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Ever get a Song Stuck in your head for way too Long?

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  • Ever get a Song Stuck in your head for way too Long?

    I had this song stuck in my head for over a week straight.

    I heard it on the Satellite Radio when my dad was taking me to school.

    Then I somehow got this stuck in my head for two or three days:

    That song drives me nuts. It's so annoying.

    Finally I got this stuck in my head (The melody). Thankfully it's something I actually listen to :

    So, have you people had any bad luck with getting stuff stuck in your heads?

    Edit: Something messed up with the title... It cut one part out and put in in another part. It's supposed to say "Ever Get a Song Stuck in Your Head for Way too Long?".

    Double edit: Fixed it!
    Last edited by Ben...; 12-19-2008, 04:35 PM.
    "Dear Dr. Bill,
    I work with a woman who is about 5 feet tall and weighs close to 450 pounds and has more facial hair than ZZ Top." - Jack The Riffer

    "OK, we can both have Ben..joint custody. I'll have him on the weekends. We could go out in my Cobra and give people the permitting of course.." -Bill Z. Bub

  • #2
    sort of yeah.... recently i've had the riff to "wild side" by motley crue going through my head at random times of the day... its so bad in fact i have dug out my napalm death album to help keep it metal


    • #3
      oh yeah, I get songs stuck in my head all the time, "and the only cure is more cowbell" j\k. I had this gem stuck in my head for about 2 weeks, it was introduced to me on the JCF ;

      and for no reason whatsoever(that I can figure out) I get this melody stuck in my head ;

      Yeah, I think everyone gets songs stuck in their head, this thread has some good potential !

      Enjoying a rum and coke, just didn't have any coke...


      • #4
        Yeah, well how about having the theme tune to Dogtanian and the Three Fucking Muskehounds trapped inside your head? For years....and years. And now I've thought of it again......aaaaargh.
        So I woke up,rolled over and who was lying next to me? Only Bonnie Langford!

        I nearly broke her back


        • #5
          Haha, I do believe it was me that unleashed Rasputin on here.
          "Dear Dr. Bill,
          I work with a woman who is about 5 feet tall and weighs close to 450 pounds and has more facial hair than ZZ Top." - Jack The Riffer

          "OK, we can both have Ben..joint custody. I'll have him on the weekends. We could go out in my Cobra and give people the permitting of course.." -Bill Z. Bub


          • #6
            Originally posted by Jayster View Post
            oh yeah, I get songs stuck in my head all the time, "and the only cure is more cowbell" j\k. I had this gem stuck in my head for about 2 weeks, it was introduced to me on the JCF ;
            have you had this version or the original stuck in your head?
            Hail yesterday


            • #7

              I've got some good friends from croatia, and they informed me it was a cover ! I had no idea, not much into disco............ but hell yeah - after falling in love with this version, BoneyM's is cool too. EDIT: I know BoneyM was big in Germany and Europe, but know one I know had ever heard this over here in the states.

              my croatian friends, especially his hot wife showed me a dance - that I can not describe, fucking cool !
              Anyfuckingways, I'm having a dumb drunk on now.

              Merry Christmas all,
              Last edited by Jayster; 12-20-2008, 07:55 AM.
              Enjoying a rum and coke, just didn't have any coke...


              • #8
                For some reason I've had the riff to GNRs "You Could Be Mine" in my head ever since it first came out. So that's been in my head almost constantly for what? 17 years (holy shit now I feel old!). I don't even like the song all that much, but I find myself thinking about, tapping my toes and stuff all the fookin' time. I was actually doing it when I saw this thread.



                • #9
                  Yeah. All the time.

                  I think the egghead term for this is called a, "phonological loop." I might be wrong, but I know for sure they're called "earworms."

                  Mostly stupid ass pop tunes because they're written to be catchy and stick in your head. It doesn't help that you hear them all the time either.

                  Shoot me now. I've got that "Hot and Cold" Katy Perry tune bouncing around my cranial cavity right now.

