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The 2008 list of banned words

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  • #46
    and he's a gay retard.

    Doesn't take a rocket surgeon to know to just talk differently around different people. I dont say fuck or cunt near my parents, I dont say cunt near females, and curb swearing overall. It's just whatevers on the edge of socially acceptable. Cause I'm a badass, not a retarded fag!

    Louis ck's latest standup set starts out with a killer words you cant say by the way, go find it!


    • #47
      One that I absolutely hate with a white hot burning passion you guys may or may not noticed- Every time "the market" (whatever that is) or "consumers" (whoever they are) pick up something cheaper than it was 15 minutes ago, they "snapped" it up. "The market was higher today as investors snapped up stocks trading near 20 year lows".

      SOOOOooo annoying, every financial publication seems to have it written on the cover of their style book- Just goes to show you what an utter echo chamber the media is- if one of em says it, you can count on the rest of them using it too.

      I'm convinced that if you blocked the IP's of half CBS/ABC/NBC/NYT/LATIMES etc from each other their readership would drop 80%.

      Slightly off topic pet peeve- The personification of the capital markets...the markets were nervous, the markets were exhuberant, the markets were quiet, etc etc etc. It's not a person. It may be driven by the behavior of millions of individuals, but it is not itself a person. And watching these yahoos (or any yahoo) try to explain why any group of millions decided to do what they did on a given day is a little too much to take.

      That's probably just me. I can see how others would disagree, but I swear we're just a few columns of ink away from "the market probably was moving into PMS today" and "the market was a little quiet, having broken up with its girlfriend late last week".

      Last edited by Vass; 01-02-2009, 03:41 PM.


      • #48
        Originally posted by Vass View Post
        One that I absolutely hate with a white hot burning passion you guys may or may not noticed- Every time "the market" (whatever that is) or "consumers" (whoever they are) pick up something cheaper than it was 15 minutes ago, they "snapped" it up. "The market was higher today as investors snapped up stocks trading near 20 year lows".

        SOOOOooo annoying, every financial publication seems to have it written on the cover of their style book- Just goes to show you what an utter echo chamber the media is- if one of em says it, you can count on the rest of them using it too.

        I'm convinced that if you blocked the IP's of half CBS/ABC/NBC/NYT/LATIMES etc from each other their readership would drop 80%.

        Slightly off topic pet peeve- The personification of the capital markets...the markets were nervous, the markets were exhuberant, the markets were quiet, etc etc etc. It's not a person. It may be driven by the behavior of millions of individuals, but it is not itself a person. And watching these yahoos (or any yahoo) try to explain why any group of millions decided to do what they did on a given day is a little too much to take.

        That's probably just me. I can see how others would disagree, but I swear we're just a few columns of ink away from "the market probably was moving into PMS today" and "the market was a little quiet, having broken up with its girlfriend late last week".

        I hate reading all that shit. Never mind the words they are using Its just some of the most boring and annoying stuff around. I feel sorry that your job forces you to wade through all that kind of BS to try and find a scrap of usable info. As soon as I hear any of that kind of thing on the tv or radio, it goes right off. I have no use for any kind of "markets" except maybe the grocery market or ebay. I blame it on the information overload that is the media with its 24 hour news channels, business channels, etc. Theyve got so much space to fill with so little information of any value so they create the kind of useless fluff that you are referring to. Fuck them all, fuck cnn, fuck msmbc, fuck foxnews, fuck msnbc. They should all be replaced with stations that play 24 hour family guy reruns. Someone shoot Wolf Blitzer already, just seeing that crazy shit on a tombstone would crack me up.:ROTF:


        • #49
          The political hacks also use the same new (stupid) terms within 20 minutes of each other.

          The term "Sharp Elbows" used the other day to descibe Obambolamba's right hand man Rahm Emanuel... literally EVERYONE in the political press used that term over a 36 hour period.

          It's a nice way of saying he's a prick like Dick Cheney, but we aren't going to pick on him, cuz he's on our side.

          "Wow,... that was some of the hardest rockin ever. Hardest to listen too."


          • #50
            I just cant wait for him to mess something up so the press and media can stop this special treatment that they are giving him. I mean, SNL does a parody of him and the joke is that hes so cool? Bush and Clinton got new asses torn open regularly on that show. Its the same special treatment that got him elected in the first place. Cant say anything bad about this "historic" man. What a joke.


            • #51
              SNL will begin the roasting soon.
              They always do.
              Had to get him in there first.
              "Wow,... that was some of the hardest rockin ever. Hardest to listen too."


              • #52
                "Back in the day..." I hate that phrase! "I was in a Judas Priest cover band back in the day." What day? Tuesday?
                Prosecutors will be violated...


                • #53
                  Alright I'll join in, what makes me want to slap the ever loving shit out of someone is;

                  Bastardization of measurements. I.E. - if a gate is slightly open, someone saying it was open 3 foot wide.

                  Another example - I'll ask my wife "what time do you expect for ......", and get the 10,000 word reply but no answer that's measureable.

                  Enjoying a rum and coke, just didn't have any coke...

