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'08-'09 NHL Playoffs

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  • #31
    I have been officially on the Jackets band wagon for quite some time now, ask Rupe
    for verification. I think they were in 11th place when I started whacking out from an overdose of Ranger short comings-lol Seriously, it was just too much for yours truly.
    You'd think I'd jump on a team like Detroit or something for satisfaction but I'm sadistic and adopted the Columbus Fukking Blue Jackets. I love 'em!!!

    Possibly the most important numbers-
    Boston still has 3 guys in the top 5 for plus minus with around 8 games left.
    That's eye popping in the very least. amazing stat.
    Not helping the situation since 1965!


    • #32
      Originally posted by atomic charvel guy View Post
      I have been officially on the Jackets band wagon for quite some time now, ask Rupe
      for verification.
      This is the first time that I've heard you mention them :think:

      Nah, Tommy's been waving that flag all season. I haven't figured out why yet, but he's definitely jumped on a bandwagon that doesn't even exist. He is the bandwagon...the ATOMIC Bandwagon!


      • #33
        Originally posted by CharvelRocker View Post
        For MVP voting, I would have to go with Jeff Carter.
        Not surprising, you're such a homer :ROTF:


        • #34
          Here's the Rangers remaining schedule, it's a fukkin' joke, I think Florida will capitalize from this and maybe grab the last spot in the east.
          in 20 minutes-penguins
          next-Devils, Hurricanes, Bruins, Canadiens, and a home and home with the Flyers.
          my prediction 0-5-2, I have to expect that to ease the blow of being a ranger fan.
          anything to the contrary will be like winning the cup. It's sordid state of affairs i tell you.
          Not helping the situation since 1965!


          • #35
            Pavel Datsyuk is the best player in the league. He won't get MVP because the depth of talent on Detroit has but there is no one player in the league that can dominate on both sides of the puck as Pavel can. The Wings are my team but I have center ice and watch a lot of hockey and no single player can make you look stupid as Pavel can..he's equally fun to watch without the puck as he is with it...excellent defender and takeaway master

            I'm sorry to the Crosby fans but if your getting 96 points an only a +7 your defensive game ain't all that

            Zack Parise is having a helluva season and is sound defensively +30, Pavel is +34.

            MVP is more so if you remove that player from the team, where would that team be without the said player. Based on that alone it should be Ovechkin or Maulkin...Maybe this the year Bettman pushes Ovechkin as people are tired Cindy Crysby unless your a Pens fan...


            • #36
              I get a kick out of seeing dudes like Parise lighting it up this year. I played against him in some elite tournaments a few years back. He and his brother Jordan both played at the same school Sidney Crosby went to (Shattuck.... I hate them)...

              I remember we got into a fight with some dudes on their team, the Parise bro's intervened, and some dudes on our team ended up throwing their equipment over the glass. It was quite funny.

              I think NJ has a decent shot at the cup this year. They seem to have a pretty consistent team all around.

              I would like to see Boston and Chicago in the finals this year.. assuming the Wild don't make it. Boston has some players with mad skills and the Hawks had lots of potential. They've been out of the loop since the Ed Belfour days.
              Light intervened, annihliating darkness.
              The path of salvation made clear for the prodigal human race


              • #37
                I agree that it should be Ovechkin or Malkin...the Pens have shown for 2 years straight that they can win without Sid. I was hoping that they'd deal him for some key contributors on the wings and on D.

                On another note, anyone who thinks that Sid whines any more than any other team captain is absolutely clueless...and probably goes more by what is read in forums/fansites than actually watching the games.


                • #38
                  Shawnny Boy,
                  you can remove Datsyuk, Zetterberg and Hossa and they still are a contender-lol
                  Deep deep deep.
                  Not helping the situation since 1965!


                  • #39
                    11 games today. I'll be watching the battle of the Mason's later.
                    jackets-Blues. The west is a freak show right now-lol
                    implications in every game one way or another.
                    Not helping the situation since 1965!


                    • #40
                      Pens up 2-0 over the Rangers with 5 left in the first. Avery got owned by Tyler Kennedy :ROTF:


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by Rupe View Post
                        I agree that it should be Ovechkin or Malkin...the Pens have shown for 2 years straight that they can win without Sid. I was hoping that they'd deal him for some key contributors on the wings and on D.

                        On another note, anyone who thinks that Sid whines any more than any other team captain is absolutely clueless...and probably goes more by what is read in forums/fansites than actually watching the games.
                        Sorry Rupe, I maybe clueless on a lot of thing but not when comes to the game of hockey. I know the game inside and out from a player's perspective -- Crosby does whine and whines a lot. He does get misunderstood a lot times when he questions officials. I think he really should not be the captain, he just doesnt have the maturity level imho...great player but he could use a good shot of STFU and just worry about playing the game. Way over-marketed and over-hyped by the league along with the C on the sweater puts an extremely amount of pressure on a young man.


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by Shawn Lutz View Post
                          Sorry Rupe, I maybe clueless on a lot of thing but not when comes to the game of hockey. I know the game inside and out from a player's perspective -- Crosby does whine and whines a lot. He does get misunderstood a lot times when he questions officials. I think he really should not be the captain, he just doesnt have the maturity level imho...great player but he could use a good shot of STFU and just worry about playing the game. Way over-marketed and over-hyped by the league along with the C on the sweater puts an extremely amount of pressure on a young man.
                          I know you know the game well (certainly better than me), but you are clearly demonstrating that you don't know the player. He hasn't been "whiney" for the better part of two seasons. They even did a segment on this fact and how misguided the Crosby criticism is on the NHL network by showing just how "whiney" most team captains are in comparison. I watch almost every Pens game and numerous other interesteing matchups...the guy is nowhere near as bad as you want to make him out to be. Watch the games, not the media.

                          I understand that he's overhyped and I'm sick of it as well, but he's unfairly criticized largely based on his high profile and the marketing machine that creates it.

                          Damn...the Rangers put two up right at the end of the period, 2-2 now.


                          • #43
                            Not helping the situation since 1965!


                            • #44
                              I don't really watch the media or care what they have say about any team or any player Rupe nor do I need them to form an opinion. Granted I don't pay much attention to the eastern conference, I've seen probaly 4-5 Pens games this season so I dont know how he's been form the sobbing factor. As I said he is misunderstood a lot of times but he does whine and complain. I saw enough of him in last years playoffs and Cup finals to know what he does and does not do on the ice and in the press conferences. If your saying he hasn't whined in any in the last 2 years I'm not sure what you are watching...

                              Perception is reality, there is a reason he's pegged a whiner, a diver and spoiled little bitch...granted a lot of that is jealousy and unjust but still...he creates the perceprion, not the media or fans.


                              • #45
                                i don't like his face-lol

                                Speaking of the Western conference, it's pretty amazing how much more and farther that those teams travel than the East does. i think it makes for a tougher team come playoff time. maybe they're a little more battle tested and hardened if that's possible.

                                Not helping the situation since 1965!

