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Wouldn't Trade My Childhood For Nothing

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  • Originally posted by Cleveland Metal View Post
    Man, as a child, we'd buy MD 20-20 or Boonesfarm, pour it in a glass and drop a shot glass of Old Brookside (40 proof whiskey) in it and slam it down like a boilermaker... What the hell were we thinking...

    I'm still put off on wine as well.... Haha....
    We used to drink MD2020, Tango, Reuniti (on ice.. thats nice) and those little 8 packs of Miller Ponies!!
    How about these...

    Ban de Sole for the San Tropei Tan
    Volare.... oh... oh.....

    Remember when a nickel bag of pot was 2 fingers and $5.00
    A Lid was 3 fingers and $20.00
    Cocaine was $100.00 a gram
    Underdash slide mounts
    FM converters
    Jensen Triaxals
    Crazy Eddy... his prices were INSANE!!!
    The AMC Levi's Gremlin with the jean interior
    When the Duncan Yo-Yo man would come to town and have contests


    • 8 Pack Miller Ponies... OMG... I forgot about those, haha.....


      • Originally posted by SEEGERMANY View Post
        Oh, here's a good one. Remember when teachers would copy tests (prior to Zerox machines) in that dark purple ink? You'd sit there and snif the paper till your eyes crossed, then take the test! No wonder my grades sucked!

        Yes, and I remember the sad day when my school got a Xerox machine

        No more sweet inky smell to buzz off of before a test. Talk about a kick in the nuts

        Gary - Sounds like Australia's 20 years behind the States then

        Yes we had sluts in my neighborhood. Actually we had bitches. You do know the difference between a whore and a bitch, right? A whore will do anybody. A bitch will do anybody but you

        And the first and last beer I ever drank was a Miller Pony. :puke:
        I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood

        The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

        My Blog:


        • Rock 'em Sock 'em Robots LOL


          • Originally posted by Newc View Post
            Gary - Sounds like Australia's 20 years behind the States then
            maybe, but I'll be getting drunk on NYE 18 hours before you....

            I just can't buy into the "state of kids these days". As Endrik has pointed out, every generation makes the same complaints, about the state of the world as the previous generation has left it and about those deadbeat kids in the next generation. And yea, plenty of kids are brain dead automatons, hooked on XBox and junk food, and who more concerned about the brand of sneakers you wear than doing the right thing

            But I remember plenty of kids of our generation who wouldn't have thought twice about hitting a teacher or telling a parent to fuck off, who were hooked on arcade games, who ditched school to get drunk & who tormented kids who couldn't afford or didn't have the good taste to buy/wear/use whatever the cool thing of the day was.

            You ever revisit any of those teen comedies of the 80s? Seems to me things haven't changed a lot. You have the rich popular kids who have everything and the unpopular kids who don't, and all shades in between. Only the toys & fashions have changed.

            It's funny watching this thread as a bunch of old curmudgeons carry on about how "we didn't need a bunch of stuff. We left the house in the morning and made our own fun" and then go on to reminisce about all the different toys & games & gadgets they had back in the day

            Originally posted by Newc View Post
            Yes we had sluts in my neighborhood. Actually we had bitches. You do know the difference between a whore and a bitch, right? A whore will do anybody. A bitch will do anybody but you
            that's an oldie. I must've known a lot of bitches growing up
            Hail yesterday


            • Originally posted by VitaminG View Post
              that's an oldie. I must've known a lot of bitches growing up
              Knew them? I married one....


              • Originally posted by cleveland metal View Post
                knew them? I married one....
                Hail yesterday


                • Tui's....oh, yellow jackets,you made me think for a minute...and reds,christmas trees,black beauties
                  this is a great thread


                  • haha
                    Last edited by Mr.Shreddy; 12-31-2008, 02:53 AM.
                    Ratt & Roll


                    • Originally posted by SEEGERMANY View Post
                      You have not experienced life unless you've puked Boone's Farm Apple Wine, Strawberry Hill or Wildberry wine and it came out your nose! We'd get so drunk on that shit, the only way to get sober was to smoke either an unfiltered Camel or Pall Mall. Doing so would guarantee that you'd puke your large intestine too!
                      that's all luxury, I know many started puking because of the cheap cologne, that's what every bum drinks here, even this day a bottle costs a buck, more than 90% of alcohol, disgusting smell and taste, very very gross, some times the bums are mixing the different ones together, that process looks like an important procedure in a science lab
                      we used to buy them and put that shit on someone's chair at the school, so their pants would stink, some of us drink it too... not good

                      "There is nothing more fearful than imagination without taste" - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

                      "To be stupid, selfish and have good health are three requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, all is lost" - Gustave Flaubert


                      • Originally posted by guitarsjb View Post
                        Rock 'em Sock 'em Robots LOL
                        They were fun


                        • Originally posted by jgcable View Post
                          You are the man. Thanks for reminding me of many things I have forgotten. Especially Drawing the Kiss logo on your blue cloth covered three-ring binder and Battery of the month card from radio shack

                          OK, here's a good one, and a related good one:

                          CB Radio's

                          "Wow,... that was some of the hardest rockin ever. Hardest to listen too."


