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Wouldn't Trade My Childhood For Nothing

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  • #31
    Originally posted by SEEGERMANY View Post
    I want to take a second and make sure i haven't pissed off any young JCF members. You guys are great and I'll be the first to admit, even this old dawg learns new stuff from "the younguns." Best advice I can give ya is to stay young as long as you can! Being a grownup ain't everything it's cracked up to be!
    It's okay SG, I'm on your side in this argument. I think this is a great discussion because it's true.
    "Dear Dr. Bill,
    I work with a woman who is about 5 feet tall and weighs close to 450 pounds and has more facial hair than ZZ Top." - Jack The Riffer

    "OK, we can both have Ben..joint custody. I'll have him on the weekends. We could go out in my Cobra and give people the permitting of course.." -Bill Z. Bub


    • #32
      Originally posted by SEEGERMANY View Post
      I want to take a second and make sure i haven't pissed off any young JCF members. You guys are great and I'll be the first to admit, even this old dawg learns new stuff from "the younguns." Best advice I can give ya is to stay young as long as you can! Being a grownup ain't everything it's cracked up to be!
      I agree, us older fuckers can never take anything away from you young folks, but we can always learn. live loud, have fun, and always be yourself. Great group of folks here


      • #33
        [/QUOTE] Does your school have people who wear those jeans that are so tight that they look like spandex? I swear that one day those pants are gonna burst.[/QUOTE]

        Haha yeah, those people are called Emo's because they are so emotional about everything, but they are probably just pissed that their balls are popping in those girl pants!
        Ratt & Roll


        • #34
          Originally posted by jacksoncsplayer View Post
          I agree, us older fuckers can never take anything away from you young folks, but we can always learn. live loud, have fun, and always be yourself. Great group of folks here
          Ya, I love this thread and how cool everyone is here!
          Ratt & Roll


          • #35
            I wear tight jeans, sometimes when I go to a club I wear 'em without boxers so my pud would stick out... kinda like young Robert Plant... and every time a girl happens to make a contact with my front side in some tight spot... I yell rape!!! good times
            "There is nothing more fearful than imagination without taste" - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

            "To be stupid, selfish and have good health are three requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, all is lost" - Gustave Flaubert


            • #36
              Originally posted by Endrik View Post
              I wear tight jeans, sometimes when I go to a club I wear 'em without boxers so my pud would stick out... kinda like young Robert Plant... and every time a girl happens to make a contact with my front side in some tight spot... I yell rape!!! good times
              Haha wow dude! that's kinda extreme!!!
              Ratt & Roll


              • #37
                Being 15 was great - friday nights babysit for some brats; saturday nights get drunk listening to heavy metal in a German club. Now try getting into a UK club - crap music, door fee, watered down flat beer. And a lot of the customers and staff are asshats.
                Fuck ebay, fuck paypal

                "Finger on the trigger, back against the wall. Counting rounds and voices, not enough to kill them all" (Ihsahn).


                • #38
                  Yep, 45 and I remember, seen, done and lived most at mentioned thus far.
                  I agree, the kids today have so many neat things but dumber than a box of rocks, absolutely no common sense.
                  They don't no have to think at a moments notice, be inventive and creative because they are digital kids. Play a PS2 combat game and they will mop the floor with you, but actually physically fight, their big sissies.

                  In my day you went up to the chalk board and solved the math problem the teacher gave you, in front of the rest of the class. If you didn't know the answer, oh hell, the kids hen pecked you to death, but it matured you, made you want to learn and get the answer right the next time.

                  Home life/growing up at home?
                  Got whoopings, not a whipping but a whooping, whoopings hurt like hell too.
                  Back talk?
                  That happened once, you kept being mouthy then came the whooping, it hurt like hell.
                  You ever get a whooping with a switch?
                  I'd gladly take and accept a belt whooping than a switch whooping any day.
                  A switch whooping don't hurt like hell, instead the intense pain is piercing and cutting you will call on Jesus for your death than endure the pain of a switch whooping.

