Originally posted by doom
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I know the old saying that the value of an opinion is generally inversely proportional to the strength with which it is held.
Originally posted by john.w.lawson View PostHey, Bro! Don't worry about the spelling and punctuation. Don't feel that you need to compensate for a small member. There's already enough of that on here. Just remember how to spell these words. They will come in handy to you. Capitalization is always an option. The words are: dickhead, prick, asshole, Fuck Toejam, get a life, bitch, etc.... :ROTF:"Dear Dr. Bill,
I work with a woman who is about 5 feet tall and weighs close to 450 pounds and has more facial hair than ZZ Top." - Jack The Riffer
"OK, we can both have Ben..joint custody. I'll have him on the weekends. We could go out in my Cobra and give people the finger..weather permitting of course.." -Bill Z. Bub
[quote=Cleveland Metal;1197669]Ohhhh..... Is that where Lawson came from? :ROTF:[/quote
Well here we go, Fuck off,Get a life bitch,Fuck wad,Cum rag,Limp dick..lol By the way I do not think a 12-year- old would act as dumb as meOh forgot FUCK TOEJAM............................................ .......................................
Last edited by john.w.lawson; 01-22-2009, 10:03 AM.I know the old saying that the value of an opinion is generally inversely proportional to the strength with which it is held.
[quote=Cleveland Metal;1198054]Off your meds again huh? Hahaha....[/quote/]
Na just took my first 1.5 of the day.And feel fine. Your post did not upset me in the least brojust have'n fun.
Hey have you met Drew Carey:ROTF:WE are all alright
I know the old saying that the value of an opinion is generally inversely proportional to the strength with which it is held.