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One of the worst fights of my life!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  • One of the worst fights of my life!!!!!!!!!!!!

    OK, In case you have been wondering of my absence, let me explain. This is beyond fucked up!

    On Wednesday, December 3, The wife and I went to HHgregg to purchase an Xbox 360 bundle package for $399. It's a pretty good deal, It came with a 60g hardrive, two controllers, four games and a free two year instant store replacement warranty..even if we break it. OK, cool. I don't leave the house often because I don't play nice with others. I have an "anger problem" that I get help for twice a month for seven years. But on this day I took a xanax before I left and it felt good to get out of the house with my wife. So were pretty happy and having a good day. I put the package in the trunk and we get in the car, and we were going to go for lunch. I slowly start to back out and nearly struck a HUGE black Cadillac Escalade pickup SUV doing about 40+ MPH in a fucking parking lot!!!! Honestly it scared the shit out of both of us because we could feel the wind of the fucker as it blew by us so fast. So, I take a deep breath and continued to pull out of the near empty parking lot. As I headed toward the exit, I observed the Black Escalade spin around and floored directly at me!! I'm in my beater '93 Tempo, so I feel pretty fuggin' helpless. I floored my car out of his way and slid into a 180 now facing him about 50 feet away. I see his door open and this white male, age 26-30, shaved head, black jacket, approx 6'4", well over 325 lbs exit his vehicle and is livid, and screaming on top of his lungs as he's walking towards me. Calling me everything in the fucking book. As he got closer I backed up in my usual stance, with my strong leg (r) back and tried to reason with him in a very calm voice "Dude, please calm down, it's is no big deal..nothing happened...please lets just go about our buisness" He called me a "punk", amoung other things this time I told him I was a Police Officer, and attempted to go for my badge wallet. But as I did, he said "yeah right!!!" and charged me at full speed. I side stepped him and pushed his right shoulder, spinning him around. With his momentum still not completly balanced, I speared him with all my fucking might and took him him to the ground. He was VERY strong, and I knew I was in serious trouble!!! He tried to flip me over, and almost did a couple times. But I kicked my legs out as hard as a can and sprawled as wide as I could to keep my leverage and balance. I can hear my wife screaming this whole time. I knew what I had to do..I tried to roll him over but he was much too strong. So I threw a modified crossface/punch, striking his nose while pushing his head to the side with my forearm and elbow..this gave me the open I absolutely needed. Before he could recover I struck him in the nose/mouth two more times. Allowing me to mount his chest. He was able to block of about 1/3 of the blows but I did connect with some serious blows to his nose and face, which was bleeding like crazy. Blood was gushing from my right hand, his and teeth tore the skin from my middle finger all the way to the bone. At this time I heard him say "stop"..Now I'm seeing red, because I can NOT believe this fucking crazy asshole got me into this fucking shit. Hearing "Stop" always means "go" to go I went. I blasted this guy in the mouth and nose approx 40-50 times. Now he was screaming incoherent noises, I gave him a couple more and he started going limp..I was exhausted and felt my heart pounding in my head and chest. So I got up..and looked at the mess this asshole made me do. So I stomped down on his face with full force with my boot..actually tearing the front of my boot. I left him there and walked back to my car. I got into my car, my heart still racing and I'm shaking uncontrollably, and my finger is bleeding profusely. I sat there catching my breath and my bearings , wondering what the fuck just happened and why?..why?..I leave the fuggin' house once a month..why??...why me?? Well he's laying there, motionless, but started to hear him grumbling. Absolutely noboby was around or was seen, or cared. My wife was in complete shock and didn't know what to do, not even to call 911. She was begging me to stop towards the end and I did because of her pleas. She heard many stories about me from my partners, many people and stories from me..but my wife NEVER witnessed this in our 25 years togther..NOTHING like this...and I really wished she hadn't. I'm glad my son wasn't with us..he easily could have been. It's not like this motherfucker gave a fuck.

