That's a damned lie! 
It's funny, but a lot of us older farts here at the JCF have experienced things in our youth that would blow these youngster's minds. I guess it's that way with every generation. But I can honestly say, I wouldn't trade a bit of my childhood experiences for what kids see and do these days!
Here's a few random thoughts that ran through my head while typing this crap! Some of it carries over into being a young adult.
Remember wooden tennis rackets?
Before backhoes, we used sharpshooters.
Remember black & white TV?
If you don't remember Red Skelton, boy have you missed out on "true" comedy.
Visiting grandparents who didn't have indoor plumbing. Ever wiped your ass with a corn cob or a page from the Sears Roebuck catalog?
Rotary dial phones
Column shift vehicles
Filling up the gas tank on a Honda SL 125 for $.32
Watching The Beatles on The Ed Sullivan Show
Silly Putty and Slinkys
The Mod Squad, Combat and The Rat Patrol
$.25 lunches at school, extra $.25 would get ya an Icee, a candy bar, and some bubble gum after school.
Banana seat bikes (yea fuckers, we started BMX)
Going to church on Wednesday nights, twice on Sunday, and Monday night choir practice whether you wanted to or not.
Riding the school bus.
Model airplanes and ships (build them then blow them up with firecrackers)
Cokes in glass bottles, 6 1/2 oz, 10 oz, and 16 oz ($.05 refund on empties)
Leisure suits
Remember when McDonald's hamburgers were $.19 each?
Remember when Playboy and Penthouse were the only skin magazines?
Remember Christmas tree forts?
And finally, no computers, no Internet, no cell phones. Give us a pile of dirt, a spoon, some plastic army men, and we could entertain ourselves for hours. We had wonderful imaginations!
Add to the list, I know you can!

It's funny, but a lot of us older farts here at the JCF have experienced things in our youth that would blow these youngster's minds. I guess it's that way with every generation. But I can honestly say, I wouldn't trade a bit of my childhood experiences for what kids see and do these days!
Here's a few random thoughts that ran through my head while typing this crap! Some of it carries over into being a young adult.

Remember wooden tennis rackets?
Before backhoes, we used sharpshooters.
Remember black & white TV?
If you don't remember Red Skelton, boy have you missed out on "true" comedy.
Visiting grandparents who didn't have indoor plumbing. Ever wiped your ass with a corn cob or a page from the Sears Roebuck catalog?
Rotary dial phones
Column shift vehicles
Filling up the gas tank on a Honda SL 125 for $.32
Watching The Beatles on The Ed Sullivan Show
Silly Putty and Slinkys
The Mod Squad, Combat and The Rat Patrol
$.25 lunches at school, extra $.25 would get ya an Icee, a candy bar, and some bubble gum after school.
Banana seat bikes (yea fuckers, we started BMX)
Going to church on Wednesday nights, twice on Sunday, and Monday night choir practice whether you wanted to or not.
Riding the school bus.
Model airplanes and ships (build them then blow them up with firecrackers)
Cokes in glass bottles, 6 1/2 oz, 10 oz, and 16 oz ($.05 refund on empties)
Leisure suits
Remember when McDonald's hamburgers were $.19 each?
Remember when Playboy and Penthouse were the only skin magazines?
Remember Christmas tree forts?
And finally, no computers, no Internet, no cell phones. Give us a pile of dirt, a spoon, some plastic army men, and we could entertain ourselves for hours. We had wonderful imaginations!
Add to the list, I know you can!
