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When did you hang up the dream?

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  • #61
    Originally posted by Jacksons Shred View Post
    I brought up Yngwie. Think about it though, everyone told him he wasn't going to make it, he should give up, he wasn't going to get anywhere with that guitar playing and that attitude. He risked everything, gave up his home, girlfriend, numerous guitars, and put his dreams ahead of him. Everything people said would fail, got him to where he is today and is what made him famous. I'm not saying that it's possible to repeat his situation, but think about what would have happened if he hadn't came to America to persuit his dreams? Imagine if he would have just given up?

    I need to find out for myself.
    think about this...
    how many people played like Yngwie in '81 and how many people play like Yngwie in '09
    how many rock bands got record deals and contracts to open for huge bands in large arena tours and how many young bands are stadium acts today
    we live in a totally different world today... hell I bet even Pink Floyd wouldn't get signed if they'd come out today
    "There is nothing more fearful than imagination without taste" - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

    "To be stupid, selfish and have good health are three requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, all is lost" - Gustave Flaubert


    • #62
      Originally posted by Endrik View Post
      think about this...
      how many people played like Yngwie in '81 and how many people play like Yngwie in '09
      how many rock bands got record deals and contracts to open for huge bands in large arena tours and how many young bands are stadium acts today
      we live in a totally different world today... hell I bet even Pink Floyd wouldn't get signed if they'd come out today
      Yes. yngwie was unique. And part of his success was the fact that pretty much every guitar player in the world BOUGHT at least one of his albums.

      Pink floyd would have 1 chance in a million today, mostly because theyre not "marketable" to a "demographic" made up by some A&R dickhead committee.
      Its a complete catastrophe. But Im a professional, I can rise above it. LOL


      • #63 guys are speaking gopspel man. Basically, shit like Myspace, Youtube, and even cool forums like this give players/bands good "sound" advice and a platform to showcase or promote their music. This shit was unheard of when brosephs like Jackson Shreds was 7 years old..about 10 years ago. Our world fuggin' shrunk overnight..

        This is why Metal and guitars is cool these days. That was NOT promoted for 15 years years on the only media outlet we had..the boob tube. It dictacted EVERYTHING. How to look, act, talk and what music was cool or sucked. Beavis and Butthead did alot to help and ruin careers..especially anything "Hair metal". But since kids are not glued to TV sets 24/7 , everything changed. Now there's options that hasn't been explored for years, and why bands from Winger to Celtic Frost to Dokken to Caracass are filling venues again. Bands that were left for dead and now thriving because kids WANT to actually make records instead of just scarting them, while making fart noises in their hands. This is a good thing, but it is a double edged sword since the scene is saturated. So, it's harder than ever to be a succesful metal band simply because there's so much of it.

        John and I started a band in 2002, when NU/Rap was still king and there was no metal scene whatsover in Cleveland and elsewhere. This was right before bands like Lamb Of God took off..the floodgates burst and Headbanger ball came back (MTV still calls the shots). Yet there hasn't been a band in our town that was going for this musical direction... Arch Enemy/Nevermore with a major powerhouse of a singer. I always think of the "what ifs". If we didn't implode for the lack of finding quality local musicians, and some musical differences at that time. We would have been a major force in Cleveland...and prolly could have snagged a label. It seemed everyone got the memo that metal/guitar is awesome and there's thousand of kids kicking our asses on youtube. They can play, but they just don't have the heart, and experience. Most metal bands today sound so fuggin' sterile, mechanical, and samey without substance. Brutal for brutal sake without a sense of song structure or dynmaics. Just cut and paste protool bullshit muthafuggas..but some good has come from this. But I give them an A for the ambition and effort that I have lost.

        I have more important buisness to tend to these days. BUT if John and I, or myself would continue Bed Of Nails. It would be the best thing this city ever offered. I've been told this by the players in the scene, and I know it in my heart without question. It's a small circle...but the internet can make that circle much bigger. But I don't give a fuck at the moment.