    Now I'm 45 years old and haven't had to do anything like this in almost 8 years. I worked the worst district in Cleveland for 12 years and I got into at least 1-5 fights a day. Let's say that I work 250 days a year with the low number of two fights per day. That equals 500 fights a year. Times that by 12 years. That is the minimum of 6000 fights just on this stupid fuggin' job. I know it's more than that, but for the sake of arguement let's go with lowest number possible. With 6000 fights under my belt, I would have to say this fight was in my top 3 of all time. The fear I had when I felt him pulling me over and almost did made my adrenaline go through the roof. Because I know if he did, I would be in a world of hurt, especially with my broken neck and back..I could be paralyzed instantly. My left arm and hand is 50% paralyzed already. I did not want to fight, and I know my limitations/risks with age and injuries. I was in a very rare happy mood, and bought my son his Christmas present. This man was a threat to anyone in his way that day for whatever reason. I don't know if he was on something. I didn't smell any trace of alcohol. My wife kept asking me if I was kicking his face or the back of the head because he was bald but completely covered in blood and couldn't tell. I took off my sock and wrapped it around my finger and hand, and put my boot back on to drive home. I new I needed stitches but I don't want to wait 8 hours at the ER and pay 600 dollars for a stitches in my finger. As far as that mothefucker goes..I hope he remembers that day for the rest of his life. Everytime he looks in the mirror I hope he sees the results of his actions that day. I KNOW he doesn't have a nose..that's demolished. Hey, whatever damage was done..he insisted on it. I wasn't packing my gun, and I'm glad I didn't. Because I prolly would've lost it during the "struggle" and that is an understatement.

    Ironically, Every muscle in my body is in sever pain, except for my broken neck. I excerpted 100% of my energy and used muscles in my body that hasn't been used in years. I'm no longer in my prime. What if this was my dad..who's older, and his knees are gone and he has a bad heart. That asshole wouldn't care. That asshole would've attacked me. The only thing I could think of is him racing thru the parking lot like that. There was really something "off" with this guy..well, this could have been alot worse. But I couldn't let that happen. That is not an option. I'm glad I don't carry my gun since I retired, and I was in the biggest shooting in Cleveland Police History with approx 90 rounds fired. Carrying a gun is more responsibility and a liability than people realize. Someone would have shot this guy, and would be fucked. Because I believe he was unarmed. Something like pepper spray, asp baton, or a personal taser would prolly be more feasible..I don't think a tazer would have worked on this big crazy fucker..he would have just tore the barbs out of his jacket. I know "crazy"..and this guy was full blown fucking "crazy"..and extremely violent! The only time I could have justfied shooting at him is when he was using his vehcle as a threat/weapon when he was flooring his SUV directly at us.

    I didn't contact police, I thought about it. I tried to stop the bleediing when I got home. The only thing that worked was a folded slice of white bread, something I've done for years (It works). The starch helps coagulate the blood to able to put super glue on it. Luckily, there is no infection from his teeth ( I hope I knocked some out). I just cleaned it really good with alcohol (that felt great) and peroxide. before I put the bread on it. I passed out on the bed when I wrapped the bread on it. My wife had to wash all my clothes, and I hardly had the energy to take a shower. I have been in such a lousy mood, and in so much pain since. It just confirms why I never want to leave the house. It confirms why I hate people so much, It confirms how I see the world, and why I have to be the vicious animal I've become to survive..for my family.

    I'm beyond sick of human pollution breathing my air. Pissing on my parade, preying upon the weak, including our loved ones. It makes me want to hunt that pathetic human shit. I really miss being a cop, I was really good at it. But there is much too many assholes to make the world a better place. It's only getting worse with each year. It's a lost cause. I feel sorry for our kids. Something has to give, something needs to change, we are so fucked. I can take care of me and mine..but not everyone is able to do that. Right now, as we speak an innocent, good, vunerable person, possibly a child it our mother, father, brother, sister, son, daughter ect. is being raped, robbed, brutally attacked by vicious pieces of shit like this...who have more rights than the victims.

    Now this guy was driving this EXACT vehicle..and he looked like he was well dressed and groomed. I just don't get it. Maybe it wasn't his vehicle. I didn't even care to get his plate #. I just wanted to go home. I just didn't care.

    Last edited by horns666; 12-08-2008, 05:51 PM. Reason: typos...fuggums
    "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
    Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

    "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.

  • #2
    Hey man,
    Thoughts with you. Reminds me of something a little less extreme that happened to me as a youth.
    You do have to remind yourself that you were not the aggressor initially.

