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'08-'09 NHL Playoffs

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  • First round
    No. 1 Boston vs. No. 8 Montreal - Boston in 5. I don't think Montreal will be able to keep up with the Bruin's speed and tough defense, coupled with great goaltending. Montreal's big names can't string jack together.

    No. 2 Washington vs. No. 7 N.Y. Rangers - Washington in 6. The Rangers are a PITA to play against, and they are a grinding team to play. Washington also lacks depth, but their edge could well be their strong power player versus the Ranger's non existent one.

    No. 3 New Jersey vs. No. 6 Carolina - New Jersey in 5. Carolina should be able to win one game, but the Devils make it very hard to pepper Martin with shots, which is when he tends to falter. But the Devils outmatch Carolina in terms of talent and the number of it, so I don't honestly see them being much a threat here.

    No. 4 Penguins vs. No. 5 Philadelphia - Pittsburgh in 6. The Flyers are win one lose one, which in the playoffs CAN work if you win the first game, but the problem is, you slip and the other team will eat you up for it. In ever way the Flyers outclass the Penguins; far greater depth on the forward lines, better defense (as long as Parent is back), but just can not put it together as of late. The only thing that may work in their favor is the Penguins being tired from a furious run to get into the post season.

    No. 1 San Jose vs. No. 8 Anaheim - San Jose in 4. Get your brooms out. I don't quite know how SJ has done it, but they are an amazing team with a stand-on-your-head type goalie who comes up huge every night. I just can not see how Anaheim can keep up with San Jose.

    No. 2 Detroit vs. No. 7 Columbus - Columbus in 7. Detroit perhaps has the cohesive offense in the game, and given this could be their last run in their current formation due to possible salary cap contraction, expect them to go all out. Their breakout is incredible. However, if Columbus can contain it, they can win. If their big name players who have been around awhile step it up, and Rick Nash proves he is the Captain, Columbus can win; they should certainly be hungry for one, and Ken is a great coach. Detroit knows what they are doing though, so you can't count them out, but I give Columbus an edge in 7 games due to the generally younger makeup of the team mixed with enough experience to pull it out.

    No. 3 Vancouver vs. No. 6 St. Louis - Vancouver in 6. Vancouver is a tough, grinding team to play against. I don't think they have the goaltending though to make it past Vancouver. Like Columbus, the Blues will need to bank on having their veterans step up and lead the way. I give Vancouver the edge here though as the Blue's defensive core is pretty green, and I'm unsure of their depth and ability to keep up.

    No. 4 Chicago vs. No. 5 Calgary - Calgary in 5. Experience again. Calgary has a fairly experienced core and coach, which I think will make the difference here. Chicago is a good team, but Calgary's experience will get them through even though I think they will likely exit in the second round. It won't be a failure for Chicago to go out here, but I just don't see how they can match up in a playoff situation.


    • Back to back shutouts for Luongo to close the season, seems like he's on his game. The only question now is how the rest of the team will react in the playoffs, here's hoping the post season finally wakes Sundin up. I must admit, I'm a little more optimistic about a first round series against St. Louis than I was against Chicago or Columbus, besides, it should be interesting considering that Van. and St. Lou. had two of the best winning percentages in the league since the new year/all-star break. Hopefully I'll get to watch all of the first round, I have to fly to the Dominican for a week right soon here and hopefully they'll have some NHL coverage down there. Leave it to the bro-in-law to book his wedding in another country during the last week of April....bloody Leafs fans, you can tell his expectations were high........
      I'm not into hell.........I just dig the soundtrack.........


      • is there any way to miss the wedding?
        Not helping the situation since 1965!


        • isnt it againt the law or something for Canadians to leave North America during the Stanley Cup playoffs?

          I know it is in my house I told my wife that the playoffs start Wednesday and my team starts Thursday...she said I'll see ya in


          • i haven't spoken to my girlfriend since opening week of the NFL. I usually do some reconnaisance missions in mid june or so. so she gets that through july and august and then i'm lost again.
            Not helping the situation since 1965!


            • Originally posted by Shawn Lutz View Post
              I told my wife that the playoffs start Wednesday and my team starts Thursday...she said I'll see ya the first week of
              Don't blame Congress or the President - blame yourselves. ~Newc


              • Originally posted by Strangletooth View Post


                • roasted
                  Not helping the situation since 1965!


                  • Originally posted by Strangletooth View Post

                    Pat but I'm a fan of the game of hockey and even if my team is golfing at the start of round 2 -- I'm still into the playoffs bandwagoning here


                    • Originally posted by Strangletooth View Post



                      • Originally posted by Shawn Lutz View Post
                        Pat but I'm a fan of the game of hockey and even if my team is golfing at the start of round 2 -- I'm still into the playoffs bandwagoning here
                        I hear ya bro! Me too it seems these days. I find myself watching whatever game's on.

                        Good luck, sorta, but not really, ya know...
                        Don't blame Congress or the President - blame yourselves. ~Newc


                        • every game is incendiary
                          Not helping the situation since 1965!


                          • I'm still waiting for the day they will bring back the Hartford Whalers!!!


                            • Originally posted by atomic charvel guy View Post
                              is there any way to miss the wedding?
                              None that have worked so far......

                              Originally posted by Shawn Lutz View Post
                              isnt it againt the law or something for Canadians to leave North America during the Stanley Cup playoffs?
                              It should be.
                              I'm not into hell.........I just dig the soundtrack.........


                              • Yeah! Bring back the Whale!

                                "I can't go now, the Whale can only beat the Canucks once a decade!"

                                *Goes to watch Mallrats*
                                GTWGITS! - RacerX

