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13+ Dead in Binghamton NY

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  • #16
    I haven't read the whole article at the top but the one in the local paper had a picture and it said he barricaded the back door so no one could escape that way. That's just twisted (Even more so).
    "Dear Dr. Bill,
    I work with a woman who is about 5 feet tall and weighs close to 450 pounds and has more facial hair than ZZ Top." - Jack The Riffer

    "OK, we can both have Ben..joint custody. I'll have him on the weekends. We could go out in my Cobra and give people the permitting of course.." -Bill Z. Bub


    • #17
      Originally posted by Jayster View Post
      :think: Why?

      All of the serial killers I can think of lately were non-white;

      Highway shooters - black
      Canadian bus massacre guy - oriental
      virginia tech - oriental guy
      Wisconsin hunting tragedy - oriental guy
      Binghamton - oriental guy

      True, but on the whole, we Honkies hold the record for most serial killers and mass murderers - J.W. Gacy, Ted Bundy, Dahmer, Manson (though he was more of the "Mastermind" than actually conducting the business, his followers were also white), Jim Jones and most of his death squad, that Heaven's Gate guy (again, the Manson/Jones-type thing), Koresh (another Manson/Jones), Hitler/Goering/Gerbils (whatever his Nazi-ass name was), Custer, the Hitchiking Hooker, etc.

      All these others are just jumping on our thang

      And yeah, I can already hear the cries of stiffer gun laws to take guns away from law-abiding owners who are least-likely to go on a shooting spree.

      Maybe this guy was a government stoolie sent to stir the nest so O'bammy can strike down the 2nd Amendment. I mean, he was found by "authorities" with a self-inflicted gunshot to the head. More-likely, he was "found" by other operatives, body-bagged to make it look good, then taken to a staging area where he was given his next mission and a new identity.
      I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood

      The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

      My Blog:


      • #18
        biggest mass murderers hardly pull the trigger, for example records tell that Che was a chicken shit but he loved watching.... or ruthless scum like Lavrentiy Beria sat in the office all the time
        "There is nothing more fearful than imagination without taste" - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

        "To be stupid, selfish and have good health are three requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, all is lost" - Gustave Flaubert


        • #19
          True. The people who give the orders kill more combined than those who do the killing. Think of how many people it took to actually gas 6 million Jews, vs the one guy that gave the order.

          Then again, none of this is counting the stuff that goes on in East and Central Africa - military-regime-of-the-week and the genocide they perpetrate.
          I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood

          The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

          My Blog:


          • #20
            Burma is just horrible, genocide every day.

            But you don't have to kill directly all the time... although Soviet dictatorship is responsible for the biggest slaughters in the 20th century, they "murdered" even more by just letting everyone starve to death as Stalin, Beria and company were too busy to get more money and power instead of picking out single persons or groups to be shot.
            "There is nothing more fearful than imagination without taste" - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

            "To be stupid, selfish and have good health are three requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, all is lost" - Gustave Flaubert


            • #21
              There have been a couple of incidents like this in this area lately, The most recent being last week when a guy walked in a nursing home where his estranged wife works and opened fire killing (IIRC) 11 people, mostly elderly residents. BTW this was a middle aged White guy..

              Then ther are the UNC murders where two Black guys are suspected. I don't really hold any particular race as being suceptable to this kind of insanity. The biggest thing I hold responsible is todays touchy feely society. It's ok to cottle our children and shelter them from the real world without teaching them life lessons on dealing with it. It's also ok to have a brood of children and just let them run and, as long as they don't get in between you and YOUR life, you've done your job as a parent. YEAH RIGHT!!!!

              This society is fucked up! plain and simple. You can't even properly discipline a child when they do wrong. I understand that too many parents carried spankings into beatings and abuse, there is a line, but our society, overcompensats with timeouts and counseling. No wonder they grow up thinking they can get by with murder!

              Maybe I'm off the mark here, but as I'm typing this, the news report on television was talking about 4 mass murders that have happened over the past for weeks that have claimed up to 38 lives. That's 38 families whose lives have been permenately changed to do this craziness.. Admittedly, I'm not the smartest fucker in the world, but I AM smart enough to see there is a problem with these peoples ability to deal with life in general. And THAT is an ability that sould be nurtured from childhood!
              Prosecutors will be violated...


