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Strontium Dog

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  • Strontium Dog

    Any fans of British comics, Strontium Dog in particular?

    I asked my mum for one of the "Complete" stories for Xmas (so feckin what if I'm 31!) and she got me all four! So these have been my bedtime reading since Xmas and I'm loving them. Late 70s-early 80's British comics were fantastic.
    The one with Ronald Reagan, and the one with Hitler are a blast.
    Middenface McNulty seems to have been based on me too.

    I never liked Carlos Ezquerra's art in Judge Dredd, I thought it was shit. But you realise how amazing he is when you read Strontium Dog and see other artists try to create the universe for this character. Ezquerra blows them all clear out the water.
    But for Dredd, his art wasn't my cup o' tea, Bolland was the master there.




  • #2
    The only thing for me, I watched the movie Judge Dredd a very long time ago and liked it.
    Peace, Love and Happieness and all that stuff...

    "Anyone who tries to fling crap my way better have a really good crap flinger."

    I personally do not care how it was built as long as it is a good playing/sounding instrument.

    Yes, there's a bee in the pudding.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Soap View Post
      The only thing for me, I watched the movie Judge Dredd a very long time ago and liked it.

      I actually quite liked it too, as a movie, although it wasn't really much to do with the comic book Dredd. He never takes his helmet off in the comic for one thing.
      The movie would have been better if it had been an unknown in the lead role, with a chin like Clint Eastwood, and if he'd kept on the helmet for the whole film. Obviously Stallone wasn't going to keep the helmet on, too big a star to go a whole film without seeing his face.

      But yeah, the film was quite good.



      • #4
        Rogue trooper is also a really good read from 2000AD

        Loved Dredd as well..looking forward to the new movie though as I thought the Stallone one was complete shit


        • #5
          Aye Rogue was good, the PC game was a good blast an all. Slaine is the best character they've had, apart from Dredd. Much more "adult" than the other characters, even the right wing Dredd.

          I never knew there was a new Dredd movie in the works - well, there was one talked about years ago, but it never came to anything. Is there something happening now Middenface, I mean Gartron?



          • #6
            Originally posted by MartinBarre1 View Post
            I actually quite liked it too, as a movie, although it wasn't really much to do with the comic book Dredd. He never takes his helmet off in the comic for one thing.
            The movie would have been better if it had been an unknown in the lead role, with a chin like Clint Eastwood, and if he'd kept on the helmet for the whole film. Obviously Stallone wasn't going to keep the helmet on, too big a star to go a whole film without seeing his face.

            But yeah, the film was quite good.
            I drove one of the props from the film, big old Land Rover 101 chassis with a fibreglass body. I could not see fuck all out of it, had to have a friend stick his head out of the top and shout directions to me. How they managed to drive them on the set is beyond me.

            Anyway if we're talking 2000AD then, yeah I've loved most of the characters from the comic. I even had the no. 1 issue in 77 I think it was. Wish I'd looked after that, but hey ho, I was only a nipper and didn't know any better.

            I liked the ABC Warriors, Nemesis, Dredd and Stronty, but the best IMHO was Rouge Trooper. I've heard tell of a possible RT movie, I'll wet my pants if it's any good! If they do another Dredd film I hope they do a Cursed Earth or the Dark Judges story.
            Fwopping, you know you want to!

            VI VI VI: the editor of the Beast!

            There are 10 kinds of people who understand binary. Those who do and those who don't.


            • #7
              Christ on crutches, if this is true and they make it to production I hope to fuckery they will be good and not V for Vendetta bad!

              Not one, but two movies!

              Fwopping, you know you want to!

              VI VI VI: the editor of the Beast!

              There are 10 kinds of people who understand binary. Those who do and those who don't.


              • #8
                Nemesis was fucking class too, you're bang on Shobet. See, comics in the 80's were just awesome.

                As for those two films, I'll wait and see. Either they won't be released/made or they'll suck a big tadger.



                • #9
                  I love 2000AD. That was my first real introduction to comics. Back in 1987 I inherited a friend's comic book collection. He had almost all the Eagle reprints: Dredd, Strontium, Dr and Quinch, Nemesis, Rogue Trooper, Slaine, etc.

                  Bolland, Moore, Fabry...all the greats. Fantastic comics. Dredd and Strontium were my favorites. Loved Der Gronk!

                  From there I got into all the 2000AD guys' DC work and never looked back. I tried reading some Marvel crap...simply paled in comparison. I remember asking people if they were familiar with Bolland, Fabry, O'Neill...I would get puzzled looks. Then 10 years later everyone is singing their praises.

                  There was a really good Art of Brian Bolland book published about 2 years ago. Fantastic stuff.

                  I didn't care too much for Ezquerra's Dredd work either but he did great stuff in Strontium Dog.

                  What I really admired about all the British artists is that they would pencil and ink their own work during ridiculous deadlines.

                  The Dredd movie wasn't horrible but it wasn't the comic. Fergie should have been fat and Dredd's face should never be seen. The look of the movie was pretty nice though.


                  • #10
                    A buddy of mine bumped into Simon Bisley at a car show and ended up getting a signed picture of Lobo drawn on his Mustang!


                    • #11
                      I met Bisley at a convention once. He was a total asshole.


                      • #12
                        Ha ha! Bisley's work is odd - some frames will be stunning, others will just look weird. Like his "Horned God" stuff, Slaine will be proportioned like a big muscly guy in one frame, then the next he's as skinny as hell. Overall though, Bisley is a fantastic artist.
                        Still prefer Bolland though. His "Killing Joke" art is just amazing.



                        • #13
                          I should have bought Bolland art in the mid-90's when it was still affordable.

                          Killing Joke pages now sell for $30k. No joke!

                          His Eagle Dredd covers were awesome, especially during the Apocalypse War series.

                          I met Bisley at the San Diego Comic con in the 90's. I asked him to draw me an Eddie from Iron Maiden in my sketchbook. He was muttering to himself with some obscenities and drew a crappy Eddie sketch. I then asked him to sign my Dredd/Batman book. He didn't even look at me and proceeded to talk to the artist next to him. So I told him to fuck off and I walked away.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Venomboy View Post
                            I should have bought Bolland art in the mid-90's when it was still affordable.

                            Killing Joke pages now sell for $30k. No joke!

                            His Eagle Dredd covers were awesome, especially during the Apocalypse War series.

                            I met Bisley at the San Diego Comic con in the 90's. I asked him to draw me an Eddie from Iron Maiden in my sketchbook. He was muttering to himself with some obscenities and drew a crappy Eddie sketch. I then asked him to sign my Dredd/Batman book. He didn't even look at me and proceeded to talk to the artist next to him. So I told him to fuck off and I walked away.
                            Hehehe, good story man. Post up a scan of that Eddie pic if you still have it. You shoulda told him Bolland was better than him, THEN told him to fuck off.



                            • #15

                              Link with some sketches including some 2000AD guys (Ennis, Ormston, Dillon)

                              There's some more of my stuff. Enjoy!

