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NBA playoffs

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  • NBA playoffs

    Fukk You!!! Do not reply to this thread. In fact , I want it deleted. Basketball sucks more than ever now. The good days ended when the Knicks-Bulls rivalry came to an end. That was good basketball cuz it was like watching boxing or hockey-lol
    right around 1999-2000 is when Basketball lost any luster it may have had.
    Not helping the situation since 1965!

  • #2
    Basketball has always sucked. It's good to see you've accepted the truth.

    1. Hockey

    2. Baseball

    3. Football

    4. Basketball


    • #3
      Its good to see the Denver Nuggets finally getting there act together and reaching their potential. It's been a long time coming.


      • #4
        Hey,I'm just glad the Lakers sucked............Kobe is a punk.
        Straightjacket Memories.Sedative Highs...........


        • #5
          I like the NBA...liked it better back when the Motor City Bad Boys won back to back championships and before the Jordan rules came to life


          • #6
            I've been enjoying it this year. There's actually been some competition rather than just one team spanking another. I haven't kept up with all games, but has anyone actually swept a series this year?

            ps. you American basketball fans should count yourselves lucky - our domestic league is currently being revamped but due to poor planning or mismanagement, a number of clubs have decided they won't be taking part until things are properly setup. So we may have a national competition for 09/10 without teams from the 3 largest cities in the country. It's gonna be like watching the Pro football teams on Leatherheads.

            This is at a time when basketball should be getting some serious GOOD attention in this country with Patrick Mills declaring for the NBA draft.
            Hail yesterday


            • #7
              Originally posted by VitaminG View Post
              I've been enjoying it this year. There's actually been some competition rather than just one team spanking another. I haven't kept up with all games, but has anyone actually swept a series this year?
              Gary, I believe Cleveland (Cavaliers) are sweeping the playoffs so far. I predict they will win it all. The Fakers are not gonna last; I already predicted long ago that Bynum will be non-effective in the playoffs. My predicting skills are perfect so far!
              "Quiet, numbskulls, I'm broadcasting!" -Moe Howard, "Micro-Phonies" (1945)


              • #8
                My biggest issue with the NBA is it isn't a sport anymore... it's entertainment. Sadly even the NCAA Men's is starting to lean that way as well. But all I can watch is maybe 5 minutes of NBA, occasionally maybe a 76ers game until something comes on.


                • #9
                  I don't really like watching basketball that much, but I am watching the playoffs this year (as well as last year) because the Celtics are pretty good again. I realized not that long ago that I am now a fair weather fan of them, and only watch them purely for nostalgic reasons. the last time I was truly into the Celtics, was my mid teen years (mid 80's) when Bird, Mchale, and Parish ruled the parquet floor of the Gahden. those times are long past and will never return, but I still harbor a faith to the C's (when they are doing well) out of my nostalgia for an era gone by.

                  Ya gotta admit though out of most of the main stream pro sports out there, basketball players do appear to be the most well conditioned athletes. Sure the other sports have their players that are incredible athletes, but on the whole, the percentage of the players in the NBA that are in incredible condition far exceeds the percentage of players for any other given sport.
                  I live on the edge of danger facing life and death every single day.....then I leave her at home and go disarm bombs.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by bombtek View Post
                    Ya gotta admit though out of most of the main stream pro sports out there, basketball players do appear to be the most well conditioned athletes. Sure the other sports have their players that are incredible athletes, but on the whole, the percentage of the players in the NBA that are in incredible condition far exceeds the percentage of players for any other given sport.
                    I wish that could be said about their IQ's.... as soon as the new century came, suddenly the players started to seriously lack something in their brain department
                    "There is nothing more fearful than imagination without taste" - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

                    "To be stupid, selfish and have good health are three requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, all is lost" - Gustave Flaubert


                    • #11
                      I don't know if you can say a non-contact sport has people in the best shape of any sport. If you could run up and slam into the ball carrier I would then say you may have a point, but I bet the average pro lacrosse player is in better shape than the average NBA player.
                      GTWGITS! - RacerX


                      • #12
                        Hockey and soccer players are by far the most well-conditioned. Basketball players are up there though.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Spivonious View Post
                          Hockey and soccer players are by far the most well-conditioned. Basketball players are up there though.
                          Socer, I'll give that one to you, but hockey....nope, not a chance. Don't get me wrong, they are in great physical condition, but the average NBA player is in superior condition than the average NHL player. We can and would if I were in an argumentative mood, argue this point till the cows came home, but my opinion would not change.
                          Back to soccer. Those guys run fuckin nonstop for the entire fukkin game....FUCK THAT!!! I'd be a goaltender in that sport Oh, I did happen to say that this was about the mainstream sports in the USA. Therefore, soccer is out of the equation .
                          I live on the edge of danger facing life and death every single day.....then I leave her at home and go disarm bombs.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by bombtek View Post
                            Socer, I'll give that one to you, but hockey....nope, not a chance. Don't get me wrong, they are in great physical condition, but the average NBA player is in superior condition than the average NHL player. We can and would if I were in an argumentative mood, argue this point till the cows came home, but my opinion would not change.
                            Back to soccer. Those guys run fuckin nonstop for the entire fukkin game....FUCK THAT!!! I'd be a goaltender in that sport Oh, I did happen to say that this was about the mainstream sports in the USA. Therefore, soccer is out of the equation .
                            You are incorrect, NHL players are the best conditioned athletes of any sport in the world. Based on my experience and I played basketball, baseball, football and hockey. If your not spent at 45-60 seconds of a shift in hockey...your not trying. Basketball is close but you are not going balls out all of the time. They do have good endurance levels and strength battling but but they're not pushing it hard continuously. Also baskletball isn't really a non-contact sport Soccer, I...never player because well...I'm not a pussy:ROTF:


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Shawn Lutz View Post
                              You are incorrect, NHL players are the best conditioned athletes of any sport in the world. Based on my experience and I played basketball, baseball, football and hockey. If your not spent at 45-60 seconds of a shift in hockey...your not trying. Basketball is close but you are not going balls out all of the time. They do have good endurance levels and strength battling but but they're not pushing it hard continuously. Also baskletball isn't really a non-contact sport Soccer, I...never player because well...I'm not a pussy:ROTF:
                              Yeah I played them all myself until about age 28 Shawn and so like you stated "based on my experience" you are the one that is wrong.....sorry to say it but you are.

                              In truth this would be a my opinion vs. your opinion. I highly doubt that you have the body fat %, the heart rate (resting and fully active), the flexibility testing, the strength testing...y'know all of the pertinent stats of each player from both leagues to get a mean average for each leagues' athletes absolute physical conditioning. Cuz I know I don't

                              And like I said before I am not really in an argumentative mood at all so I will just agree to disagree on this one.
                              Last edited by bombtek; 05-12-2009, 04:52 PM.
                              I live on the edge of danger facing life and death every single day.....then I leave her at home and go disarm bombs.

