One time, my cousin and I got caught by the police while tossing M80s in the river. The fuses were wax-covered so, yes, they did blow up underwater. Gotta time it just right, and...submarine depth-charges!
We must've been only 8 or 10 years old, at the time. 
Anyway, the cops acted PO'd, but really just wanted to get our fireworks stash or have us rat on the supplier. We weren't having any of it, so they gave us a "scare ride" in the back of the police car down to the station. It wasn't anything that our parents wouldn't have already known about us doing, anyway, so cousin Tony and I weren't too worried. The cops pretended to give us a frisking before going inside to get "booked".
Yeah, right. He feels something hard in my back pocket, and asks me to take it out.
Cop: "What is that? Take it out of your pocket"
Me: "What, this?" (Pulls out switchblade knife, and clicks it open in the nice policeman's face.)
Cop: "Son of a...!!!"
I wasn't exactly the smartest kid at that age.

Anyway, the cops acted PO'd, but really just wanted to get our fireworks stash or have us rat on the supplier. We weren't having any of it, so they gave us a "scare ride" in the back of the police car down to the station. It wasn't anything that our parents wouldn't have already known about us doing, anyway, so cousin Tony and I weren't too worried. The cops pretended to give us a frisking before going inside to get "booked".

Cop: "What is that? Take it out of your pocket"
Me: "What, this?" (Pulls out switchblade knife, and clicks it open in the nice policeman's face.)
Cop: "Son of a...!!!"
