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fuggin' Squirrel in my basement

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  • #46
    Originally posted by SouthPlatteDemon View Post
    In Colorado we have the make my day law.
    :think: Make my day? As in Dirty Harry? I got a 44 mag ya know.:idea:

    EDIT: I read up on that law. New Jersey is way too liberal for something that makes that much sense. We like to coddle and reward our outlaws.
    Last edited by StukaJU87; 12-18-2008, 01:27 PM.
    Be without fear in the face of your enemies. Be brave and upright, that God may love thee. Speak the truth always, even if it leads to your death. Safeguard the helpless and do no wrong.


    • #47
      Originally posted by SouthPlatteDemon View Post
      That thing could be bringing a serious disease in the house. I would be concerned.
      I am concerned. Very much so. I am waiting for my g/f to get home from work. She is bringing home a new trap from their building maint dept.

      D-Day starts tonight at app 1900 hours. No POW's will be taken. The body count will admittedly be low, but that is because I only have one enemy combatant. He will dine on peanut butter and chemical agents. It's him or us...the time has come for bringing this intruder to justice.
      Be without fear in the face of your enemies. Be brave and upright, that God may love thee. Speak the truth always, even if it leads to your death. Safeguard the helpless and do no wrong.


      • #48
        Originally posted by StukaJU87 View Post
        Is that rat poison? :think: Yeah, that should work. Gotta be sure my cat doesn't get to it though.
        also, you may try to find where it can hide. If the poison gives it enough time to get in your walls or attic, it'll smell pretty bad post mortem.
        I had a problem with rats once and that happened to me.

        Good luck
        Last edited by Jayster; 12-18-2008, 02:05 PM.
        Enjoying a rum and coke, just didn't have any coke...


        • #49
          Poor thing, all it wanted was a warm place to sleep and a meal or two. It's probably out of work, has a starving family, trying desperately to make ends meet. Probably has a mom out there that's gonna have her heart ripped apart.

          Is the guilt trip working yet?


          • #50
            Had the same issue with a rat dying "somewhere" after poisoning... I had to pretty much just stay gone for a few weeks, it was sick smelling...

            Hey, on my personal experience with evil shit in the homestead....

            I had a fucked up experience with an 8" (body length) rat coming out of my fucking toilet a few weeks and my dog warned me as we walked downstairs from the bedroom one morning. He freaked on it, actually snatched and bit it immediately! It screamed like loud! Then I was like "what the FUCK!" and he dropped it being scared of "me" yelling in surprise... Doh!!!

            being fairly too naked to fight with a big ass rat, I ran. Pitbull wanted to get him, but I called him with me... Got jeans, boots, and shovel from porch and play boot and shovel hockey with it. Seriously... I just could not get enough velocity to kill it by kicking it since it was so close to the floor I guess and it ran back to the bathroom.

            Contained, I almost grabbed my Glock, and then was like ummm, no, bad idea... I finally shot that fucker with a strong pellet rifle in the bathroom, hiding up on the water service line under the toilet... THAT was seriously fucked up... Took six shots to kill that big f-er

            Quite an experience when half asleep.


            • #51
              Originally posted by Jayster View Post
              also, you may try to find where it can hide. If the poison gives it enough time to get in your walls or attic, it'll smell pretty bad post mortem.
              I had a problem with rats once and that happened to me.

              Good luck
              His cozy spot has been on the foundation behind a piece of wood above my electric panel. If he retreats there to die, I will be able to get to him.

              I read up a little on this yesterday and it appears that in NJ you only have 2 options.

              1)You can kill it.
              2)You can trap it but you must let it go on your own property.

              I am thinking option 1. Sorry, Mark. But this infidel has worn out my good nature.
              Be without fear in the face of your enemies. Be brave and upright, that God may love thee. Speak the truth always, even if it leads to your death. Safeguard the helpless and do no wrong.


              • #52

                "Dearly Beloved, We are Gathered Here Today..."


                • #53
                  I dont know about squirrels, but I have always heard that soda (coke) will kill rats and mice. Squirrels are in the rodent family maybe it will work on them.


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by SEEGERMANY View Post

                    "Dearly Beloved, We are Gathered Here Today..."
                    :ROTF: OK...two questions:

                    Where in the hell do you find this stuff?!?!?

                    Why is there a mirror on the inside of his coffin?

                    Oh yeah, keep 'em coming. We can all have a great laugh at Scott's expense. Just don' let him know I said that.



                    • #55
                      D'Con makes it bleed to death through it's skin. So it should just dry up. Thus no smell. Maybe that's just for mice cuz there so small and something as meaty as a squirrel would obviously take longer to decompose.

                      I can't believe a law was passed that told you what you could do with a dirty fluffy rat once you catch the fucker in your house. I'm pretty sure we don't have that kind stuff out west. Were pretty much just still relishing in the fact you can go get food without getting scalped. \m/

                      I had squirrels in my house in Denver and I trapped them and then drowned them in a trash can. They shit and pissed all over my boat and that put me over the edge.


                      • #56
                        I'm with Seegs here. If he likes peanut butter so much, just leave a trail of it going outside and sit and wait.

                        And get a darn chimney cap!!


                        • #57

                          "hey cat, there's a packet of food by the wall, go take a bite and see how you like it"


                          • #58
                            I'm in the save the squirrel camp too!
                            I think the peanut butter, open window idea will work just fine. Give it a try.


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by guitarsjb View Post
                              I'm in the save the squirrel camp too!
                              I think the peanut butter, open window idea will work just fine. Give it a try.
                              I tried it today and it did not work. All I got was an even colder basement. I am on 6 days with this crap already. As much of an animal lover as I am, my patience is pretty much gone. All squirrels carry diseases and to have this in my house this long is pissing me off. Don't forget, besides myself, Kathy and Kyle, I also have my dog and my cat to worry about.
                              Be without fear in the face of your enemies. Be brave and upright, that God may love thee. Speak the truth always, even if it leads to your death. Safeguard the helpless and do no wrong.


                              • #60
                                Hey Scott, if I had a $1.00 for every fox and cat squirrel I've killed since age five, I could damn near bailout the auto industry. It was a tradition for my dad and I to squirrel hunt the opening two weeks in October and then every weekend til February 1st. When I got married, we missed a few opening weeks, but after my son was born, he too was taught to squirrel hunt.

                                It's been several years since I hunted and now I have pet squirrels that come to my bird feeders. I love to watch them and about three years ago, I raised an orphaned cat squirrel to maturity. And I shit you not, my wife named hom Scotty!

                                I hope you understand that I've just been having a little fun and picking at ya! Frankly, I would have given him one day to make his escape and then I would have capped his ass with a pellet rifle.

                                I don't endorse poisons. My best friend poisoned a squirrel, the fucker died inside a wall, and it took weeks to get the stench from their house. Try being a little more aggressive with a broom and try to corral that critter back to nature!

