Well, after that last mouse I found in one of my traps after coming home from the vintage guitar fair at march the 28'th I never heard any rodent activity anymore so I figured that I got them all.
But just now I heard Red meowing at me in a way that he usually doesn't do. If he meows in the first place it's usually a high pitched soft "Meyew" but this time he was going "Mraaoow" and in loud frequent successions as if he wanted to tell me "Hey man, look at this!"
So I turned around and Red dropped a dead mouse in front of my feet before looking up with a very satisfied look in his eyes. So I went "way to go my man! Job well done!" and petting his head. He then proceeded to eat the mouse and I turned away, giving him his privacy and sparing myself the nausea. When the eating noises stopped I turned around again and there was nothing left, just Red who was licking his lips.
As I'm typing this down Red is sleeping in my lazy chair.
I love that cat.
But just now I heard Red meowing at me in a way that he usually doesn't do. If he meows in the first place it's usually a high pitched soft "Meyew" but this time he was going "Mraaoow" and in loud frequent successions as if he wanted to tell me "Hey man, look at this!"
So I turned around and Red dropped a dead mouse in front of my feet before looking up with a very satisfied look in his eyes. So I went "way to go my man! Job well done!" and petting his head. He then proceeded to eat the mouse and I turned away, giving him his privacy and sparing myself the nausea. When the eating noises stopped I turned around again and there was nothing left, just Red who was licking his lips.
As I'm typing this down Red is sleeping in my lazy chair.
I love that cat.
