Why is it getting so hard to find do-it-yourself CD jewel case inserts lately? Not oo many months ago I could get a pack of inserts from WalMart for my own CDs. Now, not even manufacturers are keeping them in stock. Office-specialty stores are overcharging for what they've got in stock as well.
Is this supposed to be part of the Digital Rights Act? To keep me from making my own case inserts for my own original music CDs?
You can find the actual CD labels all day long, as well as empty jewel cases, but it's getting to be impossible to make them look like more than "I did it at home". Plus, disc labels just can't hold all the important info like track title and contact info, unless I want it to look like a damn Powerpoint presentation where it's just black text on a white ring.
Is it just me or is anyone else running into this?
Is this supposed to be part of the Digital Rights Act? To keep me from making my own case inserts for my own original music CDs?
You can find the actual CD labels all day long, as well as empty jewel cases, but it's getting to be impossible to make them look like more than "I did it at home". Plus, disc labels just can't hold all the important info like track title and contact info, unless I want it to look like a damn Powerpoint presentation where it's just black text on a white ring.
Is it just me or is anyone else running into this?