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Okay Now I'm pissed off!

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  • #16
    Originally posted by lerxstcat View Post
    Caveman should take the club to the labor authorities for wrongful termination and make them prove in a way besides "our guy's" word for it that he stole cash. If he can't prove it, it will prove something to the club - that hewas outraged enough about this to fight it.

    If he just walks away, they will believe that he stole, and will tell his future employers that when they call for job references. It could keep him from getting another job if he doesn't at least fight it.

    A future employer might even say "Did you fight this claim? Why not, if you were really innocent?"

    Makes him look guilty to not protest it at least with the labor board.
    Caveman is going to court over this so yeah, we're fighting this, that asshole is going to be torn a legal new one.


    • #17
      Here is what I think and of course.. take this with a grain of salt....
      When dealing with your band as a business... and talking about now going to court... my suggestion is to use your actual names. I am pretty sure you won't get very far when you mention that your financial guy is Caveman and the other member is Beastings. I know that playing is fun and being a rock star is cool but when it comes to the business side of it you need to be totally professional.... or you need to be successful enough to have professionals on retainer so you can concentrate on writing tunes, doing shows and wrecking hotel rooms.
      Many times... club or rehearsal space owners will take advantage of a band that appears extremely caught up in the "lifestyle". Especially if you refer to yourselves by your stage names when you are not on stage.

      Step back and look at how others percieve your band. Drunken bass players, guys being accused of stealing, sound guys tampering with your recordings, guys getting you thrown out of your space..
      I am not saying that you are bringing all of this upon yourselves but my guess is that you are bringing some of it. If you want to make it in this business you need to be totally pro... that means how you play, act, and conduct yourselves on and off the stage. After you make it big.. then the fun begins. Up to that point.. its hard work. Fun... but hard.
      I could tell you all kinds of stories about my bands back in the day. Stories of how we almost made it but got "screwed" or how the other bands in the rehearsal space were out to get us or how the club owners were out to get us. One of the bands that we shared a space with at Trilogy Studios in New Rochelle, NY was Anthrax. They were totally pro and spend all their time gigging, recording and networking with music executives. They were PRO all the way. We thought they were out to get us.
      We spent lots of time blaming other people for our problems and coming up with cool stage names and finding ourselves in all kinds of situations... (similar to yours). What did Anthrax do???? They did none of the above. After they made it.. thats when they got crazy. Same thing happened with Twisted Sister and Zebra.
      I don't mean this to sound like a lecture and if it does... sorry.
      Bottom line... you won't make it in the business if you have this many problems this early in the game. Trust me. I have been playing in metal bands since 1976 and I am finally starting to figure it out.


      • #18
        That sux dude. People can assholes some times. Especaiily those who think they have bigger balls the next guy. This prick needs to be shown the light of day. As does his boss. Like stated above. Get as many as you can to spread the word on this place and their antics. Wrongful termination is a bad thing for future employees. Spread the word on that too. He wont get any body to work there. Word of mouth is a business' best friend or its worst enemy. Some places (maybe just in the US) have whats called "at will employment"
        Which means they can hire and frie anybody with out reason. Any time they want. When "caveman" got fired was there paper work saying why he got fired? or any documentation that can be used in his favor? The more the better. Keep us posted and good luck.


        • #19
          John made some outstanding suggestions. You've got to treat your band as a business and that means being professional. Just a side note, but it gets the point across. Remember a few years ago when David Ellefson sued Dave Mustaine for about 14 million because he felt he had been wronged by Dave? I have a copy of the lawsuit and in it Ellefson makes the comment "Dave Mustaine 'dissed' me!"

          If I was a judge and read that, my court reporter would have to pick me up off the floor. That's so incredibly unprofessional and I can't believe a fucking attorney had the balls to include it in a petition. Needless to say, the rest of the petition was just about as bad and Ellefson got beat down like a red headed step child.


          • #20
            Judge VanZouten: "Call Mr., uh, Beastings to the stand please" :ROTF:
            Defense Attorney: "Mr. uh, Caveman, please tell the court what your duties were at, er Music Mold"
            "Quiet, numbskulls, I'm broadcasting!" -Moe Howard, "Micro-Phonies" (1945)


            • #21
              If this guy is fucking with your livelihood, maybe a stern warning is in order.

              He thinks he's getting away with it having an inside track with the boss, maybe he needs to be confronted by you guys, and your pointies, and being the spineless little shit he sounds like, he will grab ankle and run and mind his own business.

              Give him a little "Blood follows blood and we make sure, life ain't for you and we're the cure".
              Jackson KV2
              Jackson KE1T
              Jackson KE1F
              Jackson SL1


              • #22
                Well we found out why we were singled out.

                The boss and the asshole saw us as a band who did not fit the demographic of the venue because they wanted bands consisting of Teenagers who are just getting started to give them their lucky break. All of the Slavants members are in their Thirties and our experience level is much higher than their intended target. So rather than politely explain the thing to us, they decided to bully us away.

                We have since found a new rehearsal space which is run by a BIKER so there's not much chance of us "Not fitting in"


                • #23
                  cool, i guess? too bad they were too pussy just to tell you that. glad you found a new place already.

                  some guitars...WITH STRINGS!!!! most of them have those sticks like on guitar hero....AWESOME!!!!

                  some amps...they have some glowing bottle like things in them...i think my amps do that modelling thing....COOL, huh?!?!?!

                  and finally....

                  i have those little plastic "chips" used to hit the strings...WHOA!!!!