                  Literally, physically fighting with or sister mostly?
                  Fighting your sister isn't right or cool. Nonetheless remember girls inherently and genetically are real good at telling Dad if you do.
                  Dad's don't like their daughters getting hurt by their brothers, so it comes back on you.
                  The brother? Whole different ball game. He could beat me senseless and vice versa, BUT you let someone else that's not family try and pull a stunt like that.
                  I proceed to pull out a big can of whooping and stomping on your @ss.
                  That's brothers, that's family.

                  Christmas and Holidays in general?
                  Some really great good memories indeed.

                  It was like a promotion, a big deal to reach the age to have a knife.
                  I may not be spelling it correctly, any learn when you finally got your knife how to "whittle" wood?

                  Learn to fight?
                  Didn't learn it from a PS2 game that's for sure.
                  It was just part of growing up, you got into fights with neighborhood kids or school yard kids. Black eyes, busted nose, busted lip it toughened you up and developed your skills.

                  That's where I broke some my bones.
                  Arm, wrist, ankle, fingers, torn knee cartlidge... all part of the experience and journey.
                  Bunnyhops, riding a wheely for a long time (actual neighborhood contests didn't win anything except known for being good on your bike) ramp jumping, long before any extreme stunts and sports we did it on our bikes back in the day.

                  Long before Tony Hawk and any parks dedicate to such stuff.
                  The closet street or alley that was/had the biggest hill for a street, sidewalk or alley, that's where we were for hours.

                  The neighborhood in general?
                  Was safe to leave and go into other neighborhoods.
                  The parents didn't put up with strange neighbors that didn't belong.
                  Meaning pedophiles, sex offenders, animal cruelty and etc.
                  Those people were in their special places and neighborhoods.
                  If any tried to venture out into another place the parents got together and took of the problem before it became a problem. Local officers would give the parents the heads up let them know so and so a sex offender lived so many blocks or streets over and thats all the parents needed to know. Any child or teenager caught being cruel to an animal, the parents took care of it and the kid never mistreated an animal again.

                  Held hands at the school skating party with your sweet heart, first kiss, first time you had sex:
                  Wow, a wonderful part of growing up...

                  The GUITAR:
                  The better I got the more people listened and hung around.
                  Met and made some great people and friends because of the guitar.
                  Goregeous girls interested in you especially if your band was playing at the party.
                  The guitar changed my life unlike nothing else.

                  Alot of fun, good fun. Loved to look at the tanned bikini babes at the beach.
                  The earlier days (7-11 yr old) it was a big open pond, the beach or reservior came later. I really liked the water and still do, its soothing.

                  Granted a could like many others write a huge long post and just ramble on endlessly.
                  I'm not gonna do that and with that said, I wouldn't trade my chilhood or teenage years in for nothing these kids have today.
                  Sorry, I make a living in the IT field (digital) and I'd rather play in the dirt, hide and seek, red rover red rover send Allan right over, neighborhood football, baseball than what these ungrateful spoiled unable to think, coward, spineless kids today.
                  Peace, Love and Happieness and all that stuff...

                  "Anyone who tries to fling crap my way better have a really good crap flinger."

                  I personally do not care how it was built as long as it is a good playing/sounding instrument.

                  Yes, there's a bee in the pudding.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by levantin View Post
                    swimming at midnight
                    yeah, that was great, we did it every summer almost every day. We went to the beach with a huge crowd, usually at midnight and stayed there for hours. Good times.
                    I brought many girls to beach at midnight for first dates, they really liked that. I hardly knew any of them, I just called them at late night and said "hey let's go swimming, NOW!!!". Worked every single time.
                    "There is nothing more fearful than imagination without taste" - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

                    "To be stupid, selfish and have good health are three requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, all is lost" - Gustave Flaubert


                    • #40
                      Hell yea, whoopings were a weekly event at my house and I deserved every damn whooping I got. You knew you were really in for a treat when your mom would send YOU to fetch the switch. It better be the right size or you'd get twice the "medicine."

