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Rules of the Road

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  • Rules of the Road

    Ladies and Gentlemen-

    The rules should be pretty straightforward, anything that is deemed threatening or abusive to other members will be deleted right away.

    Any post containing pasted/copied email or outside party messages or content will be deleted.

    Please do not include images in signatures. It slows the board down considerably.

    JCF Admins reserve the right to:

    A) Move non-topical threads to appropriate areas

    B) Delete redundant threads

    C) Delete any/all non-sponsoring dealer/Business posts that advertise or promote their specific ventures.

    D) Ban anyone with the sole intent of causing trouble or spamming without notice.

    Just remember we're all here to learn, share, and enjoy talking about the guitars, the history, the players, and the music.

    <small>[ August 07, 2003, 03:28 PM: Message edited by: Sandman0170 ]</small>
    Sully Guitars - Built by Rock & Roll
    Sully Guitars on Facebook
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  • #2
    Protect your internet dealers! READ THIS!

    Hey all,

    In our never ending search for the perfect gear, we often get some great pricing from dealers. Do them a favor and don't post those prices on internet forums; it can be viewed as MAP violation, and it can hurt the dealer you're trying to buy from.

    We've all seen what our local stores have to offer, and realize that an online dealer often has better selection, and much better prices. Let's help these guys stay in business so we can give them our money for years to come!

    This is something that will be looked at seriously here, so please follow this etiquette.


    The JCF Admins

    [ February 10, 2004, 04:48 PM: Message edited by: jsullysix ]
    Sully Guitars - Built by Rock & Roll
    Sully Guitars on Facebook
    Sully Guitars on Google+
    Sully Guitars on Tumblr


    • #3
      Junior Member/Full members requesting access

      Full members- Any member needing access to the classifieds that has Full membership status please email or PM an admin if it hasn't updated automatically. Please be patient in the process and we will open your status as soon as we can ..

      Junior members- Welcome to the JCF, pull up a chair, grab a cup of coffee and enjoy your stay. Cruise around a bit and get involved, Once you've established 100 posts and are here for 90 days we will be happy to unlock your access to our classifieds if it has not been done automatically.

      Classifieds ads by any member outside of the classifeds forum will be deleted and the member possibly banished from the board. In short we are not here for people to just grab or sell gear, we are a close knit community that encourages participation.

      The policy set forth is meant to eliminate spam, as well as cut down on good deals going bad.We certainly appreciate your understanding regarding our policy..
      Last edited by ~K~; 04-06-2006, 05:13 AM.
      Don't worry - I'll smack her if it comes to that. You do not sell guitars to buy shoes. You skimp on food to buy shoes! ~Mrs Tekky 06-03-08~


      • #4
        Attention newbies! Ron and Matt\'s how to

        Hi guys and Welcome!
        I see a lot of you showing up lately; just want to ask if you could write up a nice little introduction post before you launch into the peppering of questions. Also maybe fill out your profile. Read the stickies (Posts at top of forums that are "thumb-tacked" I also highly recommend reading this thread:

        My Dream JCF

        [img]/images/graemlins/toast.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/idea2.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/tongue.gif[/img]
        "Quiet, numbskulls, I'm broadcasting!" -Moe Howard, "Micro-Phonies" (1945)


        • #5
          Re: Attention newbies!

          And now, Devil's Advocate Theater presents, The Other Side Of The Coin:

          All newbies may copy and paste these responses if you wish:
          ================================================== ===================
          Regarding filling out your profile - when I know you a little better, and know a little more about what kind of people I'm dealing with, I'll let you know more about me. You cannot possibly be so stupid as to believe this forum is the only one on the 'net that does not have a seriously disturbed freak or two lurking about gathering personal info for whatever reason. At any rate, I am not so stupid as to believe that, so don't "hammer" me about information that is essentially none of your (insert your choice of expletive, or not, it's up to you) business. This is not negotiable. Period.

          On using the Search Function:
          It sucks. Period. If you don't find what you were hoping to find on the first try, you are forced to wait 3 or 4 hours before it will let you search again. Add to that the inherent illiteracy as well as language barriers so common on the internet, a search for "string recommendations" may yield 0 results, yet a search for "string reccommendations" will yield a 70 page thread.

          On reading the Stickies:
          Reply #1: If they're in plain sight and are not multi-page pile-ons, but properly formatted in a reader-friendly layout and not full of hijackings and derailings, then fine, I'll be happy to read them. If they're cluttered, then no.

          Reply #2: 98% of online forums' stickies consist of a list of rules that are similar from forum to forum - no racial/ethnic/religious/political/sexual/socio-economic slurs/slams/shenanigans, no porn, anything you upload can and will be used to promote this site for the sole benefit of this site and we don't owe you jack for it, etc etc, so "read the rules" means as much to most people as "kiss my a$$".

          Reply #3: I came here for information - a quick in and quick out. I don't want to be your friend, I don't want to join your "community", I just want a straight answer to a straight question and I'll be on my way. I have more important things to do with my life than sort through 30,000,000 posts looking for a "yes" or a "no", or "Japan" or "India" or whatever, or "$250 if it's dead mint".
          ================================================== ====================

          However, I strongly recommend you follow these three important rules:
          #1: Do not post pics of naked chicks. Exposed breasts is considered nudity. See through clothing is considered nudity. Swimsuits are not considered nudity, as long as there's no exposed nipples, lips, bush, crack, contact with other parts of someone else's body parts or bodily fluids, or insinuated contact of that nature. Self-touching in the form of covering exposed nudie-parts or *SIMULATED* pleasurable touching is open to the discretion of the Admins. The Admins have Final Say at all times. Period. Don't like it? Leave.
          If you have a picture to post of a hot chick in a scant outfit that may or may not contain nudity or insinuated masturbation, be sure to put NSFW in the TITLE of the thread. That lets people know it is Not Safe For Work - some people have the luxury of surfing while at their "day job", and the Admins as well check in from their workplaces to perform their Administrative duties here, and do not need some moron throwing up a random pic of a hot (or balls-ugly) chick shoving her fist up her own butt, so the NFSW lets them know not to open that thread at work.

          #2: DO NOT POST ANY LINKS TO YOUR OWN LIVE AUCTIONS, OR TO SALES OF THOSE OF SOMEONE YOU KNOW. We know all about Ebay, Craigslist, JCGuitars, Harmony Central, etc etc etc, and we check those sites often enough that relatively few items get past us. While you may see someone post "DANG, I was lookin for one of those!", that doesn't mean 1000 others here didn't see it.
          -DO NOT POST THAT YOU ARE INTERESTED IN BUYING FROM OR SELLING TO THE JCF MEMBERS. We have a Classifieds section, but due to several members being screwed by newbies who popped in to sell and made off with someone's money, it's closed to all Junior members. Depending on how "known" you are, and how you are "known" here, you may never get to see it.

          #3: POST ONLY IN THE APPROPRIATE SECTION! Each section has a brief but clear description under the title, so if it says "General Jackson/Charvel Talk", it's not about the game on TV last night, it's about Jackson and Charvel stuff in general. It's not a place to post a pic of your latest acquisition, that's what the individual sections are for. Here's a handy tip for you folks outside the USA - the "Import" sections do not refer to anything that says "Made In USA" on it. We understand that even a USA Jackson is considered an "import" in Europe, but there are "USA Jackson" and "USA Charvel" sections specifically for those that were made in the USA.
          So if you want to talk about last night's game, do it in the General Discussion forum at the bottom of the page (the one that says "Anything you like" under the title).
          I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood

          The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

          My Blog:

