if it is in their best interest.
        It doesn't matter that you've gone the extra 2 miles for someone and really & honestly try to be nice, they will fuck you at their right time.

        You have to take care of yourself first and foremost and if the asshole next to you wants to eat your leftovers, so be it.

        You guys are too nice, in a good way. God bless you.

        Mr. Patience.... ask for a free consultation.


        • #5
          Tim, you rock bro.


          • #6
            drockilles - thanks for the tips.

            ...and before you guys give me too much credit, I'm doing this for selfish reasons. I just don't want yet another cheesy guitar themed trinket, bad shirt, cheap tool, bad CD, or other random useless things.
            I want REAL change. I want dead bodies littering the capitol.

            - Newc


            • #7
              The way things look, I'll be giving the gas, electric and mortgage company a gift of "part" of a payment...

              Other than something for my son, that's about it...

              Bah humbug, haha...


              • #8
                Originally posted by hippietim View Post
                I just don't want yet another cheesy guitar themed trinket, bad shirt, cheap tool, bad CD, or other random useless things.
                Ain't it the damned truth! Let's see, there's the tie covered in Flying Vs. There's the set of four Gibson cocktail glasses. There's the Les Paul lapel pin. There's the sterling silver guitar pick. Oh, and I got this last year from my smartassed son.



                • #9
                  I'll take the Gibson cocktail glasses!
                  I want REAL change. I want dead bodies littering the capitol.

                  - Newc

