This is turning out to be a pretty good day.
In the season of caring, good will, and love,
Nothing could possibly tickle me to pieces more, or give my
inner core of self such satisfying instant gratification,nor make myself feel even more ducky than I already do, than to wish
you fukkwads from the very bottom of my warm heart a very
Motley Christmas. I do miss you kookbats.
Thomas Stefan Malhame IIIrd of Spain
In the season of caring, good will, and love,
Nothing could possibly tickle me to pieces more, or give my
inner core of self such satisfying instant gratification,nor make myself feel even more ducky than I already do, than to wish
you fukkwads from the very bottom of my warm heart a very
Motley Christmas. I do miss you kookbats.
Thomas Stefan Malhame IIIrd of Spain