        Yes, I gave up the "dream" but I'm better than ever and I still could make it happen if I really wanted to. I'm working with my son. This took me by surprise, and blossomed into something pretty special. He's one of the most amazing rythm guitarist and drummers I know. I can write metal songs as good as anyone. This could be a father and son thing..if he has the desire. If he learned how to record shit, it could happen. BUT, that is a is first. I'd rather him write music with me than playing fuggin' Xbox all fuggin' day. Xbox is such a piece of shit. I can't stand keeps kids, fat, stupid and lazy. Sure it can be "fun" in moderation, but not when you're playing for hours on end, getting pissed, frustrated and for what...nothing..absolutely nothing. What a waste of fuggin' energy. I WISHED I had the fuggin' time to waste an ounce of valuable energy playing a fuggin' video game. Xbox PS3, Wii can all fuggin' suck it!! If I wanted to play a realistic version of Grand Theft Auto..I'll go outside. I live in Cleveland, every fuggin' day is Grand Theft Auto!!! My fuggin' life is a Grand Theft Auto game...the cocksuckers!

        "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
        Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

        "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


        • #64
          Damn Bill. you sure hit the nail on the head there. on all counts. the Xbox shit is balls on accurate. I hate that shit too. Fuckin people texting constantly on phones. etc...... that stuff pisses me off. Its way damn cool of you to be that invovled with your son. thats what the world is missing these days. sincere parental involvement in kids lives. Kudos to you.
          "clean sounds are for pussies" - Axewielder


          • #65
            Wassup Tone. Yeesh , fuggin' cellphones..motherfuggers!! Broads can't fuggin' drive as it is..that is a scientific fact of life!! Now we gotta deal with them putting on make-up and text fighting with their pussy whipped dorks while they rear end your neck into a lifetime of whiplash. Then giggle and say.."I'm sorry". Sorry?..let me fuck your ass and say I'm sorry..WTF??!! Look at my car you dick bitch!

            I try to be a good role model for my son. He's everything to me. Some would say I'm "over-protective". Is there such a thing? How can you over-protect the very reason why I keep breathing.

            My job is to help him with his homework. Make sure he goes to school on time everyday. Keep him out of trouble even if it means my foot in his ass. He's much like me..very hard headed with the sense of entitlement, and tries to get by with the least amount of effort possible. He learned taking short cuts actually makes things much harder. He's 14 now..girls are coming soon(). He visited the highschool for one day and already hooked up with a couple older, this is not good. I was 14, and it was AWESOME, but as a dad..this is not good!

            So we're talking alot about that stuff. I even told him about the vase. Just in case he thinks he's weird.

            One of the coolest things I did was teach him how to play drums. He's fucking amazing. The catch is, I can't play drums to save my life. I taught him by tapping on a table and jamming with him. That worked!!!
            "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
            Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

            "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


            • #66
              Originally posted by Endrik View Post
              think about this...
              how many people played like Yngwie in '81 and how many people play like Yngwie in '09
              how many rock bands got record deals and contracts to open for huge bands in large arena tours and how many young bands are stadium acts today
              we live in a totally different world today... hell I bet even Pink Floyd wouldn't get signed if they'd come out today
              You nailed it Endrik. Exactly.


              • #67
                As for myself, I've never hung up the dream. I'm 38 and still have it. It's not about being a rockstar or anything like that, and actually never has been. For me it's about putting it out there. Having a body of work, or a legacy, I guess. To be able to say "I created that" is one of the greatest feelings a person can have. I have several musical projects that I've been dying to realize for many years. Shitjust got in the way, but now I'm at a point where it's so close I can taste it...and it is sweet. Never give up, never give in.
                THIS SPACE FOR RENT


                • #68

                  "I hung up the dream when my singing made the dawg start yakking"


                  • #69
                    What do you mean hang up the dream

                    I'm past the stage where I dream of being a world famous rock star, but I have a tight band and I'm thankful that a few folks actually want to listen to my wanking!
                    I feel festive all year round. Deal with it.


                    • #70
                      My dream was never to be any more than a sick shredder. Famous or not. I have given up on that though since I don't have the time to invest in practicing anymore and I never practiced correctly when I did! I am 27 now and even though I am still young I can't help but feel the chance has passed me by.
                      I would so snatch that up it if were 24 frets

                      I'm out like Axl Rose just before a GNR concert

