Well what can I say about Jeremy Clarkson?
Most American people might only know him as that rude English guy who badmouths the USA and US made cars in partullar, all of the time in that "Top Gear" programme of his. (Not to mention that the American people who say things like that, don't get the tongue-in-cheek humour with which Clarkson does so.) But in truth Clarkson does much more than that, he's a columnist, a writer, did several very good documentaries forgotten battles of World war two or towns that time have forgotten but which never the less played a BIG role in life as we know it today and basically is a fixture on the BBC.
Clarkson of course is also known for his way of talking, having a peculiar way of phrasing in his dialogue and a way of throwing his arms around and pacing when doing his narration. As such there are enough ways of making fun of him.
And that's exactly what the Brittish Humour show "Harry and Paul" did when they did a parody on Jeremy Clarkson and everything he stands for, from his way of talking, to his way of interviewing people, to his documentaries, they didn't leave a single stone unturned.