Three years ago when I joined the group of musicians that would eventually become Slavantas we were the first band to sign a deal with the then brand new rehearsal room called the "Muziek gieterij" (Music mold) and we went through many trials, trebulations and ever revolving line up changes. While also growing better and better as musicians and tighter as both bandmembers and friends.
But from that first day when we walked into the Gieterij and do our first rehearsal somebody who was employed at that venue looked at us with crooked eyes.
It began with bullying, sometimes amps were missing when we arrived, other times the drumkit wasn't available and other times again the automatic doors wouldn't open when we arrived at the building to rehearse, all because of this one person.
"Caveman" Josh, our drummer got a job working at the Gietterij as a bartender and our band frequently had band meetings at the Gieterij and we befriended some of the other bands. We even had our very first gig at the Gieterij

Slavantas in action last September in the Gieterij.
That gig was recorded and we were excited, it was a good show we played and we couldn't wait until we could put the recordings of that gig on our website. However, when I walked into the mixing room after our gig had ended, I see the guy I mentioned earlier fidgiting with the recordings, when I asked him what he was doing I got a "Mind your own business!" comment for a reply.
When we got the recordings we realised that they were too bad to put on our websites, they had been tampered with and I caught the guy in the act.
Realising that we were being hampered over and over by that asshole also began to sink in by the other members of the band and we quickly became worried because of that. Then we recieved our first yellow card, a formal warning because of misbehavior, one more and we could pack our stuff and leave. "Caveman" told me that it was bullshit but our guy probably told the boss of the Gieterij something he made up on the spot and they believed him.
In the last couple of months, Slavantas have been busy playing gigs and writing songs and we certainly are building quite a name in the local metal scene and our guy wasn't happy about it.
Yesterday I got a phonecall from "Caveman" who said that he was fired from the Gieterij because our guy apparently had caught him stealing money from the cash register. "Caveman", aside from being our drummer, also is our financial manager, dealing our money issues and making sure we always pay the fee on time and that we have extra money ready for emergancies. In short: he's the LEAST likely to steal money from his boss.
With that "Caveman" confronted the Boss and told him that the accusations were wrong, the Boss assured him that it would be sorted out, and the band could continue to rehearse in the Gieterij and that his firing would be reversed after the truth would come out.
But our guy apparently has a bigger credentials with the Boss because each member of Slavantas (even our former members) recieved a letter in which we were not only banned from rehearsing at the Gieterij but all of us were also forbidden to go anywhere near the Gieterij, in short, if I were to walk in right now I'd be arrested.
"Beastings" our singer was livid when I phoned him about that, he said that he wanted to lynch that guy. I know him well enough that he wasn't kidding. "Caveman" told me that he's ready to file charges and bring this to court.
Our guy has had the last laugh here and I'm pissed off, finally we were getting some momentum going for our band and this asshole is ruining it. But this story isn't over, I already heard that other bands are backing us up in this thing and that our guy now has a whole army of enimies.
But from that first day when we walked into the Gieterij and do our first rehearsal somebody who was employed at that venue looked at us with crooked eyes.
It began with bullying, sometimes amps were missing when we arrived, other times the drumkit wasn't available and other times again the automatic doors wouldn't open when we arrived at the building to rehearse, all because of this one person.
"Caveman" Josh, our drummer got a job working at the Gietterij as a bartender and our band frequently had band meetings at the Gieterij and we befriended some of the other bands. We even had our very first gig at the Gieterij

Slavantas in action last September in the Gieterij.
That gig was recorded and we were excited, it was a good show we played and we couldn't wait until we could put the recordings of that gig on our website. However, when I walked into the mixing room after our gig had ended, I see the guy I mentioned earlier fidgiting with the recordings, when I asked him what he was doing I got a "Mind your own business!" comment for a reply.
When we got the recordings we realised that they were too bad to put on our websites, they had been tampered with and I caught the guy in the act.
Realising that we were being hampered over and over by that asshole also began to sink in by the other members of the band and we quickly became worried because of that. Then we recieved our first yellow card, a formal warning because of misbehavior, one more and we could pack our stuff and leave. "Caveman" told me that it was bullshit but our guy probably told the boss of the Gieterij something he made up on the spot and they believed him.
In the last couple of months, Slavantas have been busy playing gigs and writing songs and we certainly are building quite a name in the local metal scene and our guy wasn't happy about it.
Yesterday I got a phonecall from "Caveman" who said that he was fired from the Gieterij because our guy apparently had caught him stealing money from the cash register. "Caveman", aside from being our drummer, also is our financial manager, dealing our money issues and making sure we always pay the fee on time and that we have extra money ready for emergancies. In short: he's the LEAST likely to steal money from his boss.
With that "Caveman" confronted the Boss and told him that the accusations were wrong, the Boss assured him that it would be sorted out, and the band could continue to rehearse in the Gieterij and that his firing would be reversed after the truth would come out.
But our guy apparently has a bigger credentials with the Boss because each member of Slavantas (even our former members) recieved a letter in which we were not only banned from rehearsing at the Gieterij but all of us were also forbidden to go anywhere near the Gieterij, in short, if I were to walk in right now I'd be arrested.
"Beastings" our singer was livid when I phoned him about that, he said that he wanted to lynch that guy. I know him well enough that he wasn't kidding. "Caveman" told me that he's ready to file charges and bring this to court.
Our guy has had the last laugh here and I'm pissed off, finally we were getting some momentum going for our band and this asshole is ruining it. But this story isn't over, I already heard that other bands are backing us up in this thing and that our guy now has a whole army of enimies.