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'08-'09 NHL Playoffs

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  • Originally posted by Shawn Lutz View Post
    Here's the classless fans of Detroit. Listen to them when Sidney Crosby is handed the cup
    I watched again at home last night, great game to say the least, but I retract the half-ass'd apology about the boo's, fans were booing during the handshake, and I'm not buying any of the excuses stated, too late to the shake? pfft, no, no way. Let them bask in their glory and enjoy it, Detroit can wait as long as the Pens wanted them to. I didn't realize there was a time limit on getting to the handshake? :think: Bettman, lol, that's a given, he's booed everywhere, been that way for years and rightfully so.

    So again I say, classless fans in the Joe! I could almost count on my fingers and toes how many people clapped for the Pens there. I don't care if Detroit lost or not, it's the Stanley Cup and of all people to know what it takes to win, it's Detroit.

    Congrat's again Pen's fans!
    Don't blame Congress or the President - blame yourselves. ~Newc


    • Originally posted by Strangletooth View Post
      I watched again at home last night, great game to say the least, but I retract the half-ass'd apology about the boo's, fans were booing during the handshake, and I'm not buying any of the excuses stated, too late to the shake? pfft, no, no way. Let them bask in their glory and enjoy it, Detroit can wait as long as the Pens wanted them to. I didn't realize there was a time limit on getting to the handshake?
      You know nothing then. It's all over the media and even the CBC broadcast stated it AT THE MOMENT while it was happening.

      The winning team DOES NOT make the other team wait around forever to get the handshake over with. They can 'bask in their glory and enjoy it' AFTER the Cup is presented - which they did.

      So Mister 3 points and -3 (or is it -4) for the series is getting a little heat now in the media for not shaking Lidstrom's hand because he had to 'bask in the glory'. Come on. There IS a time limit...and that time limit is stop hugging people when you see the teams are lined-up and shaking hands. Who is going to wait around after losing to give time for hugging and slapping on the back when the Cup isn't even presented yet?
      My Duncan Designed pickups are way better than Seymour Duncan regular pickups you fanboy.

      Yeah...too bad the forum doesn't have a minimum IQ.


      • Originally posted by goodwood View Post
        You know nothing then. It's all over the media and even the CBC broadcast stated it AT THE MOMENT while it was happening.

        The winning team DOES NOT make the other team wait around forever to get the handshake over with. They can 'bask in their glory and enjoy it' AFTER the Cup is presented - which they did.

        So Mister 3 points and -3 (or is it -4) for the series is getting a little heat now in the media for not shaking Lidstrom's hand because he had to 'bask in the glory'. Come on. There IS a time limit...and that time limit is stop hugging people when you see the teams are lined-up and shaking hands. Who is going to wait around after losing to give time for hugging and slapping on the back when the Cup isn't even presented yet?
        There's a difference between reasonable and "putting a time limit on a celebration" what I saw, the time between the end of the game and the hand shake was very reasonable and acceptable IMO.
        Don't blame Congress or the President - blame yourselves. ~Newc


        • The way it works is the leadership LEADS the handshake line. After time expires you congratulate your teammates then line up to shake the opponents hands. You do NOT make them wait 5 minutes while you celebrate.

          Who's at the front the line? I don't think Crosby did anything on purpose...he just has no class as a leader and a man.

          The had an open mike on Drapes as Lids
          Draper: Hey Nick wheres Crosby?
          Lidstrom: I thought I saw him bobbing up and down somewhere over there?
          Draper: Where is Bettman? Where is Mario?
          Lidstrom: That is Sid making good use of his knee pads..yup thats is Bettman and Mario over there. I guess he's going downtown on those guys and not going to Disney World?
          Draper: Is he gonna shake hands or what?
          Lidstrom: I dont know but I'm not watching and waiting for him to finish his job.
          Draper: What a scumbag!
          Lidstrom: Don't give him that much credit Drapes
          Draper: Hey Nick, think we should tell them the black aces and zamboni driver went pee in the cup as time ran out?
          Lidstrom: No way..let them savior the taste of success


          • Shawn - totally agree. As team captain you should be in the front of the line. He was too busy hugging the assistant personal trainer and the waterboy.


            • Originally posted by Spivonious View Post
              Shawn - totally agree. As team captain you should be in the front of the line. He was too busy hugging the assistant personal trainer and the waterboy.
              Couldn't agree more! That's the true sign of a leader and he failed.
              Don't blame Congress or the President - blame yourselves. ~Newc


              • Originally posted by Strangletooth View Post
                the time between the end of the game and the hand shake was very reasonable and acceptable IMO.
                ...and that just shows that you know a lot less about the history of hockey and the traditions than the fans at the Joe. They didn't appreciate it nor did anyone else with any class since 'class' is the topic. When you can see 5 guys CLEARLY waiting after they've congratulated the rest of the team...self-explanatory.

                Originally posted by Strangletooth View Post
                Couldn't agree more! That's the true sign of a leader and he failed.
                ...and if you 'couldn't agree more' then why are you not understanding the boos? The boos were there for that reason (+Bettman).
                My Duncan Designed pickups are way better than Seymour Duncan regular pickups you fanboy.

                Yeah...too bad the forum doesn't have a minimum IQ.


                • my last NHL post until october will of course be a Ranger related one-lol
                  Congrats to the Penguins, who had two players score 30 or more points in the playoffs, first team to do it since Leetch and Messier in '94.
                  I just had to say it-lol
                  Not helping the situation since 1965!


                  • Originally posted by goodwood View Post
                    ...and that just shows that you know a lot less about the history of hockey and the traditions than the fans at the Joe. They didn't appreciate it nor did anyone else with any class since 'class' is the topic. When you can see 5 guys CLEARLY waiting after they've congratulated the rest of the team...self-explanatory.

                    ...and if you 'couldn't agree more' then why are you not understanding the boos? The boos were there for that reason (+Bettman).
                    Dude, how deep of a puddle would you like to step in here?!?

                    There were at least 3 times the boos came out, right after the game, the shake and of course Bettman.

                    You're so blinded by the Crosby issue, you're not seeing the big picture. History of hockey? lol, are you kidding me?

                    I see nothing wrong with congratulating your team, "the entire team" before the hand shake, plain and simple.

                    I'll have to look at some previous winning games and look at the time spent congratulating/celebrating to actually compare, but from what I saw, I thought the time in between was reasonable. So tell me, how much time was there in between the end of the game to the shake in the last 5 seasons?

                    You guys act like it was 20 minutes or something, it was reasonable, but Crosby should have been at the front of the line.
                    Don't blame Congress or the President - blame yourselves. ~Newc


                    • I heard boos twice, both times Bettman came out (MVP trophy and the Cup).

                      About the handshake, they won the Cup, they can celebrate all they want to. Don't make the losers wait for you to find time to come over and shake hands. That's just disrespectful.


                      • Pat you don't celebrate with your trainers/stickboy/staff while YOUR team is shaking hands. I don't know Sidneys thoughts and really don't care but he did wait too long. Once the cup is handed out, you have all night and all summer long to celebrate with your teammates. On NHL network last night they had game 6 of last years cup finals. The Wings were in the handshake line in couple minutes (2-3 at best). Most teams go in cup clinching games go fast because they let the opponents clear the ice after defeat -- and the faster they shake hands, the faster they hand you the Stanley Cup

                        None of this has anything to do with winning or losing. The Pens deserved to win the series.


                        • I think the point is that it was not an intentional show of disrespect...its a fucking 21 year old kid who got caught up in the moment. It was clearly a mistake but also clearly not worth the attention that its getting. He made it to the line and shook hands...he simply took too long to get there. I haven't bothered checking to see how long it took, but I can't imagine it was any great length of time seeing as he still shook hands with about half the team (according to didn't actually count ).

                          I heard on some sports talk radio show this morning that Detroit fans are complaining that neither of the Pens goals in game 7 should have counted due to an uncalled icing and an uncalled interferance??? WTF is that about?

                          And if we're talking classless, you win the prize Shawn. Your sophmoric post #949 is pretty sad dude...I thought better of you than that.


                          • I do think the press is making too much out of the handshake. It wasn't an intentional snub by any means. It is tradition to have your captain lead the line to shake hands. Sids the captain and he made a mistake, albeit classless a mistake nonetheless.

                            Some Wings fans are complaining that the second goal should have been icing and should have been blown dead as soon as Stuart touched the puck. It really was icing (replay shows it) as the Pen forward wasnt past the centerline before he dumped the puck in the zone. Nonetheless, it was only a missed call and there was plenty of them on both sides. If Wings fans want to whine, whine about their own PKU/PP and not burying their opportunities.

                            Rupe, sorry if I offended you in my lame ass attempt at humor. I'm no fan of Crosby at all other than the way he plays the game between the whistles (aside from the diving). After that he is primetime douchebag material. I'm willing to bet if he wore a different color jersey you'd have a different opinion of him as well


                            • Originally posted by Shawn Lutz View Post

                              Rupe, sorry if I offended you in my lame ass attempt at humor. I'm no fan of Crosby at all other than the way he plays the game between the whistles (aside from the diving). After that he is primetime douchebag material. I'm willing to bet if he wore a different color jersey you'd have a different opinion of him as well
                              There are A LOT of players in the league like that, love em when they're wearing your sweater, but hate em in any other!

                              As for diving? HAHA, Detroit has the National Champion Dive Team!

                              Guys rooting for one team will always point out a missed call on the other and vice versa, it's just the way it is, and always will be, this we can ALL agree on.

                              Either way, Pens won and it was one of the best series I can remember in recent years, kudos to both!
                              Don't blame Congress or the President - blame yourselves. ~Newc


                              • Originally posted by Strangletooth View Post
                                There are A LOT of players in the league like that, love em when they're wearing your sweater, but hate em in any other!

                                As for diving? HAHA, Detroit has the National Champion Dive Team!

                                Guys rooting for one team will always point out a missed call on the other and vice versa, it's just the way it is, and always will be, this we can ALL agree on.

                                Either way, Pens won and it was one of the best series I can remember in recent years, kudos to both!
                                no offense, tooth, but the prime olympic dive team member isnt in the league anymore. peter forsberg of the colorado "divealanche"
                                Its a complete catastrophe. But Im a professional, I can rise above it. LOL

