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Shooting a mile away from my house, and get this...

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  • Shooting a mile away from my house, and get this...

    It was at a CHURCH!!! WTF is wrong with people? Dude walks in, goes up to the pastor and unloads, killing the pastor and wounding a few others.

    And I live in a pretty nice area. I just dont' get it man, wtf is wrong with people?!?!?


    Don't blame Congress or the President - blame yourselves. ~Newc

  • #2
    Holy Shit!
    The world just keeps getting more and more nutty!
    "Wow,... that was some of the hardest rockin ever. Hardest to listen too."


    • #3
      What happened to the days when a depressed individual would leave a note and off themselves ?? It seems the trend is now to take out as many as you can before you go !!! Fucked up, to say the least !!!


      • #4
        Guy was probably looking for attention. Probably blamed God for his own mistakes, I guess. Maybe he read a news story of some "atrocity" that he thought God should have prevented and decided to take it out on the priest.

        Who knows these days? If chick can claim "only-childitis" for having taxpayer-funded implanting of octuplets on top of the 6 she already had, then I guess some other moron can claim the priests owe them an apology for being a screw-up.
        I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood

        The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

        My Blog:


        • #5
          Damn Pat, close to home... That guy that killed 5 people here in Cleveland then killed himself did it about 1.5 miles from my house... Ya got me beat... Well, sorta...


          • #6
            Originally posted by Cleveland Metal View Post
            Damn Pat, close to home... That guy that killed 5 people here in Cleveland then killed himself did it about 1.5 miles from my house... Ya got me beat... Well, sorta...

            That dude was hiding out right around the corner from my mom and dads..and my sis next door. Ehh, it's not the first time. This asshole that lived a few doors down asked me how to get in the police acdemy. A couple weeks later there was a drive by shooting at his house because he killed someone in Medina. Then the cops snagged him..I heard he was killed at that time. Then I had a drive by for kicking some drug boys asses, but they got the wrong house.

            It's a wonderful, I love people. They're God's most precious gift!!!..

            If that killer astroid is on course in a few years, I'm gonna watch that comedy and laugh my ass off!!

            "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
            Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

            "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


            • #7
              A bible deflected the first bullet I think. Well it didn't deflect went through it..but that one saved him. But then..
              "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
              Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

              "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


              • #8
                This is truly f'd up, Pat you have my sympathies - last year at a graduation party about a mile from me there were 2 fatalities of kids being stupid! However this seems to be lashing out at authority type of shithead behavior here, maybe Dad didn't hug him enough an a fishing trip 38 years ago. I'm fucking sick of seeing all of this victim mentality crap, if this guy was "suffering" personal demons he should have dealt with his own misconceptions - rather than trying to "off" other people. But hey who knows maybe the pastor was plowing his wifes field!
                Enjoying a rum and coke, just didn't have any coke...


                • #9
                  I heard about that Pat...its screwed up

                  people are going insane, man... a couple weeks ago, a 14 year old boy in my son's middle school was shot in the face with a 12 gauge by his father who then called 9-11 and blew off his own head. They lived just across the lake from us so maybe 2-3 miles if that


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Shawn Lutz View Post
                    I heard about that Pat...its screwed up

                    people are going insane, man... a couple weeks ago, a 14 year old boy in my son's middle school was shot in the face with a 12 gauge by his father who then called 9-11 and blew off his own head. They lived just across the lake from us so maybe 2-3 miles if that
                    Damn Shawn, that's seriously fk'd up! It seems once a week or more of late, you hear of parents trying or actually killing their own kids, infants, etc. WTF has happened to this world? These types of things NEVER used to happen. What do we blame it on? dope, TV, movies? WTF is it? :think:

                    This guy in this church deal, never been to the church before, sitting in the congregation and just stands up, walks to the pastor and shoots him/at him 4 times, gun jams and he pulls a knife and tries to stab himself, gets tackled by a couple of parishioners and they end up getting wounded and the guy lives. Apparently, another mental case, dude has Lyme disease and was a topic of the St. Louis Rag last year about how this Lyme is changing his mental capacity, etc. So here we have yet another senseless murder due to a mental disorder.

                    The way things have evolved just in the last 10-20yrs is just uncomprehensible to say the least, what's happened? Is it the fucking water or what? I just don't get it, seriously. Someone try and help me understand here. And it doesn't seem to matter what demographic, it's across the board, rich, poor, etc.

                    And John/Bill, I heard about that shit in Cleveland, this sort of thing seems to be an issue there as frequent as any other city you hear of. I'd hate to even think about what goes on in Ca, and the likes. No offense to you guys from Ca, just a melting pot for all the loons out there it seems, always has been as long as I can remember, again, no offense.

