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What ever happened to the JCF "old timers"??

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  • #91
    I believe he was like 20k or something amazing like that...

    If I'm not mistaken, it didn't flip over to zero, it got ummm... reset I believe... Ummm... Ooops


    • #92
      My memory is real fuzzy on this but wasnt Ron one of the people that were trying to bang LinaV and got all butt hurt when she turned out to be a dude or was that someone else. I just joined when it went down so I was unfamiliar with all the members then.


      • #93
        Originally posted by Newc View Post
        The issue with Chuckracer was that he hit hard times and needed help paying for his meds. The hat was passed around the JCF to help him pay for them. At the same time, he bought a piece of rack gear from the Classifieds using his credit card. Many folks who had donated for his med fund were upset that he was so down on his luck yet also buying gear.

        Rather than deal with the constant badgering, he bailed.
        I think he was actually banned because that thread got very ugly. I felt really bad because Chuck had just organized the same hat-passing for me a couple weeks before that, for the same reason. Saved my life in the months after Katrina, an I will always be grateful to everybody here.

        Then Sully heard Chuck was having to sell a prized guitar, a GMW I think, to pay for meds. So the idea was to save Chuck's GMW, or whatever guitar it was.

        Then Chuck, who had moved home to upstate New York to live with his folks, had an offer to move back to AZ with a job, place to live, and a band. He bought a used Intellifex out of the classifieds for like $120 with his CC through Paypal. It was actually a week or so after he had gotten help for the meds.

        I can see why people were upset, but I can also see why he would buy an effects unit if he were "coming back to life" by getting back into a job and band after having had to retreat back to his parents' place.

        He probably went home expecting to die there, and then found the will to keep on living. That was part of why I came home in 2002, didn't expect to still be here now frankly. But you find you also don't want to just lay down and die.

        If his meds cost a used GMW, he probably didn't have that amount on his credit card after moving home and being disabled and unemployed. If he'd had it, he probably wouldn't have tried to sell the GMW. But the Rocktron was like $120 and he probably DID have that much available credit. It probably meant one more month's minimum payment at the end of the day.

        He probably didn't think about how it would look and was then surprised that some people got so upset at him. The thread just got out of hand.

        It's a shame because Chuck is a great guy. I butted heads with him myself (Poplar vs. alder, anybody? ) but we had a lot in common with our medical issues, including that we could both have a short fuse due to the underlying tension involved. We would have a pissing match and then apologize 5 minutes later.

        Life is too short to hold a grudge, and all of us here are far more alike than we are different, especially compared to the mainstream population.
        Ron is the MAN!!!!


        • #94
          Originally posted by AK47 View Post
          My memory is real fuzzy on this but wasnt Ron one of the people that were trying to bang LinaV and got all butt hurt when she turned out to be a dude or was that someone else. I just joined when it went down so I was unfamiliar with all the members then.
          That was Word. Poor kid, probably his first e-romance and he was tricked. He didn't like it when he found out, I remember that. He was pissed and very embarrassed.
          Ron is the MAN!!!!


          • #95
            There was also some dude on here that was really into bangin' hot skanks and telling us the stories about them and posting pics. is that dude still around? some of those stories were hilarious. some of the chicks were good to look at too! I remember him telling one about nailin' some skank and the next morning he went into the bathroom and she forgot to flush the toilet. she left a brown class submarine from the colonic navy behind in the toilet and he got pissed and kicked her out.
            "clean sounds are for pussies" - Axewielder


            • #96
              that was Brett. He hasn't been around for a long time. Last post was in May '05
              Hail yesterday


              • #97
                lots of people lost touch with the JCF hey? too bad. they were fun.
                "clean sounds are for pussies" - Axewielder


                • #98
                  Brett was banned here too I . I see hom Tracy's board from time to time. I believe he's married now......


                  • #99
                    what about Ron (RacerX)? he still hang around here?
                    "clean sounds are for pussies" - Axewielder


                    • Originally posted by tonemonster View Post
                      what about Ron (RacerX)? he still hang around here?
                      Yeah I'm sure he posted in the past couple of days.



                      • Hey Rich, thanks for posting that info!


                        • Originally posted by hippietim View Post
                          Coming from Sir Ban-a-Lot that's pretty comical. Are you still altering people's posts so they say what you want? My favorites are when you fix your typos when you reword people's posts and then go correct all the quotes that contain those typos. I sure admire your attention to detail when you manipulate what people say on your blog site.
                          Ouchie x a bunch


                          • Brett got banned? Geeez.... Seems lotsa cool peep got banned here...


                            • Originally posted by Cleveland Metal View Post
                              Brett got banned? Geeez.... Seems lotsa cool peep got banned here...

                              Brett C got banned a long time ago. He is from Houston. Last I heard he had settled down, got married and was doing well.

                              Chuckracer got banned not because of the poor lack of judgement but because he was basically fighting with the admins and the last straw was when he told me if i didn't like it to get the "F" off and leave the board, he would do what he wanted.

                              FWIW there were a lot of old timers that were very upset with him over that and I got quite a few complaints ove rit. The guy hates me now. Sadly, I honestly have no hard feelings for Chuck, I liked the guy and still do it was just a bad error in judgement at the time. It did cause our "pass the hat" policy to stop

                              Al-Z is around as far as I know and for the most part is a harmless nice guy. His constant use of caps was annoying but the whole, "I'm an inner circle member so you need to repsect me got old fast." To know Al is to know someone on 10 constantly. He means well ..

                              I hear nothing of Tim rose anymore

                              Brett D is still a member here and one of my older Charvel friends, we still talk.

                              I get an occassional email from chucksplatter, he's doing well.

                              Brad Kelly rarely signs on, I visited him when he was home over the summer and I'll be hanging with him in Anaheim in a few weeks.

                              Curt D has been quiet for a while so I have no idea how he is.

                              Not sure off the top of my head of who I'm missing, my memory sucks these days.

                              Trace, if I reopened CC it would be a lift of all bannings more than likely.
                              Don't worry - I'll smack her if it comes to that. You do not sell guitars to buy shoes. You skimp on food to buy shoes! ~Mrs Tekky 06-03-08~


                              • Whatever happened to that guy Kevin Maynard?
                                I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.

