Well, to say I'm a little angry right now would be a MASSIVE understatement.
It's always nice to know that people you think you can trust and are your friends can lie right to your face and not feel one bit of guilt. I just logged onto Facebook to find a person on my friend's list uploaded a bunch of pictures from a New Years party. Sounds innocent enough except that I asked if the host was having one and he straight out said no. Then when I asked several other people what they were doing they all said nothing about one.
This wouldn't be so bad but a couple of my (not anymore) best friends were some of those people. They never answered any of my messages or anything in regards to New Years. I've really noticed this one person in particular has changed the last couple of months. We used to hang out and whatnot all the time but then they started hanging out with the people who hosted this party (I used to hang out with them) and now this person either puts off doing anything with me or, when we actually make a plan, cancels at the last minute. They've lied to me so many times now I don't know why I even try anymore. It seems like they want to leave their weekends open so that they can hang out with these new "friends".
I'm now considering completely ditching them and starting over again. I hate being back at square one like the start of high school when I didn't know anybody but I'm seriously sick of all this crap. They all act like they're my friends yet they do crap like this and when I confront them they act all innocent and try to suck up to me.
Let's just say that next Monday is going to be fairly interesting...
It's always nice to know that people you think you can trust and are your friends can lie right to your face and not feel one bit of guilt. I just logged onto Facebook to find a person on my friend's list uploaded a bunch of pictures from a New Years party. Sounds innocent enough except that I asked if the host was having one and he straight out said no. Then when I asked several other people what they were doing they all said nothing about one.
This wouldn't be so bad but a couple of my (not anymore) best friends were some of those people. They never answered any of my messages or anything in regards to New Years. I've really noticed this one person in particular has changed the last couple of months. We used to hang out and whatnot all the time but then they started hanging out with the people who hosted this party (I used to hang out with them) and now this person either puts off doing anything with me or, when we actually make a plan, cancels at the last minute. They've lied to me so many times now I don't know why I even try anymore. It seems like they want to leave their weekends open so that they can hang out with these new "friends".
I'm now considering completely ditching them and starting over again. I hate being back at square one like the start of high school when I didn't know anybody but I'm seriously sick of all this crap. They all act like they're my friends yet they do crap like this and when I confront them they act all innocent and try to suck up to me.
Let's just say that next Monday is going to be fairly interesting...