                      Hey, remember the old report cards? Oh shit, if I ever got a minus attached to a grade (ex. C-), you learned to neatly fold the report card several hundred times right over the minus mark. Hopefully, the fold would destroy the ink!

                      Remember thinking how dumb your parents were? Hell, they knew shit before I even thought of it!


                      • #41
                        I remember playing with lawn darts at a parents friends house at a summer party. One toss went wild and went in their above-ground pool piercing the vinyl liner and essentially killing their pool.

                        The home owners knew it was an accident, my parents knew it was an accident, but I still had to take my licks to learn a lesson. Those pools cost a lot of money back then. I was a lot more careful with the lawn darts after that.

                        Flash bulbs - My best friend and I discovered you would get really excellent explosions when plugging flash bulbs into 110 volt wall outlets. Using a kitchen knife... :ROTF: To this day 110V from a wall outlet just seems like a tickle hehe.

                        Silly Putty, Slinkies, Rubik's Cube, Yo-Yo's - These can still be had. In fact I have all 4 within reach of me right now, all purchased within the last 2 years. Of course a yo-yo would probably be confiscated as a weapon in schools now, even if you could rip out a cradle or walk the dog at will.

                        Also, doing woodburning (and spider, ant, various other insect destruction) with magnifying glasses. Playing with kerosene, flaming parafin wax, gunpowder, home made black powder, or basically anything that caused fire, burning, or explosions.

                        I do remember when Hustler first came out thanks to an older brother, who I would grab the issues from. (Just to read the political cartoons of course.) It was kind of alarming at the time because they were doing the whole vagina as an orchid shot when playboy was barely showing fur and penthouse was slightly more risque.
                        GTWGITS! - RacerX


                        • #42
                          Remember when parents could whoop their kids ass without worrying about going to jail?
                          Don't forget the corn. It's nutritious, delicious, and ribbed for her pleasure.


                          • #43
                            Being a kid was great. I wish I could go back and do it again. We didn't need much to keep us entertained. A tennis ball and wall could keep us busy. I was always on my bike. Remember butting the card in the spokes? I was never in the house except for food and getting rid of food. Those were the days. Now we have to be politically correct and no spell checkers. I have a b-day coming up and I am not really looking forward to it but if I was kid again, Hell Yeah!
                            Just one more guitar!


                            • #44
                              Someone already mentioned this, but our skateboards had STEEL wheels and did not move from side to side. If you wanted to change direction, it was all in your body motion. We'd be barefoot and have a rope attached to the rich kid's Honda Trail 70. He'd pull us on our skateboards going well over 20 mph. It's a fucking miracle any of us are still alive!

                              Remember "glow fuel?" It was some weird alcohol based fuel for model airplanes and cars. Back then, you could buy it in half gallon containers. We used to put that shit in balloons, tie a paper towel to the knot, then light them and throw them at night! Cool as shit!


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by Mr.Shreddy View Post
                                Haha wow dude! that's kinda extreme!!!
                                well, when I was younger I also wore ripped jeans... and they were ripped so that my buttocks were out... many punk chicks commented that my jeans are cool, I said thanks and that "I'm a trendsetter so you should do the same"
                                what's interesting is that all those jeans accidently ripped in the ass area, and the holes went bigger and bigger.
                                Last year I ended up hanging out in London with tight jeans w/ butt holes, no boxers, and the jeans were covered with heavy sea salt I had nothing else to wear and I couldn't buy new ones because there's no city as expensive as London. Billy Nighy actually said to me, "How much for the pants" I said "Uno nicklelette and some tasty waves in Thames"
                                I'm glad that I that even had those jeans, those were the only ones I had in my bag, the other things were board shorts I actually thought I got rid of those jeans, because I was at a beach party in Malibu with those and ended up in Ocean with some drunk girls. That's where the salt and holes for ass came. Typical me
                                Last edited by Endrik; 12-29-2008, 06:07 PM.
                                "There is nothing more fearful than imagination without taste" - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

                                "To be stupid, selfish and have good health are three requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, all is lost" - Gustave Flaubert

