Originally posted by lerxstcat
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In many legal writings before the US constitution, what was not expressly allowed(included in the writing) was forbidden(a crime). In the constitution however, what is not expressly forbidden(included in the writing) was allowed. So no, I can not point out to you where this would be in the constitution - Score 1 for the constitution(it's about freedom).
Lerx - personally I don't see how spending 13 years(I'm 37) of listening to 'strawberry alarm clock' qualifies you to know what's best for me.(it's easy to come off like a pretentious butthead, see I can do it to.)
No where in my posts do I agree with lawyering up at the slightest question. In fact several times I've pointed out that in general people should give more respect to the police. I've also defended the US constitution(this most be you're sticking point with me.)
Yep sometimes I do pee in my backyard, between two out buildings, a privacy fence, 20 ft of muscadine vines and an orchard. In no way highly visible, but you're probably right and I'll walk my happy self inside from now on.
I'm gonna believe that the idea of your posts is to be helpfull to members who are to stupid to think for themselves.
Obviously we're going to have to agree to disagree, but remember sir ; That many great Americans died to preserve the rights that you would freely give away.
I'm no longer going to post on this thread - it's gotten out of hand in my opinion.
To all the police on board;
Thankyou for your service, you have a thankless job - and do not get the respect that you deserve.
And the constitution also deserves the utmost respect, the rights of a free people are of the greatest importance.
I'm out of this thread
