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So... uh, are we all going to die from Swine Flu?

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  • #46
    the US has their first death from this flu: a 23 month-old. So I wouldn't worry too much unless you're in a country that doesn't have flu medicine.


    • #47
      That's true Spivonious however the child was of Mexican heritage, so all fatalities are still tied to Mexican peoples. Is this just a coincidence? I don't know I'm not a doctor;

      I find it intriguing that now there are almost as many names for it as there are countries infected with it, also noteworthy is that no communist or muslim countries seem to have it.
      Enjoying a rum and coke, just didn't have any coke...


      • #48
        Originally posted by Jayster View Post
        That's true Spivonious however the child was of Mexican heritage, so all fatalities are still tied to Mexican peoples. Is this just a coincidence? I don't know I'm not a doctor;

        I find it intriguing that now there are almost as many names for it as there are countries infected with it, also noteworthy is that no communist or muslim countries seem to have it.
        I wouldn't think there was a racial trend since it's been confirmed in Canada and Europe. Mexican/Latino people could be more susceptible to it though, or have a tougher time fighting it off.

        As far as the communist/muslim could just be that they're not reporting it. Those governments tend to be a bit secretive when it comes to things that could make them look weak.


        • #49

          Enjoying a rum and coke, just didn't have any coke...


          • #50
            Originally posted by Jayster View Post
            It means the feds may attempt to impose some form of martial law or other mechanism to restrict the movement of people to prevent further spread.

            The media is already willing to "sell it" to the people for our own good of course.

            I'm breaking out my tinfoil hat. Something real fishy is going on.


            • #51
              AP - WASHINGTON — The first U.S. death from swine flu has been confirmed — a 23-month-old child in Texas — amid increasing global anxiety over a health menace that authorities around the world are struggling to contain.


              But only in Mexico so far are there confirmed deaths, and scientists remain baffled as to why.
              Wait, what?

              And they're baffled? A high school who took a world geography course knows that living and economic conditions in Mexico make the ideal situation for a disease such as swine flu to spread and kill people. I think if this had started in China you would be seeing similar if not more dramatic results. The classic conditions for something to spread is cramped conditions, which often make it easier to spread and lead to poor hygiene.

              It is a bit odd the most heavily effected people are of Mexican origin and it seems to spread easier, but could that be explained by a genetic adaptation to the virus so i t would allow it to sruvive easier by exploiting a common weakness in it's enviroment? It's also hard to comment without knowing what the enviroment was like for the child who died; obviously they came in contact with an infected person, but without a timeline it's hard to pen it being related to race, age (my bet), lack of health care (also possible), or a combination of the three.

              Of course what do I know, I don't have any formal education in infectious disease and it's spread

              On a more political note yeah, some of this stuff is starting to concern me, less tin foil conspiracy type, but more because it is blatantly obvious what some of these plans seem to be trying to sell. The national panic they are trying to incite is also rather concerning; note unnamed scientists claiming to be baffled as to why all (?) the deaths are in Mexico when it is something that a viable theory as to why is easy to explain.


              • #52
                I'm sick too Bill, I have the "Spank Flu", haven't been able to shake it since
                about 11 years old.
                Not helping the situation since 1965!


                • #53
                  All the deaths in Mexico can be attributed to their health care system, or lack thereof.
                  Sick people are being turned away. They will go home and infect the rest of their family and anyone else they come in contact with.
                  Why are they being turned away? They should be quarantined and given proper medical care until the virus passes.


                  • #54
                    RJohnstone - I've got my hat out too!
                    7 confirmed deaths
                    Enjoying a rum and coke, just didn't have any coke...


                    • #55
                      By the way, I have been told that the family of the single deceased in America at this point is indeed a Mexican - family came from Mexico to Brownsville, then the child was flown from Brownsville to Houston where unfortunately, he did not make it.

                      This is not to be down on Mexicans, just to state the confirmed "american" death was actually not even contracted in America it seems, nor a citizen of.

                      Last edited by 442w30; 04-29-2009, 03:21 PM.
                      When you take a shower in space, you have to press the water onto your body to clean yourself, and then you gotta vacuum it off. - Ace Frehley


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by atomic charvel guy View Post
                        I'm sick too Bill, I have the "Spank Flu", haven't been able to shake it since about 11 years old.
                        Or perhaps its causing you to "shake it" too much?
                        Blank yo!


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by rjohnstone View Post
                          All the deaths in Mexico can be attributed to their health care system, or lack thereof.
                          Sick people are being turned away. They will go home and infect the rest of their family and anyone else they come in contact with.
                          Why are they being turned away? They should be quarantined and given proper medical care until the virus passes.
                          What America will do, we'll go down there because idiot economists and politicians believe Mexico has some kind of potential global value.
                          We'll help repair their health care system and help stimulate the economy.

                          I don't have that patience to tolerate on going stupidity.
                          The people in Mexico that's been treated and recovering fine,
                          as well as the one that aren't sick with it,
                          lets give them a fair opportunity to leave the area.
                          Then nuke that area in Mexico and lets move on.

                          Close the borders and do a suit case nuke and lets move on.
                          Its not that hard to solve.
                          May not be the proper or right way among many but it most certainly would stop and clean up the mess in one shot.

                          Do you realize how long this will linger on?
                          8 months to a year from now if not longer will be spending millions of dollars to contain it and will still be reporting about it.
                          Because they won't take the right action to resolve it.

                          Sorry, don't mean to offend or upset anyone.
                          I try to love, get along and be decent to everybody but this will be a complete escapade of stupidity for a very long time.
                          I'm not up for it, but that's just me and I call it how I see it.
                          Peace, Love and Happieness and all that stuff...

                          "Anyone who tries to fling crap my way better have a really good crap flinger."

                          I personally do not care how it was built as long as it is a good playing/sounding instrument.

                          Yes, there's a bee in the pudding.


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by Jason1212 View Post
                            I told my wife as a joke the other day that they are doing this to seal the border and justify the fence between the US and Mexico.
                            I thought keeping illegal invaders out of our country was justification enough for the fence and wall.
                            Be without fear in the face of your enemies. Be brave and upright, that God may love thee. Speak the truth always, even if it leads to your death. Safeguard the helpless and do no wrong.


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by horns666 View Post

                              People are masochists by nature..why is this??

                              Dunno, beats me.
                              So I woke up,rolled over and who was lying next to me? Only Bonnie Langford!

                              I nearly broke her back


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by SEEGERMANY View Post
                                Bill, I knew two women (they were best friends) back in the very early 1980s that if they didn't have a date, they'd go rent horror movies and watch that shit till they were afraid to get up off the couch.

                                One of these chicks called me at work on a Thursday and said they were going to have pizza and beer Friday night and wanted to know if I would come over and watch horror flicks with them. I kid you not, these two gals got so fucking scared, so aroused, so worked up, none of the three of us got off the couch!
                                I'm sure I've seen this scenario in a porno (if I haven't, it's going to be my next project, after my "Bill gets Bull-dyked" project)
                                I hope you put the willies up them too.
                                So I woke up,rolled over and who was lying next to me? Only Bonnie Langford!

                                I nearly broke her back

