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Stupid stuff you used to do as a kid.

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  • #16
    One time, my cousin and I got caught by the police while tossing M80s in the river. The fuses were wax-covered so, yes, they did blow up underwater. Gotta time it just right, and...submarine depth-charges! We must've been only 8 or 10 years old, at the time.

    Anyway, the cops acted PO'd, but really just wanted to get our fireworks stash or have us rat on the supplier. We weren't having any of it, so they gave us a "scare ride" in the back of the police car down to the station. It wasn't anything that our parents wouldn't have already known about us doing, anyway, so cousin Tony and I weren't too worried. The cops pretended to give us a frisking before going inside to get "booked". Yeah, right. He feels something hard in my back pocket, and asks me to take it out.

    Cop: "What is that? Take it out of your pocket"

    Me: "What, this?" (Pulls out switchblade knife, and clicks it open in the nice policeman's face.)

    Cop: "Son of a...!!!"

    I wasn't exactly the smartest kid at that age.


    • #17
      Put bangers (firecrackers to you lot over that side of the pond?) in piles of dog shit so they'd explode over people walking past.
      I don't think it ever really worked as intended. I don't remember anyone ever getting covered in exploding dog shit anyway. But it was a fun idea.



      • #18
        Mix cow patties with water and pour it into the 18th hole at a golf course. The best is to watch a husband and wife where the husband retrieves his ball and doesn't say anything to his wife.


        • #19
          I think most fecal based gags only work in the movies. We went around my friends back yard one night with a flash light filling a paper sack with dog shit. Once we thought we had a fare amount we went down the street to do the deed. The people were in their living room watching TV so we couldnt go onto the porch and light the bag. We decided to try and light it, run across the street, put it on the porch then ring the bell. The faster we ran the faster the bag burned. We were like a rugby scrum running across the street with flaming bag of shit. The guy holding the bag ended up dropping it and most of us stepped in the mess.


          • #20
            I crushed up 2 estees rocket engines and mixed it with a cup of hercules red dot powder in a coffee can. I stood a couple of feet away and threw matches at the can until one made it in, whoosh..., My eyelids slammed shut and the smell of burning hair filled my nostrils. I opened my eyes to see a big cloud of smoke dissapating. I went into the lower bathroom through the garage and looked in the mirror. One eyebrow, no eyelashes and the only hair left was a small tuft in the back, lol. I also had a nice red flash burn. Didnt learn though, I still had two kegs of powder to get rid of that Summer.
            Remember, Wherever you go,.. there you are


            • #21
              Fecal gags can work sometimes. We had some neighbors that nobody cared for that we did the old crap in a grocery bag trick on. Thing is, it wasnt dog poo, it was our poo. 3 or 4 of us did the deed. We lit it and ran across the street into the woods. Dude wasnt stupid enough to stomp it, but when he tried to kick it off the porch poo went everywhere. I kinda felt bad for a second or two. Later that night going home we had to walk by the place and it didnt smell right at all, lol.
              Remember, Wherever you go,.. there you are


              • #22
                Oye. Lots of dumb stuff. Disabled all of our school buses by pulling the wires off the distributors & put them back out of order. Lots of people didn't make it to school that day.

                Stole turkeys & everything that wasn't nailed down in town (neat those springy animal things in kid's parks, a big cold-air balloon from a construction site, a massive fiberglass giraffe) and set it up in the quad of our highschool. Had to get up on the roof to do it. Also dumped a few month's worth of party beercans in there.

                Custodians cleaned the whole thing up and left ONE beercan there to taunt us before school started that day. We did hear tell that one of the turkeys bit a lunch lady though, so as young miscreants we were somewhat molified.

                Similar to what was said earlier- Set packs of firecrackers with timed fuses using cigarettes. I would literally forget I had done it, until 15 minutes into class I'd hear the explosions. Helped that I looked as surprised as everyone else.

                Riding down hills standing on the frame of my bike. Throwing molatov cocktails into the street.

                Lots more. But it really is amazing that the male of the species continues to reach adulthood in any sort of reasonable number.



                • #23
                  Stupidest thing I did when I was a kid?

                  Ummm, got married...


                  • #24
                    Lol some of these are priceless.! Here's a few of mine:

                    sprinkling acid on my friends Science text book, so that next lesson, when he opened to the deisred page, all the pages fell out in little bits!