    This should clear out some anger issues for a few months
    When you take a shower in space, you have to press the water onto your body to clean yourself, and then you gotta vacuum it off. - Ace Frehley


    • #3
      who knows, man - but at least you are unharmed. any witnesses?

      some guitars...WITH STRINGS!!!! most of them have those sticks like on guitar hero....AWESOME!!!!

      some amps...they have some glowing bottle like things in them...i think my amps do that modelling thing....COOL, huh?!?!?!

      and finally....

      i have those little plastic "chips" used to hit the strings...WHOA!!!!


      • #4
        You did what you had too Bill.
        Sounds like he had a severe case of small dick syndrome.
        Why people act like that is beyond me.
        I hope the piece of shit remembers the ass whooping for the rest of his life.


        • #5
          Good for you dude.
          Bottom line is that you and your loved ones are OK.
          I too hate human pieces of shit like this. Believe me, the best thing you did was not stopping when he said stop. I learned this the hard way many years ago. I'll bet the maggot will be thinking twice before he jumps out of his vehicle again. This is a classic case of a guy who thought he was a badass messing with the wrong person at the wrong time and learning a valuable, albiet painful lesson.
          You sir, can go you fuck yourself and don't let the door hit you in the vagina on the way out.
          You're such a pretencious, phony, boring, transparent, self righteous worthless fuck..You are amusing as a genital wart!
          --horns666 - 12/08/08

          Hey, if those are fake fake titty fuggin' cheatin'? I say no!
          --horns666 - 12/29/08
          I think your dad jacked off in a flower pot and you were born a blooming idiot.
          --LouSiffer - 06/25/09


          • #6
            Score one for the good guys!
            "Wow,... that was some of the hardest rockin ever. Hardest to listen too."


            • #7
              A the guy was a complete tool for doing 40 ian parking lot what if he hit some kids or people in that thing he'd likely kill them, I doubt many people would empathise with him, maybe he wont be driving like a such a dick now...

              It's just a shame that you had to beat his ass..


              • #8
                Wow, its crazy how people act for no reason. He had this coming to him.


                • #9
                  He got what he asked for.
                  +1 on the boot stomp bro, that was sweet!! I was picturing this whole thing unfold...
                  What a bitch! As big as he was and he couldn't defend himself. Most big guys cant fight because they never had to, they bullied their way around in life.
                  Good for you Bill.
                  Should have taken his wallet too...Fuggin Cleveland Street style !
                  'Howling in shadows
                  Living in a lunar spell
                  He finds his heaven
                  Spewing from the mouth of hell'


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by 442w30 View Post
                    Hey man,
                    Thoughts with you. Reminds me of something a little less extreme that happened to me as a youth.
                    You do have to remind yourself that you were not the aggressor initially.

                    This should clear out some anger issues for a few months
                    Well, I would think this would get any angst out of my system. But thinking about it just gets me angry..and man am I sore..even my ass hurts!

                    Thanks man..
                    "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
                    Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

                    "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


                    • #11
                      Sorry to hear man - glad you were on "this" end of the beating.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by markD View Post
                        who knows, man - but at least you are unharmed. any witnesses?
                        I still have no why this happned. This was his agenda..and he was hellbent for it. Absolutelt no witnesses at all. My wife said nobody was in the lot at the time. It was a pretty empty lot. Late on, the wife and I joked about their free two year store warranty because they looked like they're going outta biz..
                        "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
                        Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

                        "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


                        • #13
                          I just hope he didn't lie there crying that some big bad man gave him a kicking for "absolutely no reason" and now the police are looking for you.
                          He obviously deserved it, ranting at someone in a carpark is one thing, we probably all do it when we are in a bad mood, but when he charged you he stepped over the line and unfortunately did it to the wrong bloke. Maybe he learned not to be a dick in future.
                          So I woke up,rolled over and who was lying next to me? Only Bonnie Langford!

                          I nearly broke her back


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by rjohnstone View Post
                            You did what you had too Bill.
                            Sounds like he had a severe case of small dick syndrome.
                            Why people act like that is beyond me.
                            I hope the piece of shit remembers the ass whooping for the rest of his life.
                            Thnaks man.. Man, I dunno wtf his problem was. That was a awesome SUV he had. and he was driving it thru the parking lot like Steve McQueen..

                            Yes, I made it a point to teach him a lesson. I wanted him to remember this one. That fucker almost had me..
                            "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
                            Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

                            "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


                            • #15
                              Your wife was probably screaming because she thought you were gonna strain your pud!