              • #22
                society has always been fucked up... there were times when the average life rate was 25, killing has been a prominent part of our society since the beginning... it used to be worse, now we at least have some control... but by default there will be more and more nutjob killers because the population is growing rapidly, 10 years ago we had 1 billion folks less in the world. The percentage of the killers will remain pretty much the same... it used to be a lot worse centuries ago but as I said we have better control over the people today. What will change are the methods of the killings... years a go doing it secretly was popular now we are heading towards the real old school way... everything with a big bang.
                "There is nothing more fearful than imagination without taste" - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

                "To be stupid, selfish and have good health are three requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, all is lost" - Gustave Flaubert


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Robert Hendrix View Post
                  Then ther are the UNC murders where two Black guys are suspected. I don't really hold any particular race as being suceptable to this kind of insanity. The biggest thing I hold responsible is todays touchy feely society. It's ok to cottle our children and shelter them from the real world without teaching them life lessons on dealing with it. It's also ok to have a brood of children and just let them run and, as long as they don't get in between you and YOUR life, you've done your job as a parent. YEAH RIGHT!!!!
                  then care to explain why most mass and serial killers, rapists and other sociopaths are mostly coming from violent homes with psychotic parents who are the opposite of "touchy feely"
                  "There is nothing more fearful than imagination without taste" - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

                  "To be stupid, selfish and have good health are three requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, all is lost" - Gustave Flaubert


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Robert Hendrix View Post
                    There have been a couple of incidents like this in this area lately, The most recent being last week when a guy walked in a nursing home where his estranged wife works and opened fire killing (IIRC) 11 people, mostly elderly residents. BTW this was a middle aged White guy..

                    Then ther are the UNC murders where two Black guys are suspected. I don't really hold any particular race as being suceptable to this kind of insanity. The biggest thing I hold responsible is todays touchy feely society. It's ok to cottle our children and shelter them from the real world without teaching them life lessons on dealing with it. It's also ok to have a brood of children and just let them run and, as long as they don't get in between you and YOUR life, you've done your job as a parent. YEAH RIGHT!!!!

                    This society is fucked up! plain and simple. You can't even properly discipline a child when they do wrong. I understand that too many parents carried spankings into beatings and abuse, there is a line, but our society, overcompensats with timeouts and counseling. No wonder they grow up thinking they can get by with murder!

                    Maybe I'm off the mark here, but as I'm typing this, the news report on television was talking about 4 mass murders that have happened over the past for weeks that have claimed up to 38 lives. That's 38 families whose lives have been permenately changed to do this craziness.. Admittedly, I'm not the smartest fucker in the world, but I AM smart enough to see there is a problem with these peoples ability to deal with life in general. And THAT is an ability that sould be nurtured from childhood!
                    Serial killers weren't invented recently. It is nowhere near a new phenomenom. These sorts of pieces of shits have existed as long as people have been around. Go look back at the background of all the serial killers in recent years. You will find that they came from everywhere. Some were raised in fucked up homes and others were raised in perfectly normal, loving homes.

                    Fucked up stuff like this happened when I was kid. Fucked up stuff like this happened when my parents were kids. The difference is communication technology - nowadays we hear about stuff within hours or even minutes of it going down.

                    People like to kill other people. I think about 99.999999% of all the people murdered throughout history were murdered because they didn't conform to someone else's idea of what they should be or they were somehow inconvenient. Serial killers are awful but I think you'd find that they're barely a blip on the injustice scale of humanity. I think Christians did more than their fair share of serial killings for many, many centuries. And just as Christians start to get their bloodthirst under control they decide to stir the pot with the next whacky group of religious fucktards in line.

                    Lather. Rinse. Repeat.
                    I want REAL change. I want dead bodies littering the capitol.

                    - Newc


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Newc View Post
                      True, but on the whole, we Honkies hold the record for most serial killers and mass murderers - J.W. Gacy, Ted Bundy, Dahmer, Manson (though he was more of the "Mastermind" than actually conducting the business, his followers were also white), Jim Jones and most of his death squad, that Heaven's Gate guy (again, the Manson/Jones-type thing), Koresh (another Manson/Jones), Hitler/Goering/Gerbils (whatever his Nazi-ass name was), Custer, the Hitchiking Hooker, etc.
                      I don't think so. Ever heard of Mao? Assyrians? Ghenghis Khan? Khmer Rouge? Sadam Hussein? Li Peng? Rwanda? Idi Amin?

                      Originally posted by Newc View Post
                      Maybe this guy was a government stoolie sent to stir the nest so O'bammy can strike down the 2nd Amendment. I mean, he was found by "authorities" with a self-inflicted gunshot to the head. More-likely, he was "found" by other operatives, body-bagged to make it look good, then taken to a staging area where he was given his next mission and a new identity.
                      I want REAL change. I want dead bodies littering the capitol.