                    During Physics, while learning how differrent thicknesses of wire create different amp fuses, I wired a bigg-ass bit of wire direct to the mains suply, and blew all the power out in the school!

                    Pretending to set off a fire extingusher in at a friend. When he then tried to do the same on another friend he hadn't realise I'd removed the pin and it went off!

                    All these are great, but a friend of mine told me one of the greatest pranks/stupid things ever. His father was a local police officer, and a trainee was on his way to the morgue to get used to dealing with identifying dead bodies. When he approched the "dead" body he was due to identify, it sat up shouting "boo!" Now this is pretty standard stuff I guess, but when he'd recovered, they suggested that he pretend to be a dead body for the next un-suspectiong rookie on his way down. The guy agrees and jumps on the drawer and the close it up before the next guy arrives. It's cold, and he suddnely realises that he's in a morgue laying in a drawer with dead bodies either side of him. SLowly he turns to the left and realises in horror that the corpse next to him is slowly turning to face him, before smiling and saying "cold in here ain't it?!"

                    The guy sat up quick, hit his head on the bottom of the drawer above him, and knocked himself unconcious....

                    A few people got serious disciplinary action against them over this
                    Gear: Charvel Model 3, Marshall Reverb 30, Fender Squier Telecaster, Digitech GNX-1, GHS Boomers and a whole lot of Dunlop picks.... Oh, and a Hohner Harmonica - key of A


                    • #25
                      I stole a roll of magnesium ribbon in 6th grade from the science room and lit it up in the hallway. That stuff is bright, they all thought i was the second coming during recess-lol
                      Not helping the situation since 1965!


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Ripley7t View Post
                        I crushed up 2 estees rocket engines and mixed it with a cup of hercules red dot powder in a coffee can. I stood a couple of feet away and threw matches at the can until one made it in, whoosh..., My eyelids slammed shut and the smell of burning hair filled my nostrils. I opened my eyes to see a big cloud of smoke dissapating. I went into the lower bathroom through the garage and looked in the mirror. One eyebrow, no eyelashes and the only hair left was a small tuft in the back, lol. I also had a nice red flash burn. Didnt learn though, I still had two kegs of powder to get rid of that Summer.
                        That reminds me so much of THIS...


                        • #27
                          Dayum, you guys were a bunch of criminals! Get offa my lawn!
                          "Quiet, numbskulls, I'm broadcasting!" -Moe Howard, "Micro-Phonies" (1945)


                          • #28
                            Got drunk and high off my ass down town. Headed to townsquare with my equally shitfaced buddies and we climbed the scaffolding next to the Cathedral, which was having exterior restaurations done (no ladders either). Had to JUMP a good gap at the top to actually get on the roof, climbed over some small towers and got to the flat part of the roof. We lit a blunt and chilled while watching sunrise over a city just waking up.

                            Then we had to get down, while sober, in the middle of a busy city without getting caught and before the workers arrived. Pissed my pants several times I think.
                            You took too much, man. Too much. Too much.


                            • #29
                              Well, when I was 7 years old, my mom caught me with my pud stuck in a vase.

                              I released the parking break on a VH beetle convertible parked on a hill. It rolled through an intersection and smashed into stuff

                              I got ringworm from a girl with a wooden leg

                              I got crabs from my uberslut gilfriend on my 18th birthday. So, I told her born-again christian mom, who freaked out and beat her ass with a broom.

                              oh, once I fucked her while waiting for the bus at a crowded bus stop. Yeah, it was snowing, and I was wearing a full length leather I wrapped around us with her pants down just enough to slip my PP in. She didn't have crabs that was cool.

                              Oh, once I fucked this chick while her parents were in the same room. She put a hole in her sweatpants and sat on my lap. Her mom woke up and was talking to us while I was shooting my you know how difficult that is?

                              but I did normal kid stuff too like set mail boxes on fire, pull fire alrms, and beat kids up everyday..I LOVED fighting!!

                              But I liked fuggin' more!
                              "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
                              Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

                              "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


                              • #30
                                After tearing up the Golf Course one day on Long Island with my friends Danny and Rob, Danny and I stole a golf cart from the course and drove it home 2 exits on the L.I. expressway straight to the bar-lol rob wanted nothing to do with it. We figued there wasn't any Driving Golf Carts while intoxicated violations in existence, justifying the move. You should have seen people's faces in the cars along the way back.
                                Not helping the situation since 1965!

