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So... uh, are we all going to die from Swine Flu?

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  • #16
    are you guys suggesting that this could be a false flag attack?
    Enjoying a rum and coke, just didn't have any coke...


    • #17
      Originally posted by Jayster View Post
      are you guys suggesting that this could be a false flag attack?
      Yeah, and they just had a bad ass earthquake...we're really fuggin' them up!

      Our governmenet has that kind of power..remember Katrina...9/ warming?
      "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
      Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

      "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


      • #18
        Fuck this Mad Sow Disease!!!
        Don't forget the corn. It's nutritious, delicious, and ribbed for her pleasure.


        • #19
          Bleh. People are going bonkers over this. It's fatal in Mexico for a reason; when have you ever heard of Mexico having the medical resources of the US? Of course that is just what they want me to think right?

          ...but what if everything being a conspiracy is really a conspiracy to cover another conspiracy?


          • #20
            Originally posted by CharvelRocker View Post
            ...but what if everything being a conspiracy is really a conspiracy to cover another conspiracy?
            Then I would say it's a conspiracy


            • #21
              Hi, my name is Fernando, and I'm from Monterrey, Mexico... Im living this thing really close, altough they say that in Mexico City is even worse... until now, the government has cancelled school all the way from kindergarden to college, and that we'll go back by may 6th, this is in the whole country. There about 140 deaths that are related to this flu, altough they aren't proved yet, the only ones that are proved are about 22 deaths. Now, many theories jump out after this situation... some say it's a conspiracy, some say the end is coming, others aren't worried and continue their life... anyway, I just only hope that this get fixed...
              The good thing is that thanks to the suspension of school, people is reacting, because if people know that school has been canceled, they know this is a serious problem. President Calderon has been making a bulletin every 12 hours through national tv, and say that until right now, of about 2000 cases, 1000 have been discharged from the hospital.

              Well, I just tought that some info here from someone who living it would be interesting
              Discussion continues...
              "You deserve what you dream"


              • #22
                It's totally treatable, so I have no worries.
                My wife thinks this is just a sign of more things to come.
                In my opinion, it's nature's way of thinning the heard a bit.

                There will come a point where there will be too damn many people on this planet.
                Natural selection has been damn near all but eliminated from the equation in modern society. Nature will step in and "fix" things soon enough.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by rjohnstone View Post
                  Nature will step in and "fix" things soon enough.
                  Ah, we only have until 2012 to worry about it, right? And then the worlds going to end anyway...
                  Blank yo!


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Grandturk View Post
                    Ah, we only have until 2012 to worry about it, right? And then the worlds going to end anyway...
                    That one always makes me laugh.

                    Now the SEIU is blaming this on the Republicans.

                    Sebelius is another tax cheat who is not even qualified for the HHS post.
                    How would her confirmation make the swine flu virus go away... it won't.
                    Besides... isn't it the CDC's job to deal with this stuff?
                    Oh wait... Obama hasn't even picked a new head for the CDC either.

                    Never let a crisis go to waist! The Democratic party's new mantra.


                    • #25
                      The thing that sucks is I work with people that went to San Antonio and the valley (far south TX) and they came back sick. Now I am sick. One of them left work for the doctor today. If he comes back and says he has it I am gonna be pissed.


                      • #26
                        Just don't wait too long to see your doc.
                        If you feel like hell, go and see him A.S.A.P.
                        This flu variant is treatable and non fatal if dealt with quickly.

                        Get well man.


                        • #27
                          Another example of the government trying to scare the public. First it was Terrorists, then it was the economy. Now we've got a potential Pandemic that will bring America to its knees... after 40 confirmed cases.


                          • #28
                            According to the CDC stats, 35,000 people died from the flu or flu related symptoms last year.
                            Why is this such a major issue when less than a dozen Americans have it? Oh that's right... Obama's health care over haul bill is on the Senate right now.

                            Never let a crisis go to waist! Even if it's a manufactured one.


                            • #29
                              Cure for the swine flu=turn the news off.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by bobafer View Post
                                Hi, my name is Fernando, and I'm from Monterrey, Mexico... Im living this thing really close, altough they say that in Mexico City is even worse...

                                Well, I just tought that some info here from someone who living it would be interesting
                                Discussion continues...
                                Be safe Fernando.
                                Until you get weaned off the boobie, you are going to have to do what the wife wants too. -Rsmacker