                      - Newc


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by hippietim View Post
                        Serial killers weren't invented recently. It is nowhere near a new phenomenom. These sorts of pieces of shits have existed as long as people have been around. Go look back at the background of all the serial killers in recent years. You will find that they came from everywhere. Some were raised in fucked up homes and others were raised in perfectly normal, loving homes.

                        Fucked up stuff like this happened when I was kid. Fucked up stuff like this happened when my parents were kids. The difference is communication technology - nowadays we hear about stuff within hours or even minutes of it going down.

                        People like to kill other people. I think about 99.999999% of all the people murdered throughout history were murdered because they didn't conform to someone else's idea of what they should be or they were somehow inconvenient. Serial killers are awful but I think you'd find that they're barely a blip on the injustice scale of humanity. I think Christians did more than their fair share of serial killings for many, many centuries. And just as Christians start to get their bloodthirst under control they decide to stir the pot with the next whacky group of religious fucktards in line.

                        Lather. Rinse. Repeat.
                        The reason it seems there are more serial killers today than historically is we have the ability to recognize/catch them. I'm sure they've been with us throughout history, but now law enforcement can track their patterns.

                        Reminds me of the studies that claim the United States has the worst infant mortality of a developed nation- That's because babies that would miscarry or die immediately at birth in other countries get a fighting chance here. But then they die, despite heroic efforts by doctors, and someone takes that fact & says, wow, your babies die alot in America.

                        They never get a chance to live other places.

                        Statistics really are shit in the hands of someone with an agenda.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Endrik View Post
                          then care to explain why most mass and serial killers, rapists and other sociopaths are mostly coming from violent homes with psychotic parents who are the opposite of "touchy feely"
                          And the answer is........

                          Originally posted by Vass View Post

                          Statistics really are shit in the hands of someone with an agenda.
                          Couldn't have said it better myself. I very seldom believe or pay much stock in statistics. They hardly ever have any true basis.
                          Last edited by Robert Hendrix; 04-05-2009, 06:48 PM.
                          Prosecutors will be violated...


                          • #28
                            I don't care much about statistics... but even less I care about demagogy

                            every case has a some sort of social, psychological or genetical reasons behind it... sometimes complex, sometimes not... and whadaya know... it's been pretty much the same during entire history as human beings have always been the same and with the same psychology... this is something that life itself shows... people will always be the same... they always have the same dirty toughts
                            "There is nothing more fearful than imagination without taste" - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

                            "To be stupid, selfish and have good health are three requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, all is lost" - Gustave Flaubert


                            • #29
                              67.3% of all statistics are manufactured.

                              I love using that line whenever anyone brings up statistics. I had a project at work where I had to do trend analasis on incoming calls. I couldn't really produce meaningful statistics because I didn't know what the 'goal' of the statistics were for. Just remember in order for a statistic to be meaningful it will pretty much be tied to an agenda of some sort.
                              GTWGITS! - RacerX


                              • #30
                                The education minister wants to know which school would be the best to present his county in international academic decathlon, Booyakasha High in downtown or St. Yogi High in a rural area.
                                Both schools select 10 persons who they think are best to present them in each category.
                                They all will be tested in a highly respected prep school over a period of 2 months.
                                After 2 months have passed, the minister went to the prep school to meet the students and to get the results.
                                The results are presented to him:

                                Mathematics: Booyakasha A ; St. Yogi D
                                Economics: Booyakasha B ; St. Yogi D
                                History: Booyakasha A ; St. Yogi E
                                Physics: Booyakasha A ; St. Yogi D
                                Literature: Booyakasha A ; St. Yogi E
                                Agriculture: Booyakasha C ; St. Yogi B
                                Biology: Booyakasha B ; St. Yogi D
                                Law: Booyakasha A ; St. Yogi E
                                Music: Booyakasha A ; St. Yogi C
                                Sociology: Booyakasha A ; St. Yogi E

                                A (5), B (4), C (3), D (2), E (1)

                                The head of the prep school says that the average grade for the Booyakasha High is 4.6 and for the St. Yogi High 1.9.
                                The Minister says " well, looks like we have our winner, the statistics show that Booyakasha High would probably compete better in the international academics decathlon".
                                Billy from St. Yogi High shouts "Fuck the statistics, they are always wrong, therefore we are clearly the better school and deserve to take the trip to Spain or whatever was that city called in Europe"
                                "There is nothing more fearful than imagination without taste" - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

                                "To be stupid, selfish and have good health are three requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, all is lost" - Gustave Flaubert