                    I don't know man, but something needs to be done somewhere, but I wouldn't even know where to start. Where is it safe to live these days on this planet? Is there such a place? Shit keeps getting closer and closer to home and thinking of my kids that go to school every day and they can't defend themselves, what do you do?
                    Don't blame Congress or the President - blame yourselves. ~Newc


                    • #11
                      unpossible Illinoise has some of the strictest gun control in the country.


                      • #12
                        One thing that has crossed my mind is perhaps side effects of pharmaceuticals are part of the blame. Today everyone is on something for something they never thought they needed until they saw a commercial on TV for it. First thing doctors do is write a perscription....


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Shawn Lutz View Post
                          One thing that has crossed my mind is perhaps side effects of pharmaceuticals are part of the blame. Today everyone is on something for something they never thought they needed until they saw a commercial on TV for it. First thing doctors do is write a perscription....
                          That is true for almost all shootings. It does state he had Lyme and if he never got it treated or was not seeking active treatment it would have caused him to flip out.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Shawn Lutz View Post
                            One thing that has crossed my mind is perhaps side effects of pharmaceuticals are part of the blame. Today everyone is on something for something they never thought they needed until they saw a commercial on TV for it. First thing doctors do is write a perscription....
                            I tend to agree with this... too much prescription drugs and too much stress causes people to go apeshit... doesn't take the guilt away at all but something needs to be done to prevent this.
                            "There is nothing more fearful than imagination without taste" - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

                            "To be stupid, selfish and have good health are three requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, all is lost" - Gustave Flaubert


                            • #15
                              Shawn, I was actually going to say that and not sure why I didn't. You are absolutely right in that regard. There are so many "pill" doctors out there, it's crazy. The smallest symptom brings 3 different scripts it seems. Half of the people I know are on something, if not 5 or more different meds. And really, how much do we know about all of these new meds, "new" being 10-15yrs? But of course, it's government controlled... :ROTF: We know how well the gov does with controlling things. But there's a fukkin pill for everything now. There are so many psycho drugs out there, it's pathetic and plain scary to say the least. Who knows what half of the population is taking, and to think they're driving and some even driving our kids to school, etc. Planes, trains, and I can't leave out automobiles...

                              It's certainly an issue no doubt and certainly makes you wonder. People are walking around like zombies everywhere these days. It's nuts.

                              On a somewhat related topic...

                              The world used to be filled with happy, friendly people, holding doors, saying please/thank you and the basic manners we all grew up with (well most of us anwyay) and learned when we were 2yrs old, just the the smallest of things, can I have a Bud Light pls, now it's give me a Bud Light. It seems there are a lot of angry people these days and I think society has breed this in one way or another. My kids were taught manners when they were able to talk and walk, early if you will, and I catch them all the time just asking or telling me/us for something, and I'm like what happened to your manners? It's like they've lost them, and it may very well be what they see in school, has to be actually, because I always say pls/thx when and where possible, ALWAYS.

                              Look at these kids these days and sorry if this is offensive to you younger guys here, but I've had a handful of guys work for me over the last 10-12yrs, 20 soemthing's if you will, and they act like everyone ows them something and because they went to college, they deserve to make a paycheck equal to the guy that's worked 10yrs in the biz with a load of experience. And they're absolutely useless if they have the slightest notion they won't get that pay in 3-6 months. I don't get it man. Whatever happened to hard work and earning what you have? Everyone has a hand out and they get pissed if you don't fill it up and "right now".

                              And AK, I can't believe the fucked up laws in Illinois. I had to wait 6 months for a FOID (Firearm owners ID) card here. My wife got one in about the same amount of time. But you can't even have one round of ammo in your posession without one in Illinois, if so, BAM! felony charge and there goes your weapons. I do have to wait 24hrs if I purchase anything in Mo, even with the card but I can live with that, no prob. In Missouri, 20 minutes away, my grandpa bought a couple of AR's recently, took 10 minutes to call it in and he's out the door with whatever he wants, and I don't "think" it's limited to rifle's. I remember when I bought my first S&W 9mm 15 or so years ago, took 24hrs, Sheriff called asked me to come down and asked a few questions and I walked out the door with a permit, off to Shooting Systems and walked out the door with a new 9.

                              I agree with some of the gun laws out there, but some are just over the top. But the question is, would it have stopped this senseless murder of this pastor? I don't think so, but you never really know and never will.

                              Sorry for the long post, I hate reading long posts and here I am... errrrr
                              Don't blame Congress or the President - blame yourselves. ~Newc