                          • Wow, awesome thread. I still have my Steve Miller 'Fly Like an Eagle' 8-track. I remember the first remote we had for the tv; my Dad would push my butt and tell me to change the channel. We actually had a van with an oval window in the back and shag rug on the interior with captain's seats. We made tree houses. My Dad bought a 1973 Oldsmobile Cutlass S with a 350 Rocket, dual exhaust, and posi-traction; when I turned 16 it was transferred to me. The great indoor games were my Hot Wheels race track (no electronics); later I got a TCR (Total Control Racing) track. I can't remember when I got them, but I got a Commodore 64 in Jr. High and then an Atari 2600. I remember playing these with Def Leopard 'High and Dry' & Pryomania (I wore that one out) in the background as well as Priest and AC/DC. The first album I ever bought with my own money was AC/DC 'Back in Black' in elementary of times.
                            Yesterday is history; tomorrow is a mystery; but today is a gift; that's why it is called the present.


                            • Oh yeah...remeber the pasty glue that smelled like peppermint in elementary school? How many took a nibble on that one? Come can say it...
                              Yesterday is history; tomorrow is a mystery; but today is a gift; that's why it is called the present.


                              • Fings wot I remember from me childhood:

                                Coming home from school, getting changed, getting the dog, and fucking off out till dark.

                                Getting tooled up with GAT guns (the ones that the barrel pops out of the end) and shooting at each other. Perfectly acceptable to walk about with one shoved in your belt, no SWAT teams called, no problem. OK, so people weren't quite soo keen when the ante was upped with the .177 Webley air rifle, and as for the days when we discovered "Garden guns" (ie. .410 bolt-action shotgun)......well, we stopped plinking at each other with those. Mostly.

                                Stealing birds' eggs. Yes, wrong, I know, but I fucking knew it all about ornithology, and I only took 1 of each species, not like some cunts I know who took every egg, even of blackbirds and things that they had loads of specimens.

                                Sniffing Glue. Ah, the smell of Evostik, hmmmm, vintage!

                                Lighting fires. You know, little fires to keep us warm out in the fields. And in barns, and factory bins. (Then trying to find a phone box to phone the fire brigade.)

                                Ah yes, phone boxes. None worked, they all smelled of piss, and for a long time I thought they actually came from the factory with broken window panes and "Wogs Out" scrawled on them.

                                Drawing Swastikas. We weren't Nazis, or White Supremacists, but everyone used to draw swastikas everywhere, they just flowed from your pen, onto other people's pushbikes, garden fences, schoolbags, desks, little brother's foreheads in indelible marker etc.
                                It was no big deal, we used it because it pissed off "grown ups", but even they didn't get as freaked out by it like people do today. Sid Vicious walked round in a swastika t-shirt, lots of people didn't like him, but nothing was said about his dress. Today he'd be hanged. (Remember Sid & Nancy, they chickened out of depicting him with a swastika, and showed him wearing a red shirt with a hammer and sickle on. How come back then, when plenty of people were alive who fought the swastika banner, it was not seen to be particularly offensive, but today it's on a par with having "I'm a Child Molester" on your shirt?)

                                Drawing swastikas the wrong way round. Yep, the sign of maturity, when you stopped doing back-to-front swastikas.

                                Throwing bananas at black football players. Yes, I know that isn't nice either. There was something particularly poetic about 50,000 soccer fans, from both sides, all making monkey noises when one of those darkies got the ball. Not saying it was right, funny or clever, just a childhood memory.

                                Tell a kid today that was what happened as standard back in the 70s and they don't believe you, but I recall respectable, otherwise nice normal men at football grounds bringing bags of bananas and handing them out so everyone had one to chuck if the black bloke came to that side of the ground. There were only 3 black players in England then, I reckon - Cyril Regis, John Fashanu and Viv Richards. How things have go to jail now if you try to even smuggle bananas into a ground, let alone make any disparaging comment. Back then you were some kind of soft homo freak if you didn't join in.

                                Benny Hill Show. I used to wonder what the fucking hell that was all about - the only good bit was him slapping that bloke's head. Of course, nowadays I see the attraction of chasing nurses round the park in their underwear in triple speed. (Even if the police don't).

                                Shops shut on Sundays, and on Weds afternoon. No ifs, no buts, they ALL did, and that was that. Even the Indians at the VG.

                                Maggie fucking Thatcher. My dad hated (and still hates) her guts. Naturally, she became very attractive to me, simply because I'm a contrary bastard. (He liked her for sinking that Argie battleship though. Yeeeeah! Gotcha!!!)

                                Things on Blue Peter made with pipe cleaners. For years I hadn't a clue what a pipe cleaner was, no-one I knew ever had any, certainly none in our house, yet Blue fucking Peter used to tell you in a matter of fact way to make it out of "pipe cleaners", without telling you what they were or where to get them. It did my head in for years, I was about 25 when I discovered they were tobacco pipe cleaners. Ohhhhh, why the fuck didn't you say that then, I would have known that my Dad didn't smoke a pipe, so we didn't have any. I actually thought I came from a deprived home because we never had any fucking pipe cleaners. Of course, anyone says they have a pipe at home today, it's a bong or a crack pipe.
                                Last edited by Rsmacker; 12-31-2008, 09:09 AM.
                                So I woke up,rolled over and who was lying next to me? Only Bonnie Langford!

                                I nearly broke her back

