yep, not for nothin' man, but farewells... well let's just say Richard Simmons blowing a goat = less gay... leave the farewells to KISS
No announcement yet.
Ok, I've had it
Whaa happen?"You have a pud..your wife has a face. Next time she bitches..I'd play cock bongos on her cheeks..all four of them!" - Bill Z.
I just just had a sudden urge to sugga dick..! If I wore that guitar and didn't suck male genitalia..somethin' is very wrong! - Bill Z.
Well, of course Bill's a jackass, but that is absofuckinglutely one of his endearing qualities. If he wasn't a fucker, I wouldn't be his best bud. NO ONE will tell you how it is, with no dolling it up like Bill will.
I guarantee you, if you ever met him, you'd know he is one of the coolest fucks out there.
I don't have to blow smoke up his ass, and this isn't a praise Bill circle jerk from John. BUT, as I've said before, I absolutely trust that dude with my life. Whacky and abrasive as he comes off sometimes (mostly for shock value), Bill is truly one of the most honest, logical, calculated, deeply insighted dudes I know. Might not come off here all thime, but I tell you that is gospel.
I've been through hell a few times in the last 25 years, and Bill prolly is the reason I never did a lead injection... He's counseled me through so much it's amazing, and I'm a pretty logical guy myself. But, billy boy is the ultimate bro.
If the shit hits the fan, you would want Bill behind you. Until he knocked you down and took care of Biz himself for you that is, haha... I have a lot of good friends and I would trust Bill's instincts and insight pick out my next GF, to orchestrate and appropriate my affairs if I got killed etc etc. Absolute trust in his decision making skills, other than that Marshall JMP-1 thing, haha... Hey everyone has a glitch somewhere huh?
Sucks, I always liked you there UFO. Can't recall anything I ever didn't like about ya. And, sorry you feel that way. Guess I missed you and him falling somewhere. But, oh well... I wouldn't take it too seriously bro, just a friggin message board.
Basically tho, I think it's pretty drama queen to leave a note like this and threaten to leave. No one is gonna ban you by request. Just kill the account yaself or make a special request. Some silly drama post like this is just gay.
Anyways, rock on man...
Just relax. Don't think of it like you're being ignored. If you post something interesting, funny, or controversial, people will respond. If you have a reasonable question, people will answer you to the best of their ability. Simple as that. I don't think anyone goes out of their way to ignore you. If I thought this forum was a popularity contest, I would have given up on it years ago. This place is just like any random group of people. There are attention whores, wallflowers, opinionated assholes, and everything in between, but we all do have something in common. We all like guitars and amps. Now if you want something more out of the forum than just talking about guitars and amps, then I guess you have to hang out more and shoot the shit, for people to get to know you.
UFO, there are many kinds of people here and all with their own stands and opinions. I have made many friends here as well as agreed to disagree with others. You must respect people for what they believe in. I find most of the people here are very cool and knowledgable. At the very least funny as hell, take for example Bill Z., nhspike and one of the all-time wittiest mofo's you'll ever meet SEEGERMANY !!! I say stick around, you add to the fiber of what makes up the JCF.
It's a shame to see you go. I don't feel like I'm in the 'inner circle' here, but I do look forward to reading certain replies from certain people, and there are enough good members here to always respond to my questions or give me some feedback, so I could care less if I'm not apart of the "inner sausage fest" (Guys, did you review my application yet?)
And of course Bills a jackass..But he's our jackass! Nah, straight up, bills the shit.Originally posted by horns666The only thing I choke during sex is, my chicken..especially when I wanna glaze my wife's buns.
I'll probably never be part of the inner circle here either.
Don't let it bug you.
Be yourself.
Billz-I "get"-I see through the bluster and know he's good.
And where else can I get the free psychological analysis that
wannabe's like SG give out?
Makes me feel warm all over!
Originally posted by Cygnus X1 View PostI'll probably never be part of the inner circle here either.
Don't let it bug you.
Be yourself.
Billz-I "get"-I see through the bluster and know he's good.
And where else can I get the free psychological analysis that
wannabe's like SG give out?
Makes me feel warm all over!
Toejam used to be high up on the food chain but he is management so fuggem.
The other member (bro) here that really burns my nads is Hippietim now that you mention it (did you actually mention it?)
Let me tell you why:
#1. He is a wealth of knowledge and always willing to post informative responses
#2. He is the 1st person to help you out if he can
#3. He has had more cool gear than almost anybody here and he posts objective reviews of it all.
#4. He smokes weed. (I just made that up.. sorry Tim)
I don't blame you for bailing out on the JCF. This place sucks.
Hey where's Dave (Budman) been lately anyway? I just realized I haven't seen him post in a shit's age.
Anyway, I was just about to say (when my brain interrupted me) that this place is what it is because of all the members. Yes, some of them stand out more, probably because they've been around so long, and post a lot. Even when someone pisses me off, and I hate their rotten fucking guts that particular day, I know that I'll get over it, and that generally this place benefits from their presence.
So how do I reach this inner circle? Never knew we had one here on JCFBut seriously, how can this be a bad place when you have guys that send small parts out to each other just to help a fellow JCFer? The amount of Jackson/Charvel knowledge available to you here is so massive that you could have fun just reading and nothing else. I've only met a few JCFers once a year at NAMM so its not like I know everyone personally here but we do all share one important thing, our Jackson/Charvel hobby and thats enough for me to call everyone here a "Bro" or "Sis"
Hope you'll stick around and enjoy this placeRudy
Originally posted by jgcable View PostBill is the greatest. I am second greatest.
Toejam used to be high up on the food chain but he is management so fuggem.:ROTF:
I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.